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  1. Science, religion, and the meaning of life and the universe: “Amalgam” narratives of polish natural scientists.Maria Rogińska - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):904-924.
    This article deals with phenomena occurring at the interface of the existential, the religious, and scientific inquiry. On the basis of in-depth interviews with Polish physicists and biologists, I examine the role that science and religion play in their narrative of the meaning of the Universe and human life. I show that the narratives about meaning have a system-related character that is associated with responses to adjacent metaphysical questions, including those based on scientific knowledge. I reconstruct the typical amalgam questions (...)
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  • A scientist and a theologian see the world: Compromise or synthesis?Mary Gerhart & Allan Melvin Russell - 1994 - Zygon 29 (4):619-637.
    A scientist (for whom the world is the universe) and a theologian (for whom the world is planet Earth) engage in dialogue, not contrived Platonic or Galilean dialogue, but true bidisciplinary dialogue that strives for higher viewpoint. S: Is the preservation of the human species a primary human responsibility? T: It may be a responsibility we share with God. S: The human species has a limited future if confined to the planet Earth. We must diversify our habitat by colonizing space. (...)
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