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  1. Women, capitalism and education: On the pedagogical implications of postfeminism.Marco Öchsner & Georgina Murray - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (7):709-720.
    We examine the emergence of the ‘postfeminist’ sensibility from feminist theory and praxis, and its relation and relevance to education. Analytical frameworks such as postfeminism and intersectionality have given equal weight to recognition-based struggles, such as those based on sexual, racial, class-based, gender-related identities. We follow Nancy Fraser’s argument that these identity-based movements have been co-opted by neoliberal politicians and bureaucratic policy-makers, and become a divide and rule strategy, neglecting the subjugating power of capital. Beginning with third-wave feminism’s emphasis on (...)
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  • Between pleasure and vitctimization: Reflections upon sexuality and antivictim discourses under neoliberal governmentality.Celina Penchansky - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (17):167-192.
    Conceiving sexuality as a sociohistorical construction, in this paper I reflect upon possible reconfigurations that neoliberalism allows, bearing in mind that it is a specific governmentality displaying a particular mode of subjectivization. The hypothesis I develop stresses that neoliberal governmentality provides new forms of living and experiencing sexuality, resignifying sexual practices to be either accepted or dismissed. Consequently, there are pleasures and sexual acts that become more tolerated, and that originate new rules. Departing from the premise that sexuality is determined (...)
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  • Selling genital cosmetic surgery to healthy women: a multimodal discourse analysis of Australian surgical websites.Claire Moran & Christina Lee - 2013 - Critical Discourse Studies 10 (4):373-391.
    The multimodal nature of web pages enables them to interweave text, images, colour and other graphical material to create discursive contexts which may be difficult to identify or challenge. Multimodal discourse analysis provides a tool for deconstructing such websites. This paper examines websites that promote the growing practice of female genital cosmetic surgery, in particular labial reduction or labiaplasty. We examine the ways in which four Australian cosmetic surgery websites normalise unnecessary surgical intervention. From our multimodal critical discourse analysis, three (...)
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