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  1. Tackling land’s ‘stubborn materiality’: the interplay of imaginaries, data and digital technologies within farmland assetization.Sarah Ruth Sippel - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):849-863.
    The nature of farming is – still – an essentially biological, and thus volatile, system, which poses substantial challenges to its integration into financialized capitalism. Financial investors often seek stability and predictability of returns that are hardly compatible with agriculture – but which are increasingly seen as achievable through data and digital farming technologies. This paper investigates how farmland investment brokers engage with, perceive, and produce farming data for their investors within a co-constructive process. Tackling land’s ‘stubborn materiality’ for investment, (...)
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  • ‘Real-time’ air quality channels: A technology review of emerging environmental alert systems.Kayla Schulte - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Poor air quality is a pressing global challenge contributing to adverse health impacts around the world. In the past decade, there has been a rapid proliferation of air quality information delivered via sensors, apps, websites or other media channels in near real-time and at increasingly localized geographic scales. This paper explores the growing emphasis on self-monitoring and digital platforms to supply informational interventions for reducing pollution exposures and improving health outcomes at the individual level. It presents a technological case study (...)
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  • Reforesting Native America with Drones: Rooting Carbon with Arborescent Governmentality and Decolonial Geoengineering.Adam Fish - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):157-177.
    The Confederated Colville Tribes collaborated with DroneSeed, a forestry drone start-up, to use drones to replant their tribal forest after a devastating fire. Using concepts from Bernard Stiegler to interrogate ethnographic data, this article argues that forestry drones are pharmaka: their biopolitics can be therapeutic, that is, negentropic, capable of reversing ecological simplification. Drone forestry is a type of arborescent governmentality, a tree-based computer-coded attempt to control the growth of a forest. For the Colville, this negentropy is also an act (...)
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