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  1. Leadership, Ethics and Responsibility to the Other.David Knights & Majella O’Leary - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (2):125-137.
    Of recent time, there has been a proliferation of concerns with ethical leadership within corporate business not least because of the numerous scandals at Enron, Worldcom, Parmalat, and two major Irish banks – Allied Irish Bank (AIB) and National Irish Bank (NIB). These have not only threatened the position of many senior corporate managers but also the financial survival of some of the companies over which they preside. Some authors have attributed these scandals to the pre-eminence of a focus on (...)
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  • When Fairness is Not Enough: Impact of Corporate Ethical Values on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Worker Alienation.Dheeraj Sharma - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):57-68.
    Extant research indicates a positive and significant relationship between corporate ethical values and employees’ job performance. Furthermore, past studies have empirically demonstrated that perceived fairness moderates the influence of corporate ethical values on employee performance. In other words, high congruity between employees’ and an organization’s ethical values will result in superior employee performance outcome. This research aims to develop a broader perspective on the complex relationship between CEV and employee outcomes. The article will first examine the direct influence of CEV (...)
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  • Eight theories of societalization: Toward a theoretically sustainable concept of society.Volker H. Schmidt - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):411-430.
    This article critically engages a recent essay Jeffrey Alexander has published on ‘societalization’, whose conceptualization it finds problematic; first, because in contrast to the impression conveyed by the essay, the term itself is anything but new (as shown in a summary of six theories of societalization which precede Alexander’s by decades, in two cases, by more than a century), and, second, because the way Alexander employs the term is highly aporetic, while also being emblematic of much deeper problems that afflict (...)
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  • Reflexive Historical Sociology.Arpád Szakolczai - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (2):209-227.
    This paper attempts to reassess the standard sociological canon and sketch the outlines of a new approach by bringing together a series of thinkers whose works so far have remained disconnected. Introducing a distinction between classics and background figures who were crucial sources of inspiration, it shifts emphasis to the late, reflexive works of Durkheim and Weber. These are sources for two types of reflexive sociology: historical and anthropological. The main background figures of reflexive historical sociology are Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche (...)
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  • The Quest for Verticality: an Inquiry into the Infinite Nature of Self-Perfection.Prashant Kumar Singh - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (4):387-408.
    If there is one question that has perplexed the best minds in every society, it is how to raise the individuals from their present state to a higher state of existence and perfection? The answers have been tried using different formulations in history: religious, scientific and political. The common factor in all these historical formulations was that they were designed in opposition to each other and therefore left many things unaccounted. The aim of this paper is to explore the idea (...)
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  • Cross‐national assessment of the effects of income level, socialization process, and social conditions on employees’ ethics.Kristine Velasquez Tuliao, Chung-wen Chen & Ying-Jung Yeh - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (2):333-347.
    Employees often experience ethical dilemmas throughout their service in an organization. This study utilized a multilevel standpoint to address employees’ differences in ethical reasoning. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze responses from 40,485 full‐time employees across 54 countries. Drawing from Durkheim's concepts of the homo duplex, socialization process, and social conditions, this study found a positive relationship between employees’ income level and unethical reasoning. Furthermore, the results indicate that modern social regulation, technological advancement, economic development, and economic change moderate (...)
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  • The Volitionist's Manifesto.Michael R. Hyman & Catharine M. Curran - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (3):323 - 337.
    Many popular business strategies, such as re-engineering, core competency, and value engineering, may achieve short-term profits by antagonizing workers and alienating customers. We contend that self-actualized companies must create an ethical business environment grounded in three ethical principles. To suggest these principles, which characterize all "volitionist companies", we first review two typical problems and the questionable ways that some companies resolved them. Then, we discuss these principles and compare "volitionism" to three well- known normative ethical theories. Finally, we show that (...)
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  • Enquiry and ideology: Habermas' trichotomous conception of science.Tronn Overend - 1978 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 8 (1):1-13.
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  • Social Science as Reading and Performance: A Cultural-Sociological Understanding of Epistemology.Jeffrey Alexander & Isaac Reed - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (1):21-41.
    In the age of the `return to the empirical' in which the theoretical disputes of an earlier era seem to have fallen silent, we seek to excavate the intellectual conditions for reviving theoretical debate, for it is upon this recovery that deeper understanding of the nature and purpose of empirical social science depends. We argue against the all too frequent turn to ontology, whereby critical realists have sought an epistemological guarantor of sociological validity. We seek, to the contrary, to crystallize (...)
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  • Garfinkel's recovery of themes in classical sociology.Richard A. Hilbert - 1995 - Human Studies 18 (2-3):157 - 175.
