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World poverty, positive duties, and the overdemandingness objection.Jorn Sonderholm - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (3):308-327.details
Confining Pogge’s Analysis of Global Poverty to Genuinely Negative Duties.Steven Daskal - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2):369-391.details
La Justice Globale, le Multiculturalisme et les Revendications des Immigrants.Pablo Gilabert - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (1):41-60.details
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Why some defenders of positive duties serve a bad theoretical cocktail.Jakob Thrane Mainz & Jørn Sønderholm - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (3):323-339.details
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Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will: The Political Philosophy of Kai Nielsen.David Rondel & Alex Sager (eds.) - 2012 - Calgary, Alberta: University of Calgary Press.details
Coercion, care, and corporations: Omissions and commissions in Thomas Pogge's political philosophy.Carol C. Gould - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (3):381 – 393.details
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