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  1. Determinism and the antiquated deontology of the social sciences.Clint Ballinger - unknown
    This article shows how the social sciences rejected hard determinism by the mid-twentieth century largely on the deontological basis that it is irreconcilable with social justice, yet this rejection came just before a burst of creative development in consequentialist theories of social justice that problematize a facile rejection of determinism on moral grounds, a development that has seldom been recognized in the social sciences. Thus the current social science view of determinism and social justice is antiquated, ignoring numerous common and (...)
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  • Synergies Among Behaviors Drive the Discovery of Productive Interactions.Jake P. Keenan & Daniel W. McShea - 2023 - Biological Theory 18 (1):43-62.
    When behaviors assemble into combinations, then synergies have a central role in the discovery of productive patterns of behavior. In our view—what we call the Synergy Emergence Principle (SEP)—synergies are dynamic attractors, drawing interactions toward greater returns as they happen, in the moment. This Principle offers an alternative to the two conventionally acknowledged routes to discovery: directed problem solving, involving forethought and planning; and the complete randomness of trial and error. Natural selection has a role in the process, in humans (...)
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  • Explaining Institutional Change.N. Emrah Aydinonat & Petri Ylikoski - 2022 - In Harold Kincaid & Jeroen van Bouwel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 120-138.
    In this Chapter, we address the challenge of explaining institutional change, asking whether the much-criticized rational choice perspective can contribute to the understanding of institutional change in political science. We discuss the methodological reasons why rational choice institutionalism (RCI) often assumes that institutional change is exogenous and discontinuous. We then identify and explore the possible pathways along which RCI can be extended to be more useful in understanding institutional change in political science. Finally, we reflect on what RCI theorizing would (...)
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  • History, Analytic Narratives, and the Rules-in-Equilibrium View of Institutions.Cyril Hédoin - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (5):391-417.
    Analytic narratives are case studies of historical events and/or institutions that are formed by the combination of the narrative method characteristic of historical and historiographical wor...
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  • Carsten Herrmann-Pillath's Foundations of economic evolution: a treatise on the natural philosophy of economics. Edward Elgar, 2013, 704 pp. [REVIEW]Don Ross - 2014 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 7 (1):109.
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  • Initial Conditions as Exogenous Factors in Spatial Explanation.Clint Ballinger - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Cambridge
    This dissertation shows how initial conditions play a special role in the explanation of contingent and irregular outcomes, including, in the form of geographic context, the special case of uneven development in the social sciences. The dissertation develops a general theory of this role, recognizes its empirical limitations in the social sciences, and considers how it might be applied to the question of uneven development. The primary purpose of the dissertation is to identify and correct theoretical problems in the study (...)
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  • Configuration of External Influences: The Combined Effects of Institutions and Stakeholders on Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies. [REVIEW]Min-Dong Paul Lee - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (2):281-298.
    This article introduces a theoretical framework that combines institutional and stakeholder theories to explain how firms choose their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. Organizational researchers have identified several distinct CSR strategies (e.g., obstructionist, defensive, accommodative, and proactive), but did not explain the sources of divergence. This article argues that the divergence comes from the variability in the configuration of external influences that consists of institutional and stakeholder pressures. While institutions affect firms’ social behavior by shaping the macro-level incentive structure and (...)
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  • Tribal S Ocial Instin Cts a Nd the Cultural Evolution O F Institutions to Solv E Col Lecti Ve Action Problems.Peter Richerson - unknown
    Human social life is uniquely complex and diverse. Much of that complexity consists of culturally transmitted ideas and skills that underpin the operation of institutions that structure our social life. Considerable theoretical and empirical work has been devoted to the role of cultural evolutionary processes in the evolution of institutions. The most persistent controversy has been over the role of cultural group selection and gene-culture coevolution in early human populations the Pleistocene. We argue that cultural group selection and related cultural (...)
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  • The Beliefs-Rules-Equilibrium Account of Institutions: A Contribution to a Naturalistic Social Ontology.Cyril Hédoin - 2021 - Journal of Social Ontology 7 (1):73-96.
    This paper pursues a naturalist endeavor in social ontology by arguing that the Beliefs-Rules-Equilibrium account of institutions can help to advance the debate over the nature of social kinds. This account of institutions emerges from a growing number of works in economics that use game theory to study the role and the functioning of institutions in human societies. I intend to show how recent developments in the economic analysis of rules and institutions can help solve issues that are generally considered (...)
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  • Not saving or psychology, or science, but a new liberalism: a reply to Gaus, Goldstone, Baker, Amadae, and Mokyr.Deirdre Nansen McCloskey - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):66.
