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Making Men: Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome

Princeton University Press (2008)

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  1. Performing the Book: The Recital of Epic in First-Century C.E. Rome.Donka D. Markus - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (1):138-179.
    The detrimental effect of the public recital on the quality of epic production in the first century is a stock theme both in ancient and in modern literary criticism. While previous studies on the epic recital emphasize its negative effects, or aim at its reconstruction as social reality, I focus on its conflicting representations by the ancients themselves and the lessons that we can learn from them. The voices of critics and defenders reveal anxieties about who controls the prestigious high (...)
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  • The Emperor's No Clothes: Suetonius and the Dynamics of Corporeal Ecphrasis.Bill Gladhill - 2012 - Classical Antiquity 31 (2):315-348.
    This paper studies Suetonius's depiction of the appearance of Emperors through what I call Bodily or Corporeal Ecphrasis. Suetonius's ecphrasis of the Emperor's body directs the readers' gaze over the corpus principis in a way that deconstructs the ontology of the princeps. I will show that Suetonius's construction of emperors' corpora includes an amalgamation of referents to heavenly and animal bodies that upsets a reader's ability to interpret these radically unique images through a purely human criterion.
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  • Inscripta in Fronte: Penal Tattooing in Late Antiquity.W. Mark Gustafson - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (1):79-105.
    The origins of tattooing are very ancient, and the modern fascination with the practice serves to remind us that it has been an enduring fixture in human history. Its functions are many and often overlap, but the particular focus here is on the tattoo as an aspect of punishment. Comparative evidence, however, is welcomed whenever it proves useful. This article first marshals and examines the late antique literary evidence extending from North Africa in the third century to Constantinople in the (...)
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  • Exempla y crítica política en Roma: el Mecenas de Séneca.Iker Martínez Fernández - 2015 - Endoxa 36:77.
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  • Greek Grammarians and Roman Society during the Early Empire: Statius' Father and his Contemporaries.Charles McNelis - 2002 - Classical Antiquity 21 (1):67-94.
    Statius' Silvae 5.3 is a poem written in honor of the poet's dead father. In the course of the poem, Statius recounts his father's life and achievements. Prominent among these accomplishments are the years the elder Statius spent as a teacher of Greek poetry—a grammarian—in Naples. Statius tells us which Greek poets his father taught and to whom. The content and audience of Statius' father's instruction form the basis of this paper. A number of the Greek poets taught by Statius' (...)
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  • Becoming Tacitus: Significance and Inconsequentiality in the Prologue of Agricola.Dylan Sailor - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (1):139-177.
    I argue that the prologue of Tacitus' Agricola is at pains to maintain for the work the option to be important or to be inconsequential. The goal of this effort is to anticipate a spectrum of possible receptions: if the work is welcomed by its audiences, it can serve as the first step in a prestigious literary career; if it meets with indifference or hostility, Tacitus' already-existing social self can find protection behind the claims to limited importance. In the first (...)
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  • The Correspondence of Fronto and Marcus Aurelius.Yasuko Taoka - 2013 - Classical Antiquity 32 (2):406-438.
    This paper seeks to bridge two aspects of Fronto's letters, erotics and rhetoric, by demonstrating that Fronto himself merges the two areas in his discourse with Marcus Aurelius about their relationship. Whereas some letters suggest an unequal relationship based on power, others encourage the identification of Fronto with Marcus. Fronto achieves this identification by structuring their relationship itself as a metaphor in which he and Marcus are equated and linked by epistolary bonds. I close by discussing why the epistolary genre (...)
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  • Performing Paideia: Greek culture as an instrument for social promotion in the fourth century a.d.Lieve Van Hoof - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):387-406.
    Paideia– i.e. Greek culture, comprising, amongst other things, language, literature, philosophy and medicine – was a constituent component of the social identity of the elite of the Roman empire: as a number of influential studies on the Second Sophistic have recently shown, leading members of society presented themselves as such by their possession and deployment of cultural capital, for example by performing oratory, writing philosophy or showcasing medical interventions. As the ‘common language’ of the men ruling the various parts of (...)
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  • Martyrdom, Rhetoric, and the Politics of Procedure.Ari Bryen - 2014 - Classical Antiquity 33 (2):243-280.
    This article uses the evidence of the early Christian martyr acts to argue for the existence of a broader, provincial discourse on the importance of legal procedure in criminal trials in the Roman Empire. By focusing on moments of criminal confrontations, these texts not only attempted to explain and glorify the deaths of martyrs, but also sought to make sense of a process that was designed by the Roman state to be arbitrary and terrifying. In the course of their narratives, (...)
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  • The Use and Abuse of Training "Science" in Philostratus' Gymnasticus.Charles H. Stocking - 2016 - Classical Antiquity 35 (1):86-125.
    This article addresses how the sophistic-style analysis in Philostratus' Gymnasticus gives expression to the physical and social complexities involved in ancient athletic training. As a case in point, the article provides a close reading of Philostratus' description and criticism of the Tetrad, a four-day sequence of training, which resulted in the death of an Olympic athlete. To make physiological sense of the Tetrad, this method of training is compared to the role of periodization in ancient medicine and modern kinesiology. At (...)
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