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  1. Beyond cyborg subjectivities: Becoming-posthumanist educational researchers.Annette Gough & Noel Gough - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (11):1112-1124.
    This excerpt from our collective biography emerges from a dialogue that commenced when Noel interjected the concept of ‘becoming-cyborg’ into our conversations about Annette’s experiences of breast cancer, which initially prompted her to interpret her experiences as a ‘chaos narrative’ of cyborgian and environmental embodiment in education contexts. The materialisation of Donna Haraway’s figuration of the cyborg in Annette’s changing body enabled new appreciations of its interpretive power, and functioned in some ways as a successor project to Noel’s earlier deployment (...)
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  • Toward a Social Ontology for Science Education: Introducing Deleuze and Guattari’s assemblages.Shakhnoza Kayumova & Jesse Bazzul - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3):284-299.
    This essay’s main objective is to develop a theoretical, ontological basis for critical, social justice-oriented science education. Using Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of assemblages, rhizomes, and arborescent structures, this article challenges authoritarian institutional practices, as well as the subject of these practices, and offers a way for critical-social justice-oriented science educators and students to connect with sociopolitical contexts. Through diagramming institutional and community relationships using DG’s theory of assemblages, we envision new ontological spaces that bridge social and material entities. A (...)
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  • Caught between the air and earth: A schizoanalytic critique of the role of the education in the development of a new airport.David R. Cole - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):422-433.
    This philosophy of education paper describes a schizophrenic situation. A new airport is being planned in the locale of a university which is a Centre of Excellence of Education for Sustainable Development, and the university is a major partner. The airport involves an investment in jobs, resources, and will encourage further economic development. The planners have named the inter-connected developments around the airport as the ‘Aerotropolis’, including new university facilities. One could argue that the airport is a classic example of (...)
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  • A place pedagogy for 'global contemporaneity'.Margaret J. Somerville - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (3):326-344.
    Around the globe people are confronted daily with intransigent problems of space and place. Educators have historically called for place-based or place-conscious education to introduce pedagogies that will address such questions as how to develop sustainable communities and places. These calls for place-conscious education have included liberal humanist approaches that evolved from the work of Wendell Berry (Ball & Lai, 2006) and critical place-based approaches such as those advocated by David Gruenewald (e.g. Gruenewald, 2003a, 2003b). In this paper I will (...)
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  • Changing planes: rhizosemiotic play in transnational curriculum inquiry.Noel Gough - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (3):279-294.
    This essay juxtaposes concepts created by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari with worlds imagined by Ursula Le Guin in a performance of ‘rhizosemiotic play’ that explores some possible ways of generating and sustaining what William Pinar calls ‘complicated conversation’ within the regime of signs that constitutes an increasingly internationalized curriculum field. Deleuze and Guattari analyze thinking as flows or movements across space. They argue, for example, that every mode of intellectual inquiry needs to account for the plane of immanence upon (...)
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  • Mapping Teacher-Faces.Greg Thompson & Ian Cook - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (4):379-395.
    This paper uses Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of faciality to analyse the teacher’s face. According to Deleuze and Guattari, the teacher-face is a special type of face because it is an ’overcoded’ face produced in specific landscapes. This paper suggests four limit-faces for teacher faciality that actualise different mixes of signifiance and subjectification in a classroom in which individualisation and massifications are affected. Understanding these limit-faces suggests new ways to conceive the affects actualised in the classroom that are subjected to (...)
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  • Pedagogía posdigital como síntesis del aprendizaje rizomático y la era posdigital.Diego Medina López-Rey - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 36:113-142.
    El presente trabajo se construye alrededor de dos ejes centrales: el aprendizaje rizomático y la era posdigital. El aprendizaje rizomático asienta sus principios en la construcción del conocimiento a partir de las aportaciones del alumnado en tiempo real, con la finalidad de entender la comunidad como currículo. Por su parte, la era posdigital se entiende como la coyuntura en que la tecnología digital es una necesidad social impuesta. Partiendo de que la educación, pese a ser pública, no es gratuita, la (...)
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  • Education and the Relation to the Outside: A Little Real Reality.David Savat & Greg Thompson - 2015 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (3):273-300.
    One of the more dominant themes around the use of Deleuze and Guattari's work, including in this special issue, is a focus on the radical transformation that educational institutions are undergoing, and which applies to administrator, student and educator alike. This is a transformation that finds its expression through teaching analytics, transformative teaching, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and updateable performance metrics alike. These techniques and practices, as an expression of control society, constitute the new sorts of machines that frame (...)
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  • Aesthetics, Affect, and Educational Politics.Alex Means - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1088-1102.
    This essay explores aesthetics, affect, and educational politics through the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Rancière. It contextualizes and contrasts the theoretical valences of their ethical and democratic projects through their shared critique of Kant. It then puts Rancière's notion of dissensus to work by exploring it in relation to a social movement and hunger strike organized for educational justice in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood. This serves as a context for understanding how educational provisions are linked to the aesthetic (...)
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