    The reply to five reviews of Bourgeois equality in a symposium in EJPE observes that all the reviewers admit the great force of ideas in causing the Great Enrichment. Materialism is dead. Liberalism reigns.
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  • Psychological motivations for collectivist behavior: comparison between Japan and the U.S.Shinichi Hirota, Kiyotaka Nakashima & Yoshiro Tsutsui - 2023 - Mind and Society 22 (1):103-128.
    This paper explores the psychological motivations behind collectivist behavior in Japan and the U.S. Using data from a large-scale questionnaire survey, we examine the causes of collectivist behavior (i.e., group conformity) at workplaces and at home. Our key findings are as follows: (i) in Japan, people conform to their groups, both at work and at home, because they consider that cooperation with others will result in greater achievement; (ii) in both Japan and the U.S., people conform to their groups, both (...)
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  • An external perspective on CSR: What matters and what does not?Marina Vashchenko - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):396-412.
    The paper aims at investigating external factors influencing organizational corporate social responsibility -related decision making. Two theoretical perspectives—stakeholder theory and institutional theory—have been applied to compile a list of external factors that might affect a company's CSR choices. As a result, a framework built on the government-related, society-related, and business-related groups of external factors is being suggested. This framework is used in the paper to answer to what extent do different external factors influence CSR-related decisions in large Danish companies and (...)
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  • Three sources of social indeterminacy.Johan Brännmark - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):65-82.
    Social ontologists commonly think that our ideas about social entities, and about other people also inhabiting the social realm, play an important role in making those entities into what they are. At the same time, we know that our ideas are often indeterminate in character, which presumably would mean that this indeterminacy should carry over to the social realm. And yet social indeterminacy is a neglected topic in social ontology. It is argued that this neglect can be traced to how (...)
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  • Repeated interactions and endogenous contractual incompleteness: Experimental evidence.Jean Beuve & Claudine Desrieux - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (1):125-158.
    This paper empirically investigates the interaction between repeated transactions and endogenous contractual incompleteness. We design an indefinitely repeated games experiment between identifiable players. In this experiment, the probability of continuation and the level of shared information vary over the treatments. The level of contractual completeness is decided by participants at each period. Our results show that past interactions are a stronger determinant of the level of investment in contractual completeness than the perspective of future business.
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  • Honor and Violence.John Thrasher & Toby Handfield - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (4):371-389.
    We present a theory of honor violence as a form of costly signaling. Two types of honor violence are identified: revenge and purification. Both types are amenable to a signaling analysis whereby the violent behavior is a signal that can be used by out-groups to draw inferences about the nature of the signaling group, thereby helping to solve perennial problems of social cooperation: deterrence and assurance. The analysis shows that apparently gratuitous acts of violence can be part of a system (...)
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  • Toward a Professions-Based Understanding of Ethical and Responsible Lobbying.Lila Skountridaki & Andrew Barron - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):340-371.
    Responding to calls for more substantive studies into ethical and responsible lobbying, we analyze data collected over a 5-year period in Brussels to explore how individual lobbyists understand the ethical dimensions of their work. Mobilizing insights from the sociology of the professions, we expose an emerging lobbying professionalism and unpack practitioners’ understandings of what being a professional lobbyist entails, focusing in particular on their espoused values of transparency and honesty. While expectations to lobby more transparently and honestly stem from political (...)
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  • The structure of guanxi: Resolving problems of network assurance.Jack Barbalet - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (1):51-69.
    Two widespread assumptions concerning networks, including guanxi networks, are that they function in terms of trust relations and that their structure is dyadic. This article subjects both assumptions to critical assessment and proposes alternative formulations. When the distinctions between trust and trustworthiness and between trust and assurance are made, then broader understandings of guanxi relationships emerge. The article shows that the assurance mechanism of guanxi is public exposure of transgressions against network norms, leading to the transgressor’s loss of face (mianzi). (...)
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  • Explanatory efficiency: A framework for analyzing the dynamic properties of explanatory games.Jonas Lipski - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-23.
    In this paper I will discuss the problem of evaluating dynamic properties of the procedural rules that govern science. I will propose a novel framework for evaluating dynamic properties of such rules. This framework is based upon an analogy from New Institutional Economics. I will argue that the concept of ‘adaptive efficiency’, as it has been developed by Douglass North, solves a problem in economics that is analogous to the problem of evaluating dynamic properties of the procedural rules that govern (...)
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  • Inteligencia Artificial para el bien común (AI4SG): IA y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza - 2021 - Arbor 197 (802):a629.