    In order to derive functionalism from Durkheim and Weber, Parsons had to openly break with some twenty of their theoretical assertions. Express rejections of classical themes lie at the foundation of functionalist sociology. This very foundation is what came unglued by Garfinkel's empirical studies of Parsonian social dynamics. In correcting the inadequacies of functionalism, many of the themes rejected by Parsons have been inadvertently resurrected and developed by ethnomethodologists, albeit in altered form. This is not to say that Garfinkel and (...)
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  • Systemism, Social Laws, and the Limits of Social Theory: Themes Out of Mario Bunge’s.Slava Sadovnikov - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (4):536-587.
    The four sections of this article are reactions to a few interconnected problems that Mario Bunge addresses in his The Sociology-Philosophy Connection, which can be seen as a continuation and summary of his two recent major volumes Finding Philosophy in Social Science and Social Science under Debate: A Philosophical Perspective. Bunge’s contribution to the philosophy of the social sciences has been sufficiently acclaimed. (See in particular two special issues of this journal dedicated to his social philosophy: “Systems and Mechanisms. A (...)
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  • Durkheimian sociology and 20th-century politics: the case of Célestin Bouglé.Joshua M. Humphreys - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (3):117-138.
    This article revises received wisdom about the Durkheimian school of sociology and its relationship to Marxism by analyzing the work of Célestin Bouglé, one of the most influential and least examined sociologists of the Durkheimian tradition. Like other better-known Durkheimians of his generation such as Marcel Mauss and Maurice Halbwachs, Bouglé engaged Durkheimian sociology with Marxian and other German traditions of social thought. In the process he also paid an important debt to the French socialists that Marx and so many (...)
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  • Szasz and his interlocutors: Reconsidering Thomas Szasz's "myth of mental illness" thesis.Mark Cresswell - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (1):23–44.
    It is a matter of some irony that psychiatry's most trenchant critic for over four decades is himself a psychiatrist. I refer to Thomas S. Szasz. Szasz's core thesis may be succinctly rendered: mental illness is a “myth”, a “metaphor” which serves only to obscure the social and ethical “problems in living” we face as human beings. This paper reconsiders the conceptual bases of Szasz's assault on psychiatry and assesses recent counter-arguments of his critical interlocutors. It presents a defence of (...)
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  • Can food safety policy-making be both scientifically and democratically legitimated? If so, how?Erik Millstone - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (5):483-508.
    This paper provides an analysis of the evolution of thinking and talking about the role of scientific knowledge and expertise in food safety policy-making, and in risk policy-making more generally from the late 19th century to the present day. It highlights the defining characteristics of several models that have been used to represent and interpret the relations between policy-makers and expert scientific advisors and between scientific and political considerations. Both conceptual and empirical strengths and weaknesses of those models are identified, (...)
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  • The city: Rationalization and freedom in Max Weber.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (4):107-126.
    Weber's piece on the development of the north-European Western city has not commanded attention in the recent theoretical literature. This article argues that it can however provide fresh insights into some key problems of Weber's diagnosis of modernity and into his general sociological theory, especially as to his theory of action and creativity. A more open-ended conception of modernity can be gained from its analysis, which is more compatible with Weber's own methodological assumptions. A different relationship between freedom and rationality (...)
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  • Feminism and the Third Way.Angela McRobbie - 2000 - Feminist Review 64 (1):97-112.
    This article argues that the Third Way’, as the ideological rationale for the New Labour Government in the UK, attempts to resolve the tensions around women and social policy confronted by the present Government. The Third Way addresses ‘women’ without ‘feminism’, in particular those floating women voters for whom feminism holds little attraction. But affluent, middle England, corporate women, though central to the popular imagination of the Daily Mail, and thus to Tony Blair, are in practice a tiny minority. New (...)
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  • Anthony Giddens's project for a new sociology: A critique.Simon Green - 1989 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 3 (2):186-205.
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  • Women and Power.Marion Price & Margaret Stacey - 1980 - Feminist Review 5 (1):33-52.
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  • Verstehen and dialecdtic: Epistemology and methodology in Weber andlukacs.John Sewart - 1978 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 5 (3-4):320-366.
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  • On the relationships between social theory and natural law: lessons from Karl Löwith and Leo Strauss.Daniel Chernilo - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (5):91-112.
    This article offers a combined reading of Karl Löwith’s and Leo Strauss’s critique of social theory from the point of view of the natural law tradition broadly understood. Within the context of a growing interest in revisiting social theory’s debt to natural law, the piece seeks to unfold the connections between the two traditions without searching to restore any kind of natural law. Rather, it looks at their relationships as one of Aufhebung — the suspension and carrying forward — of (...)
