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The Community of Rights

Philosophical Quarterly 49 (195):250-252 (1999)

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  1. Rethinking Care Theory: The Practice of Caring and the Obligation to Care.Daniel Engster - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):50-74.
    Care theorists have made significant gains over the past twenty-five years in establishing caring as a viable moral and political concept. Nonetheless, the concept of caring remains underdeveloped as a basis for a moral and political philosophy, and there is no fully developed account of our moral obligation to care. This article advances thinking about caring by developing a definition of caring and a theory of obligation to care sufficient to ground a general moral and political philosophy.
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  • Academic freedom of students.Liz Jackson - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1108-1115.
    Academic freedom is often regarded as an absolute value of higher education institutions. Traditionally, its value is related to such topics as tenure, and the need for academic work to be free from undue political influence and other pressures that can challenge time-consuming research processes. However, when an analysis of student freedom begins with arguments about free research and free speech, undergirded as they generally are by liberal political philosophy, other considerations, related to broader views of freedom, can slip through (...)
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  • Ethics, Enlightened Self-Interest, and the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: A Critical Look at the Justificatory Foundations of the UN Framework.Wesley Cragg - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (1):9-36.
    ABSTRACT:Central to the United Nations Framework setting out the human rights responsibilities of corporations proposed by John Ruggie is the principle that corporations have a responsibility to respect human rights in their operations whether or not doing so is required by law and whether or not human rights laws are actively enforced. Ruggie proposes that corporations should respect this principle in their strategic management and day-to-day operations for reasons of corporate (enlightened) self-interest. This paper identifies this as a serious weakness (...)
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  • Respect for Persons in Bioethics: Towards a Human Rights-Based Account.Johan Brännmark - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (2):171-187.
    Human rights have increasingly been put forward as an important framework for bioethics. In this paper, it is argued that human rights offer a potentially fruitful approach to understanding the notion of Respect for Persons in bioethics. The idea that we are owed a certain kind of respect as persons is relatively common, but also quite often understood in terms of respecting people’s autonomous choices. Such accounts do however risk being too narrow, reducing some human beings to a second-class moral (...)
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  • Why Early Confucianism Cannot Generate Democracy.David Elstein - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (4):427-443.
    A central issue in Chinese philosophy today is the relationship between Confucianism and democracy. While some political figures have argued that Confucian values justify non-democratic forms of government, many scholars have argued that Confucianism can provide justification for democracy, though this Confucian democracy will differ substantially from liberal democracy. These scholars believe it is important for Chinese culture to develop its own conception of democracy using Confucian values, drawn mainly from Kongzi (Confucius) and Mengzi (Mencius), as the basis. This essay (...)
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  • The moral foundation of employee rights.John R. Rowan - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (4):355 - 361.
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  • The Duty to Disclose Adverse Clinical Trial Results.S. Matthew Liao, Mark Sheehan & Steve Clarke - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):24-32.
    Participants in some clinical trials are at risk of being harmed and sometimes are seriously harmed as a result of not being provided with available, relevant risk information. We argue that this situation is unacceptable and that there is a moral duty to disclose all adverse clinical trial results to participants in clinical trials. This duty is grounded in the human right not to be placed at risk of harm without informed consent. We consider objections to disclosure grounded in considerations (...)
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  • Health (care) and human rights: a fundamental conditions approach.S. Matthew Liao - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (4):259-274.
    Many international declarations state that human beings have a human right to health care. However, is there a human right to health care? What grounds this right, and who has the corresponding duties to promote this right? Elsewhere, I have argued that human beings have human rights to the fundamental conditions for pursuing a good life. Drawing on this fundamental conditions approach of human rights, I offer a novel way of grounding a human right to health care.
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  • The Public Interest, Public Goods, and Third-Party Access to UK Biobank.B. Capps - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (3):240-251.
    In 2007, the Ethics and Governance Council of the UK Biobank commissioned a Report on ‘Concepts of Public Good and Pubic Interest in Access Policies’. This study considered the Biobank’s role as a ‘public good’ in respect to supporting and promoting health throughout society. However, the conditions under which access by third parties to UK Biobank are justified in the public interest have not been well considered. In this article, I propose to analyse the conditions that should allow such access. (...)
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  • Human dignity and human tissue: a meaningful ethical relationship?D. G. Kirchhoffer & K. Dierickx - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):552-556.
    Human dignity has long been used as a foundational principle in policy documents and ethical guidelines intended to govern various forms of biomedical research. Despite the vast amount of literature concerning human dignity and embryonic tissues, the majority of biomedical research uses non-embryonic human tissue. Therefore, this contribution addresses a notable lacuna in the literature: the relationship, if any, between human dignity and human tissue. This paper first elaborates a multidimensional understanding of human dignity that overcomes many of the shortcomings (...)
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  • Assessing contemporary legislative proposals for their compatibility with a natural law case for AI legal personhood.Joshua Jowitt - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The question of the moral status of AI and the extent to which that status ought to be recognised by societal institutions is one that has not yet received a satisfactory answer from lawyers. This paper seeks to provide a solution to the problem by defending a moral foundation for the recognition of legal personhood for AI, requiring the status to be granted should a threshold criterion be reached. The threshold proposed will be bare, noumenal agency in the Kantian sense. (...)