    Frente a una narrativa distópica presente en los medios de comunicación y cultura popular que caracteriza el avance y desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial como una amenaza o riesgo existencial (e.g. desempleo tecnológico, sistemas de armas autónomas letales, robots asesinos, propaganda política computacional etc.) quiero valorar de manera crítica y constructiva el rol de la inteligencia artificial para el bien común (AI4SG). La tecnología digital también se puede aplicar para la solución de grandes problemas de la humanidad, como los 17 (...)
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  • A Dialogue on Institutions.C. Mantzavinos - 2021 - Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
    This book consists of a dialogue between two interlocutors, Pablo and a student, who discuss a great range of issues in social philosophy and political theory, and in particular, the emergence, working properties and economic effects of institutions. It uses the dialogical form to make philosophy more accessible, but also to show how ideas develop through intellectual interaction. The fact that one of the interlocutors is the "student" in a place in the real world makes the dialogue quasi-fictive in character (...)
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  • World Images, Authority, and Institutions: A Comparison of China and the West.Gary G. Hamilton - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (1):31-48.
    Max Weber famously wrote that world images determine the tracks along which societies move. This article examines the relation between world images and the so-called tracks of society, which in this metaphor resemble the current concept of institution. This concept is now associated with the ‘new institutionalisms’ in social science and has no connection to the civilizational level of analysis that Weber used. This article reexamines Weber’s usage of the terms and employs the terms to analyze differences in the principles (...)
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  • Three Conceptions of a Theory of Institutions.N. Emrah Aydinonat & Petri Ylikoski - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (6):550-568.
    We compare Guala’s unified theory of institutions with that of Searle and Greif. We show that unification can be many things and it may be associated with diverse explanatory goals. We also highlight some of the important shortcomings of Guala’s account: it does not capture all social institutions, its ability to bridge social ontology and game theory is based on a problematic interpretation of the type-token distinction, and its ability to make social ontology useful for social sciences is hindered by (...)
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  • Ubiquity and Legitimacy: Disentangling Diffusion and Institutionalization.Jeannette A. Colyvas & Stefan Jonsson - 2011 - Sociological Theory 29 (1):27 - 53.
    Diffusion and institutionalization are of prime sociological importance, as both processes unfold at the intersections of relations and structures, as well as persistence and change. Yet they are often confounded, leading to theoretical and methodological biases that hinder the development of generalizable arguments. We look at diffusion and institutionalization distinctively, each as both a process and an outcome in terms of three dimensions: the objects that flow or stick; the subjects who adopt or influence; and the social settings through which (...)
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  • A Naturalistic Study of Norm Conformity, Punishment, and the Veneration of the Dead at Texas A&M University, USA.Michael Alvard & Katherine Daiy - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (3):652-675.
    Culturally inherited institutional norms structure much of human social life. Successfully replicating institutions train their current members to behave in the generally adaptive ways that served past members. Ancestor veneration is a well-known manifestation of this phenomenon whereby deference is conferred to prestigious past members who are used as cultural models. Such norms of respect may be maintained by punishment based on evidence from theory and laboratory experiments, but there is little observational evidence to show that punishment is commonly used. (...)
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  • Negotiating team formation using deep reinforcement learning.Yoram Bachrach, Richard Everett, Edward Hughes, Angeliki Lazaridou, Joel Z. Leibo, Marc Lanctot, Michael Johanson, Wojciech M. Czarnecki & Thore Graepel - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 288 (C):103356.
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  • Market Fashioning.Patrik Aspers, Petter Bengtsson & Alexander Dobeson - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (3):417-438.
    How do markets come about? This article offers a first systematic analysis of three different ideal types of market fashioning: mutual adjustment, organization, and fields. Although aspects of these are identifiable in most empirical markets, these three ideal types provide analytic tools for students of real markets and marketplaces. After going through this comprehensive literature, it is argued that mutual adjustment, which refers to non-planned processes, is affinity with markets in which products are differentiated, for example, producer markets. Organization refers (...)
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  • Proto-CSR Before the Industrial Revolution: Institutional Experimentation by Medieval Miners’ Guilds.Stefan Hielscher & Bryan W. Husted - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):253-269.
    In this paper, we argue that antecedents of modern corporate social responsibility prior to the Industrial Revolution can be referred to as “proto-CSR” to describe a practice that influenced modern CSR, but which is different from its modern counterparts in form and structure. We develop our argument with the history of miners’ guilds in medieval Germany—religious fraternities and secular mutual aid societies. Based on historical data collected by historians and archeologists, we reconstruct a long-term process of pragmatic experimentation with institutions (...)
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