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  1. Seat Belt Mandates and Paternalism.Jessica Flanigan - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (3):291-314.
    Seat belt mandates seem like a paradigmatic case of justified paternalism. Even those who generally object to paternalism often concede that seat belt laws are justified. Against this near-consensus in favor of mandates, I argue that seat belt laws are unjust and public officials should not enforce them. The most plausible exceptions to a principle of anti-paternalism do not justify seat belt mandates. Some argue that seat belt mandates are not paternalistic because unbelted riders are not fully autonomous. Others claim (...)
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  • Paternalism and global governance.Michael Barnett - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (1):216-243.
    :Contemporary global governance is organized around an odd pairing: care and control. On the one hand, much of global governance is designed to reduce human suffering and improve human flourishing, with the important caveat that individuals should be allowed to decide for themselves how they want to live their lives. On the other hand, these global practices of care are also entangled with acts of control. Peacebuilding, public health, emergency aid, human rights, and development are expressions of this tension between (...)
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  • Why Paternalists and Social Welfarists Should Oppose Criminal Drug Laws.Andrew Jason Cohen & William Glod - 2017 - In Chris W. Surprenant (ed.), Rethinking Punishment in the Era of Mass Incarceration. Routledge. pp. 225-241.
    We discuss the crucial, but easily missed, link between paternalism and incarceration. Legal paternalists believe law should be used to help individuals stay healthy or moral or become healthier or morally better. Criminal laws are paternalistic if they make it illegal to perform some action that would be bad for the actor to do, regardless of effects on others. Yet, one result of such laws is the punishment, including incarceration, of the very same actors—also clearly bad for them even if (...)
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  • Rethinking freedom of contract.Jessica Flanigan - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):443-463.
    Many liberal egalitarians support laws that prevent people from making exploitative and unconscionable contracts. These contracts may include low-wage labor agreements or payday loans, for example. I argue that liberal egalitarians should rethink their support for laws that limit the freedom to make these illiberal contracts, as long as the contracts are voluntary and do not violate people’s other enforceable rights. Paternalistic considerations cannot justify limits on illiberal contracts because they are not only likely to misfire; they also express condescending (...)
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  • Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Minderjährige im medizinischen Ambiente und das Problem von Paternalismus und Täuschung.Mathias Wirth & Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (1):7-22.
    ZusammenfassungEs ist ein Standard-Verfahren der Medizinethik, auf die Möglichkeit des Missbrauchs solcher Instrumente hinzuweisen, die im lege-artis-Gebrauch legitim sein können. Ein etabliertes Instrument der medizinischen Praxis sind paternalistische Handlungen, die bei geringer Reichweite individueller Entscheidungskompetenz, etwa bei Minderjährigen, verantwortliches Handeln absichern sollen. In der bisherigen Debatte wird Paternalismus als Problem eines ungerechtfertigten oder übermäßigen Gebrauchs diskutiert. Bislang erscheint in der medizinethischen Paternalismus-Debatte das Problem des scheinbaren Paternalismus zu wenig reflektiert. Auch die Thematik der sexualisierten Gewalt gegen Minderjährige im medizinischen Setting (...)
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