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  • Class Conflict and Social Order in Smith and Marx: The Relevance of Social Philosophy to Business Management.Cristina Neesham & Mark Dibben - 2016 - Philosophy of Management 15 (2):121-133.
    In this paper, we undertake a genealogical study to illustrate how Karl Marx derives his concept of class conflict from Adam Smith’s theory of social order. Based on these findings, we argue that both Smith’s and Marx’s political economies should be interpreted in relation to each other – from the perspective of social philosophy, in particular their shared concepts of social order and necessary opposition of class interests. By appeal to process philosophy, we also argue that this reinterpretation needs to (...)
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  • Clarity and Honor: Values in Conflict with Ambition.Alan Sica - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):90-102.
    The criticism is often made of sociology, especially in the US, that it is mired in ethnocentrism, provincialism, needlessly scientistic methods, and a depoliticized quest for the status of a ‘true science’. Though a strong case can be made for such an accusation, it is also true that certain exemplars have succeeded in transcending these crippling shortcomings of practice and imagination. One such scholar is examined in this article with an eye toward not only the scope of the work attempted, (...)
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  • Religion and Politics in Nicaragua: A Historical Ethnography Set in the City of Masaya.Catherine Stanford - 2008 - Dissertation, State University of New York (Suny)
    UMI Number: 3319553 This study is a historical ethnography of religious diversity in post-revolutionary Nicaragua from the vantage point of Catholics who live in the city of Masaya located on the Pacific side of Nicaragua at the end of the twentieth century. My overarching research question is: How may ethnographically observed patterns in Catholic religious practices in contemporary Nicaragua be understood in historical context? Utilizing anthropological theory and method grounded in Weberian historical theory, I explore Catholic ritual as contested politico-religious (...)
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  • Religion and the spontaneous order of the market: Law, freedom, and power over lives.Elettra Stimilli - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (3):399-415.
    This article focuses on a religious structure that is intrinsic to the contemporary mechanisms that have enabled the global domination of economic power: faith in the market. Following Foucault’s transition from biopolitics to governmentality, this article articulates the mechanism that generates the ability for human beings to give shape and value to their lives. Through a reading of Schmitt and Hayek, as well as an updated reading of Weber’s thesis on the origin of capitalism, this article argues that we must (...)
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  • Durkheim’s Epistemology: The Neglected Argument.Ann Rawls & Andrei Korbut - 2014 - Russian Sociological Review 13 (2):84-140.
    Durkheim’s epistemology, the argument for the social origins of the categories of the understanding, is his most important and most neglected argument. This argument has been confused with his sociology of knowledge and Durkheim’s overall position has been misunderstood as a consequence. This lead to the argument that there are two Durkheims: a functionalist positivist and an idealist. The current popularity of a “cultural" or “ideological” interpretation of Durkheim is as much a misunderstanding of his position as the “functional" interpretation (...)
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  • INDICES OF DRAMA AND MUSIC IN THE PARABLES OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN AND THE RICHMAN AND LAZARU.Edum Sunday - 2018 - International Journal of Integrative Humanism 2 (1).
    The domination of the Christian faith during the middle ages created a new vista for theatre, drama and music to flourish. The Bible which is a documented proves, ideals and authenticity of the Christian faith has not only served as a spiritual dictionary of the Christian faith, theologians and historians but a critical source for musicologists, playwrights and directors. This study is a critical analysis of dramatic and musical dimensions in the parables of the God Samaritan and the Richman and (...)
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  • Participation, empowerment, and farmer evaluations: A comparative analysis of IPM technology generation in Nicaragua. [REVIEW]Kristen C. Nelson - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (2-3):109-125.
    The heated debate over the limited impact of integrated pest management (IPM) in Central American agriculture suggests that we need to investigate the mechanisms of IPM technology generation. CATIE/MAG-IPM Nicaragua initiated a comparative study of two prototypic models with tomato farmers in the Sébaco Valley, in 1990–91. I created two ideal types from the literature: the scientist-led and farmer-led models. Each model was represented by three different communities. The study focused on the: 1) technology generation process, 2) IPM technologies and (...)
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  • Organizing the Public Health-clinical Health Interface: Theoretical Bases. [REVIEW]Michèle St-Pierre, Daniel Reinharz & Jacques-Bernard Gauthier - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):97-106.
    This article addresses the issue of the interface between public health and clinical health within the context of the search for networking approaches geared to a more integrated delivery of health services. The articulation of an operative interface is complicated by the fact that the definition of networking modalities involves complex intra- and interdisciplinary and intra- and interorganizational systems across which a new transversal dynamics of intervention practices and exchanges between service structures must be established. A better understanding of the (...)
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