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  1. A New Defense of Brain Death as the Death of the Human Organism.Andrew McGee, Dale Gardiner & Melanie Jansen - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):434-452.
    This paper provides a new rationale for equating brain death with the death of the human organism, in light of well-known criticisms made by Alan D Shewmon, Franklin Miller and Robert Truog and a number of other writers. We claim that these criticisms can be answered, but only if we accept that we have slightly redefined the concept of death when equating brain death with death simpliciter. Accordingly, much of the paper defends the legitimacy of redefining death against objections, before (...)
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  • The Whole-Brain Concept of Death Remains Optimum Public Policy.James L. Bernat - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (1):35-43.
    “Brain death,” the determination of human death by showing the irreversible loss of all clinical functions of the brain, has become a worldwide practice. A biophilosophical account of brain death requires four sequential tasks: agreeing on the paradigm of death, a set of preconditions that frame the discussion; determining the definition of death by making explicit the consensual concept of death; determining the criterion of death that proves the definition has been fulfilled by being both necessary and sufficient for death; (...)
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  • Whither Brain Death?James L. Bernat - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (8):3-8.
    The publicity surrounding the recent McMath and Muñoz cases has rekindled public interest in brain death: the familiar term for human death determination by showing the irreversible cessation of clinical brain functions. The concept of brain death was developed decades ago to permit withdrawal of therapy in hopeless cases and to permit organ donation. It has become widely established medical practice, and laws permit it in all U.S. jurisdictions. Brain death has a biophilosophical justification as a standard for determining human (...)
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  • The Brain Death Criterion in Light of Value-Based Disagreement Versus Biomedical Uncertainty.Ivar R. Hannikainen, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho & Daniel Martin - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):123-126.
    Since the introduction of a new criterion for determining death (i.e., the brain death criterion) in 1968, the research community has been embroiled in debates about whether this criterion should b...
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  • Consent, Consultation, or Authorization Is Required for DNC Testing in the UK.Mary Donnelly & Barry Lyons - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):126-128.
    In her interesting paper on cross-jurisdictional legal approaches to brain death, Ariane Lewis considers whether informed consent is required for DNC testing in the UK, and proposes that it is not...
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  • Nursing practice and the definition of human death.Steven D. Edwards & Kevin Forbes - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (4):229-235.
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  • Natural Right to Grow and Die in the Form of Wholeness: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Ontological Status of Brain-dead Children.Masahiro Morioka - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (3):103-116.
    In this paper, I would like to argue that brain-dead small children have a natural right not to be invaded by other people even if their organs can save the lives of other suffering patients. My basic idea is that growing human beings have the right to grow in the form of wholeness, and dying human beings also have the right to die in the form of wholeness; in other words, they have the right to be protected from outside invasion, (...)
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  • Law & Bioethics: From Values to Violence.Susan M. Wolf - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):293-306.
    Debate over the relationship of law and bioethics is growing - what the relationship has been and what it should be in the future. While George Annas has praised law and rights-talk for creating modern bioethics, Carl Schneider has instead blamed law for hijacking bioethics and stunting moral reflection. Indeed, as modern bioethics approaches the 40-year mark, historians of bioethics are presenting divergent accounts. In one account, typified by Albert Jonsen, bioethics largely grew out of philosophy and theology, not law. (...)
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  • A Narrative Approach to the Clinical Reasoning Process in Pediatric Intensive Care: The Story of Matthew.Michele A. Carter & Sally S. Robinson - 2001 - Journal of Medical Humanities 22 (3):173-194.
    This paper offers a narrative approach to understanding the process of clinical reasoning in complex cases involving medical uncertainty, moral ambiguity, and futility. We describe a clinical encounter in which the pediatric health care team experienced a great deal of conflict and distrust as a result of an ineffective process of interpretation and communication. We propose a systematic method for analyzing the technical, ethical, behavioral, and existential dimensions of the clinical reasoning process, and introduce the Clinical Reasoning Discussion Tool—a dialogical (...)
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  • Enacting death: contested practices in the organ donation clinic.Hans Hadders & Anne Hambro Alnaes - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (3):245-255.
    Based on the fieldwork at two Norwegian Intensive Care Units, we wish to discuss the sometimes inconsistent manner in which death is handled, determined and made real by nurses and other healthcare personnel in high‐tech hospital situations. These discrepancies draw our attention towards different ways of attending to the dying and dead and views about appropriate or inappropriate codes of professional behaviour. As we will argue below, the analytical tools developed by Annemarie Mol are useful for sharpening our understanding of (...)
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  • Enacting death: contested practices in the organ donation clinic.Hans Hadders & Anne Hambro Alnæs - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (3):245-255.
    Based on the fieldwork at two Norwegian Intensive Care Units, we wish to discuss the sometimes inconsistent manner in which death is handled, determined and made real by nurses and other healthcare personnel in high‐tech hospital situations. These discrepancies draw our attention towards different ways of attending to the dying and dead and views about appropriate or inappropriate codes of professional behaviour. As we will argue below, the analytical tools developed by Annemarie Mol are useful for sharpening our understanding of (...)
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  • Natural Right to Grow and Die in the Form of Wholeness: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Ontological Status of Brain-dead Children.Naoshi Yamawaki - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (3):103-116.
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  • Ni vivo ni muerto, sino todo lo contrario. Reflexiones sobre la muerte cerebral.David Rodríguez-Arias - 2013 - Arbor 189 (763):a067.
    Determinar el momento exacto en que tiene lugar la muerte siempre ha sido un problema de difícil resolución. Las propuestas tradicionales y contemporáneas para justificar los criterios legales de determinación de la muerte se han visto condicionadas por intereses sociales —en particular, recientemente, relativos a los trasplantes de órganos—. Los criterios legalmente aceptados para declarar la muerte siguen careciendo de soporte conceptual o científico. En este contexto de ausencia de consenso sobre la demarcación exacta de la frontera entre la vida (...)
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  • In defense of the reverence of all life: Heideggerean dissolution of the ethical challenges of organ donation after circulatory determination of death. [REVIEW]D. J. Isch - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (4):441-459.
    During the past 50 years since the first successful organ transplant, waiting lists of potential organ recipients have expanded exponentially as supply and demand have been on a collision course. The recovery of organs from patients with circulatory determination of death is one of several effective alternative approaches recommended to reduce the supply-and-demand gap. However, renewed debate ensues regarding the ethical management of the overarching risks, pressures, challenges and conflicts of interest inherent in organ retrieval after circulatory determination of death. (...)
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