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  1. Science as Social Existence: Heidegger and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.Jeff Kochan - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
    REVIEW (1): "Jeff Kochan’s book offers both an original reading of Martin Heidegger’s early writings on science and a powerful defense of the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) research program. Science as Social Existence weaves together a compelling argument for the thesis that SSK and Heidegger’s existential phenomenology should be thought of as mutually supporting research programs." (Julian Kiverstein, in Isis) ---- REVIEW (2): "I cannot in the space of this review do justice to the richness and range of Kochan's (...)
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  • Heidegger and Husserl on the Technological-Scientific Worldview.Corijn van Mazijk - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (4):519-541.
    This paper discusses the relation between the later Husserl and the later Heidegger regarding their criticisms of modern science and technology. It is suggested that the overlap between both accounts is more significant than is standardly acknowledged. The paper first explores Heidegger’s ideas about the ‘essences’ of science and technology, how they allegedly determine the contemporary worldview, conceal our relation to being, and how Heidegger warrants his critical attitude toward this. It then discusses Husserl’s philosophical–historical assessment of the ‘idea’ of (...)
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  • Heideggerian Epistemology as a Source of Kuhn's Concept of the Growth of Knowledge.Rinat Nugayev & Tanzilia Burganova - 2016 - Italian Science Review 1 (34):156-167.
    The claim that we want to put forward is that Thomas Kuhn ’s growth of knowledge concept is drawn upon Heidegger’s epistemology. To bolster the tenet the corresponding works of both thinkers are considered. As a result, the one-to-one correspondence between the key propositions of Heideggerian epistemology and the basic tenets of Kuhn ’s growth of knowledge model is dawned. The tenets under consideration include the holistic nature of a paradigm, the incommensurability thesis, conventional status of a paradigm caused by (...)
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  • Cognitive Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Philosophy of Science: Stimulating the Dialogue.Panos Theodorou - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (3):335-343.
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume 26, Issue 3, Page 335-343, September 2012.
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  • Technikos esmės sampratos problema Heideggerio filosofijoje.Tautvydas Vėželis - 2014 - Žmogus ir Žodis 16 (4).
    Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti antikinės ir moderniosios technikos sampratos panašumus ir skirtumus. Moderniosios technikos analizė rodo, kad ši technika pasižymi svetima autentiškai kultūrai, gruobuoniška prigimtimi. Išryškėja esminis tradiciškai suprantamos technē ir moderniosios technikos skirtumas. Moderniosios technikos esmė, kuri įvardijama žodžiu „po-stata“, yra tokia: vietoj savaimingo esinių atsiskleidimo būties šviesoje, kai žmogus dalyvauja šiame atsiskleidimo procese tik kaip tarpininkas bei kūrėjas, vyksta grobuoniško-prievartinio pobūdžio atsiskleidimas, žmogui dalyvaujant kaip reikalaujančiai jėgai. Naudojantis moderniojo mokslo pajėgomis, kaskart vis labiau objektinama gamta šiais laikais tampa paprasčiausia (...)
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