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La condition historique

Gallimard Education (2005)

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  1. La religion dans l’espace public post-séculier, une confrontation critique des perspectives de Habermas et de Gauchet.Antoon Braeckman - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):53-72.
    RÉSUMÉ : Dans sa lecture du rôle de la religion dans l’espace public, Habermas fait abstraction du pouvoir de la religion d’instituer symboliquement les communautés. Gauchet part d’une vision de la religion dans laquelle cette dimension est centrale. Je considère toutefois que Gauchet sous-estime également la mesure dans laquelle la religion a conservé ce pouvoir au sein de la société post-séculière. ABSTRACT: This article seeks to demonstrate that in his reading of the role of religion in the public realm, Habermas (...)
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  • Habermas and gauchet on religion in postsecular society. A critical assessment.Antoon Braeckman - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (3):279-296.
    This article seeks to demonstrate that in his recent reading of the role of religion in the postsecular public realm, Habermas overlooks a most fundamental dimension of religion: its power to symbolically institute communities. For his part, Gauchet starts from a vision of religion in which this fundamental dimension is central. In his evaluation of the role of religion in postsecular society, he therefore arrives at results which are very different from those of Habermas. However, I believe that Gauchet too (...)
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  • The Politics of Claude Lefort's Political: Between Liberalism and Radical Democracy.James D. Ingram - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 87 (1):33-50.
    Claude Lefort's rethinking of ‘the political’ has been highly fruitful for political theory, yet its politics remain unclear. It has inspired transformative, radical-democratic projects, but has also served as a basis for more liberal conceptions. This article explores the sources and implications of this ambiguity by setting Lefort's work against the backdrop of the anti-totalitarian moment in French political thought and the trajectories of two of his students, Miguel Abensour and Marcel Gauchet. It emerges that although Lefort's democratic theory cannot (...)
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  • Le temps de l'hospitalité.Luc Vigneault, Blanca Navarro Pardiñas, Sophie Cloutier & Dominic Desroches - 2015 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    La catégorie de l'hospitalité ne constitue pas une nouvelle perspective de l'éthique contemporaine; c'est plutôt l'une des plus vieilles notions éthiques que l'histoire de l'humanité nous ait données.Conscient de cette particularité, le philosophe espagnol Daniel Innerarity propose un repositionnement anthropologique de l'hospitalité qui ébranle sérieusement les assises théoriques des perspectives classiques de l'identité, de la subjectivité, de la conscience de l'espace et, particulièrement, du temps. Daniel Innerarity repose la question de l'hospitalité dans une époque déboussolée qui est la nôtre. Il (...)
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  • De l’éthique de l’hospitalité à la capacité démocratique.Geneviève Souillac - 2015 - In Luc Vigneault, Blanca Navarro Pardiñas, Sophie Cloutier & Dominic Desroches (eds.), Le temps de l'hospitalité. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval. pp. 147-160.
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  • Revising Foucault's Model of Modernity and Exclusion: Gauchet and Swain On Madness and Democracy.Wim Weymans - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 98 (1):33-51.
    This article reveals how Marcel Gauchet and his late wife Gladys Swain revise Foucault's history of madness and modernity by arguing that the history of modern civilization represents a recognition of the mad, rather than their exclusion. Turning to the French Revolution, the article then examines the relationship between disciplinary practices and a wider democratic context. It shows that while Foucault reduces democratic societies to proto totalitarian practices, Gauchet and Swain give a broader and more historically complex account of asylums (...)
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  • Autonomy and modern liberal democracy: From Castoriadis to Gauchet.Natalie J. Doyle - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):331-347.
    Marcel Gauchet’s recently published theory of democracy sheds light on the way his understanding of modernity emerged from Castoriadis’s notion of autonomy but also deepened it by contextualizing it within a discussion of modern historicity. Modern autonomy means re-shaping the world through a new, transformative, form of power that draws on humanity’s capacity for imaginary creation. Gauchet’s theory of modernity, however, rejects the possibility of radical historical creation. Faithful to the teachings of structuralism, it explores the structural conditions behind the (...)
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