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  1. Emplaced Partnerships and the Ethics of Care, Recognition and Resilience.Annmarie Ryan, Susi Geiger, Helen Haugh, Oana Branzei, Barbara L. Gray, Thomas B. Lawrence, Tim Cresswell, Alastair Anderson, Sarah Jack & Ed McKeever - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (4):757-772.
    The aim of the SI is to bring to the fore the places in which cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) are formed; how place shapes the dynamics of CSPs, and how CSPs shape the specific settings in which they develop. The papers demonstrate that partnerships and place are intrinsically reciprocal: the morality and materiality inherent in places repeatedly reset the reference points for partners, trigger epiphanies, shift identities, and redistribute capacities to act. Place thus becomes generative of partnerships in the most profound (...)
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  • Care, Laboratory Beagles and Affective Utopia.Eva Giraud & Gregory Hollin - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (4):27-49.
    A caring approach to knowledge production has been portrayed as epistemologically radical, ethically vital and as fostering continuous responsibility between researchers and research-subjects. This article examines these arguments through focusing on the ambivalent role of care within the first large-scale experimental beagle colony, a self-professed ‘beagle utopia’ at the University of California, Davis (1951–86). We argue that care was at the core of the beagle colony; the lived environment was re-shaped in response to animals ‘speaking back’ to researchers, and ‘love’ (...)
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  • Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms.Lewis Holloway, Christopher Bear & Katy Wilkinson - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):185-199.
    Robotic or automatic milking systems are novel technologies that take over the labor of dairy farming and reduce the need for human–animal interactions. Because robotic milking involves the replacement of ‘conventional’ twice-a-day milking managed by people with a system that supposedly allows cows the freedom to be milked automatically whenever they choose, some claim robotic milking has health and welfare benefits for cows, increases productivity, and has lifestyle advantages for dairy farmers. This paper examines how established ethical relations on dairy (...)
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  • Universal Design for the Workplace: Ethical Considerations Regarding the Inclusion of Workers with Disabilities.Claire Doussard, Emmanuelle Garbe, Jeremy Morales & Julien Billion - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):285-296.
    This paper examines the ethical issues of the inclusion of workers with disabilities in the workplace with a cross-fertilization approach between organization studies, the ethics of care, and a movement from the field of architecture and design that is called Universal Design (UD). It explores how organizations can use UD to develop more inclusive workplaces, first by applying UD principles to workspaces and second by showing how UD implies an integrative understanding of inclusion from the workspace to the workplace. Moreover, (...)
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  • Spatial Ethics Beyond the North–South Dichotomy: Moral Dilemmas in Favelas.Daniel S. Lacerda, Fabio B. Meira & Vanessa Brulon - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):695-707.
    Western representation of countries from the Global South implies a dichotomist view of business ethics: on the one hand, universal ethics largely reproduces commonsensical views of the South as ‘less ethical’, and on the other hand, voices from the South are often conditioned to present themselves as substantially indigenous and unambiguous to be accepted as legitimate ethical subjects. We join the growing interest in bridging this gap by drawing on studies from human geography, and ask to what extent the materiality (...)
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  • Consumer Food Ethics: Considerations of Vulnerability, Suffering, and Harm.Yana Manyukhina - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (4):595-614.
    Over the past years, various accounts of ethical consumption have been produced which identify certain concepts as central to mediating the ethical relationship between the consumer and the consumed. Scholars across disciplinary fields have explored how individuals construe their ethical consumption responsibilities and commitments through the notions of identity, taking care and doing good, proximity and distance, suggesting the centrality of these themes to consumer engagement in ethical practices. This paper contributes to the body of research concerned with unravelling consumers’ (...)
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  • ‘Fractures’ in food practices: exploring transitions towards sustainable food.Kirstie J. O’Neill, Adrian K. Clear, Adrian Friday & Mike Hazas - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):225-239.
    Emissions arising from the production and consumption of food are acknowledged as a major contributor to climate change. From a consumer’s perspective, however, the sustainability of food may have many meanings: it may result from eating less meat, becoming vegetarian, or choosing to buy local or organic food. To explore what food sustainability means to consumers, and what factors lead to changes in food practice, we adopt a sociotechnical approach to compare the food consumption practices in North West England with (...)
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  • Care in an Age of Austerity: Men’s Care Responsibilities in Low-Income Families.Anna Tarrant - 2018 - Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (1):34-48.
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  • Correction to: Ethics and responsibilisation in agri-food governance: the single-use plastics debate and strategies to introduce reusable coffee cups in UK retail chains.Damian Maye, James Kirwan & Gianluca Brunori - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):313-314.
    The original version of this article has been corrected due to typesetting mistakes regarding Fig. 1.
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  • Ethics and responsibilisation in agri-food governance: the single-use plastics debate and strategies to introduce reusable coffee cups in UK retail chains.Damian Maye, James Kirwan & Gianluca Brunori - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):301-312.
    This paper extends arguments about the potential for reflexive governance in agri-food sustainability by linking food ethics to the notion of ‘unintended consequences’ and ‘responsibilisation’. Analysis of sustainable consumption governance shows the way authorities and intermediaries use food waste reduction projects to ‘responsibilise’ the consumer, including recent examples of shared responsibility. This paper takes this argument further by developing a ‘strategies of responsibilisation’ framework that connects relations between food system outcomes, problematisation in public discourse and strategies of responsibilisation in agri-food (...)
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