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  • Patients as Rights Holders.Johan Brännmark - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (4):32-39.
    Autonomy and consent have been central values in Western moral and political thought for centuries. One way of understanding the bioethical models that started to develop, especially in the 1970s, is that they were about the fusion of a long-standing professional ethics with the core values underpinning modern political institutions. That there was a need for this kind of fusion is difficult to dispute, especially since the provision of health care has in most developed countries become an ever more important (...)
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  • Must we choose our leaders? Human rights and political participation in china.Stephen C. Angle - 2005 - Journal of Global Ethics 1 (2):177 – 196.
    The essay begins from Alan Gewirth's influential account of human rights, and specifically with his argument that the human right to political participation can only be fulfilled by competitive, liberal democracy. I show that his argument rests on empirical, rather than conceptual grounds, which opens the possibility that in China, alternative forms of participation may be legitimate or even superior. An examination of the theory and contemporary practice of 'democratic centralism' shows that while it does not now adequately support the (...)
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  • Defining the Boundaries of a Right to Adequate Protection: A New Lens on Pediatric Research Ethics.David DeGrazia, Michelle Groman & Lisa M. Lee - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (2):132-153.
    We argue that the current ethical and regulatory framework for permissible risk levels in pediatric research can be helpfully understood in terms of children’s moral right to adequate protection from harm. Our analysis provides a rationale for what we propose as the highest level of permissible risk in pediatric research without the prospect of direct benefit: what we call “relatively minor” risk. We clarify the justification behind the usual standards of “minimal risk” and “a minor increase over minimal risk” and (...)
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  • Positive rights and the cosmopolitan community: A rights-centered foundation for global ethics.Edward H. Spence - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (2):181 – 202.
    The recent transnational wave of destruction that was caused by the earthquake-induced tsunamis in South East Asia has raised the issue of global justice in terms of the rights of victims to expect aid relief and the moral responsibility of the rest of the world to provide it. In this paper I will discuss the issue of global ethics in terms of positive rights that people have to assistance from others when they cannot provide such assistance themselves. The main object (...)
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  • If You Can Understand This Essay, Then You Have Moral Rights and Moral Duties.Alan White - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):161-174.
    Alan Gewirth’s work on moral and political philosophy attracted a great deal of attention between 1978 and 2000, but has received very little attention since then. This essay aims to revive interest in Gewirth’s work by providing a more direct and straightforward version of his core argument for objective moral rights and duties and clarifying how a Gewirthian moral and political theory can proceed beyond the conclusion of the core argument.
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  • Gewirthian Prudence, Generic Agency, and Moral Rights.Per Bauhn - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):1-11.
    Much critical attention has been given to Alan Gewirth’s argument concerning agents’ move from prudential to moral right-claims. Less ink has been spilled on the question of why prudent agents should claim rights to goods needed by agents in general rather than to goods needed for the realization of their individual and particular purposes. In this paper, I intend to show that Gewirth’s concept of prudence makes it necessary for agents to identify with the role of a generic agent and (...)
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  • Information ethics as a guide for new media.Edward H. Spence & Aaron Quinn - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (4):264 – 279.
    Good journalism is based—and to some extent thrives—on a diversity of perspectives from those who supply information and informed opinions to the public. New media journalism is a contemporary newsgathering and disseminating method with enormous communication potential because it is an online forum that can connect a great number of diverse contributors and audiences. Citizen journalism—performed on a global level through the Web—is a potential marvel because of its wide reach and range of diversity. This paper offers an examination and (...)
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  • Why we should care about poverty and inequality: exploring the grounds for a pluralist approach.Irene Bucelli - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (2):165-186.
    Policy debates surrounding poverty and inequality often focus on practical solutions and seldom explore the normative underpinning that would justify our concerns with these phenomena. Why should we care about poverty, or about inequality? From a philosophical standpoint, can we separate the two, such that it is possible to be deeply concerned about poverty but unconcerned about inequalities? Do our reasons for caring about one contrast with our reasons for caring about the other? While there is a growing empirical literature (...)
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  • Setting a Research Agenda on the Bioethics of Loneliness and Public Health.Zohar Lederman - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (3):203-206.
    This paper argue that loneliness is a public health ethics issue and maps a research agenda for bioethicists.
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  • Ulysses Arrangements in Psychiatric Treatment: Towards Proposals for Their Use Based on ‘Sharing’ Legal Capacity.Phil Bielby - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (2):114-142.
    A ‘Ulysses arrangement’ (UA) is an agreement where a patient may arrange for psychiatric treatment or non-treatment to occur at a later stage when she expects to change her mind. In this article, I focus on ‘competence-insensitive’ UAs, which raise the question of the permissibility of overriding the patient’s subsequent decisionally competent change of mind on the authority of the patient’s own prior agreement. In “The Ethical Justification for Ulysses Arrangements”, I consider sceptical and supportive arguments concerning competence-insensitive UAs, and (...)
