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  1. As relações entre David Hume e o Utilitarismo/Relations between David Hume and Utilitarianism.Gabriel Bertin de Almeida - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (1).
    O objetivo do presente artigo é discutir os vínculos existentes entre a teoria humeana e o Utilitarismo. Nesse contexto, mencionando a divergência existente entre os comentadores de Hume a respeito de seu lugar diante do Utilitarismo, conclui-se que, embora o caráter descritivo de fato predomine na teoria humeana, ela não é inteiramente desprovida de pretensão prescritiva. Será ainda necessário discutir em que consiste essa pretensão, isto é, o que ela busca prescrever.
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  • Years of moral epistemology: A bibliography.Laura Donohue & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (S1):217-229.
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  • Reflections upon the responsive approach to corporate social responsibility.Jan Tullberg - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (3):261–276.
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  • Moral sentiments and reciprocal obligations: The case for pension fund investment in community development.Gordon L. Clark - 2000 - Ethics, Place and Environment 3 (1):7 – 24.
    Squeezed between increasing entitlement expenditures and static or declining real revenues, state-funded urban development is increasingly perceived as an unaffordable luxury. At the same time, the power and significance of the banking sector is giving way to new kinds of financial institutions that have little or no interest in community development. Not surprisingly, it is often argued that pension funds ought to be more sensitive to community needs. However, some analysts argue that pension funds are properly only the agents of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Stakeholder’s Preference and Rational Compliance: A Comment on Sacconi’s “CSR as a Model for Extended Corporate Governance II: Compliance, Reputation and Reciprocity”.Pedro Francés-Gómez & Ariel del Rio - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):59-76.
    Lorenzo Sacconi's recent re-statement of his social contract account of business ethics is a major contribution to our understanding of the normative nature of CSR as the expression of a fair multi-party agreement supported by the economic rationality of each participant. However, at one crucial point in his theory, Sacconi introduces the concept of stakeholders' conformist preferences - their disposition to punish the firm if it defects from the agreement, refusing to abide by its own explicit CSR policies and norms. (...)
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  • Social Contract: The Only Game in Town.Jan Narveson - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (4):695-711.
    David Gauthier a dit un jour que le contrat social constitue la seule option permettant de parvenir à une morale rationnelle. Je soutiens qu’il a raison. La morale se compose de règles notionnelles visant tout le monde, partout. Seuls les individus sont rationnels, et ils ont des intérêts divers. Le contrat social propose des principes auxquels chacun, compte tenu de sa situation sociale et environnementale, consent bien qu’ils limitent les activités par lesquelles chacun poursuit ses buts. Il n’existe aucun autre (...)
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  • Collective Rationality and Simple Utilitarian Theories.Michael J. Almeida - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (3):363-.
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