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  1. Ética, estética e historia en Dionisio de Halicarnaso: imitación y construcción de la tradición.Iker Martínez Fernández - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 43 (1):9-26.
    The work of Dionysius of Halicarnassus has been traditionally divided into two parts: first, treaties of rhetoric and, secondly, Roman Antiquities, the history of Rome from its origins to the First Punic War. However, there is a common element among the rhetorical and historical writings that gives internal coherence to the whole work. This element is imitation, wich Dionysius used to link ethics and aesthetics at the service of building the tradition of the Roman people.
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  • Mimesis in Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan.Laura S. Reagan - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (4):25-42.
    How can citizens construct the political authority under which they will live? I argue that Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan (1651) answers this question concerning the constitutive power of political and normative agency by employing four dimensions of mimesis from the Greek and Roman traditions. And I argue that mimesis accounts for the know-how, or power/knowledge, the general ‘man’ draws upon in constructing the commonwealth. Hobbes revalues poetic mimesis through his stylistic decisions, including the invitation to the reader to read ‘himself’ in (...)
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  • Histoire et vérité chez Paul Ricœur et Thucydide: mimesis et enargeia.Martinho Tomé Soares - 2017 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (1):9-31.
    Cet article essaye d’analyser l’ Histoire de la Guerre du Péloponnèse de Thucydide à la lumière des thèses ricœuriennes sur l’épistémologie de la connaissance historique, notamment les trois moments essentiels de l’opération historiographique : la preuve documentaire, l’explication/compréhension et l’écriture/représentation. Ce qui nous amène à insérer le texte de Thucydide dans la séquence des trois phases de la mimésis impliquée dans toute mise en discours : préfiguration, configuration, refiguration. Le dialogue que nous établissons entre le philosophe français et l’historien grec (...)
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