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  • Cosmopolitan Globalism and Human Community.Jeff Noonan - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (4):697-712.
    ABSTRACTThis article argues that the normative foundations and political implications of David Held's cosmopolitan social democracy are insufficient as solutions to the moral and social problems he criticizes. The article develops a life-grounded alternative critique of globalization that roots our ethical duties towards each other in consciousness of our shared needs and capabilities. These ethical duties are best realized in political projects aimed at fundamental long-term transformations in the principles that govern major socio-economic institutions.
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  • The Foundations of Capability Theory: Comparing Nussbaum and Gewirth. [REVIEW]Rutger Claassen & Marcus Düwell - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (3):493-510.
    This paper is written from a perspective that is sympathetic to the basic idea of the capability approach. Our aim is to compare Martha Nussbaum’s capability theory of justice with Alan Gewirth’s moral theory, on two points: the selection and the justification of a list of central capabilities. On both counts, we contend that Nussbaum’s theory suffers from flaws that Gewirth’s theory may help to remedy. First, we argue that her notion of a (dignified) human life cannot fulfill the role (...)
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  • (1 other version)Moral Interests, Privacy, and Medical Research.Deryck Beyleveld & Shaun D. Pattinson - 2008 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), International Public Health Policy & Ethics. Dordrecht. pp. 45--57.
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  • Do We Need Unicorns When We Have Law?Rory O'connell - 2005 - Ratio Juris 18 (4):484-503.
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  • Justificación de los derechos humanos: una mirada desde la metaética y la posibilidad de un enfoque no cognitivista.María Fernanda Flores - 2020 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 73:55-65.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo una revisión del concepto de agencia en dos propuestas actuales de fundamentación de los derechos humanos, con el fin de mostrar las falencias de la concepción naturalista y sentar las bases para una fundamentación alternativa, desde un enfoque no cognitivista. Para ello consideramos que es preciso determinar en qué medida el concepto de agente retoma la idea naturalista de la atribución de derechos en virtud de los rasgos propiamente humanos. Nuestra hipótesis (...)
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  • Working for a better world.Mathew Forstater - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (1):61-67.
    Taking the work of Amartya Sen as a point of departure, a case is made that there may be no single policy with as many potential benefits as a guaranteed job at a living wage–benefits package for every person ready and willing to work. The case is outlined in 4 arguments. Along the way, numerous social and economic costs of unemployment and underemployment and benefits of full employment are catalogued. Reference is also made to how the right to employment is (...)
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  • Baruch Brody and the principle of justifiable homicide.Timothy Furlan - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (5):329-361.
    In a series of papers in the early 1970s and in his important book _Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life_ (1975), Baruch Brody offered what remains to this day one of the most philosophically rigorous contributions to the debate concerning the morality of abortion and the ethics of homicide more generally. In this paper I would like to critically examine Brody’s argument that abortion is sometimes justifiable in some cases even when (1) one cannot claim self-defense, or (2) diminished (...)
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  • The Honor of Human Rights: Environmental Rights and the Duty of Intergenerational Promise.Richard P. Hiskes - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (4):463-478.
    The idea of human rights either as a moral system or as a set of legal practices does not sit well with the concept of honor. This is true for both ontological reasons and because of some reprehensible misuses of the term in constructs such as “honor killings.” Yet the absence of honor as an argument for human rights comes with a high cost in the defense of human rights generally. As Hobbes made clear in his early theory, rights—and dignity—are (...)
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  • Some Thoughts on Moriarty and Moeller.Michael Schwartz - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):25-38.
    In a recent paper in Business Ethics Quarterly Professor Jeffrey Moriarty (2005) asserted the relevance of political philosophy to business ethics. Moriarty asked whether "businesses ought to be run (more) like states" and argued why that might be beneficial. This paper on the contrary asserts that there are distinct disadvantages to businesses attempting to be run more like states. Specifically, it asserts that any such an attempt increases the likelihood of the re-emergence of a totalitarian society as businesses currently often (...)
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  • Information, knowledge and wisdom: groundwork for the normative evaluation of digital information and its relation to the good life. [REVIEW]Edward H. Spence - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (3):261-275.
    This paper provides a general philosophical groundwork for the theoretical and applied normative evaluation of information generally and digital information specifically in relation to the good life. The overall aim of the paper is to address the question of how Information Ethics and computer ethics more generally can be expanded to include more centrally the issue of how and to what extent information relates and contributes to the quality of life or the good life , for individuals and for society. (...)
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  • Challenges in the evaluation of nanoscale research: Ethical aspects. [REVIEW]Göran Hermerén - 2007 - NanoEthics 1 (3):223-237.
    The purpose of the present paper is: (1) to outline a conceptual framework useful for the analysis of ethical issues raised by goal-directed activities, (2) to apply this framework to nanoscale research, (3) identify some of the main challenges in the evaluation of such research, and (4) exemplify what is needed for a positive answer to the question “How can nanoscale research improve the quality of life?” A basic idea of the paper is that nanoscale research can improve the conditions (...)
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