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  1. Pentecostalism and migration: A contextual study of the migrant Ghanaian Classical Pentecostal churches in South Africa.Peter White - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    Pentecostal phenomenon from history has always moved with migration. Reading Acts 1:8, Jesus linked the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the migration of his disciples and the gospel from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Migration has become a worldwide, multi-directional phenomenon which is reshaping the Christian landscape. In this light, the article discussed Pentecostalism and migration by using two Ghanaian Classical Pentecostal churches in South Africa as a case study. The article looked (...)
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  • Adrianus van Selms as reformatoriese teoloog.Piet B. Boshoff - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):69-90.
    Adrianus van Selms as protestantse Teoloog. Van Selms het in 1938 vanaf Nederland na Suid-Afrika toe gekom om Semitiese Tale te doseer in die Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbegeerte aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy het ook deeltyds in die Fakulteit Teologie doseer. Die Universiteit van Pretoria het hom as een van denkleiers van die 20ste eeu aan die universiteit erken. Hy het geslagte van teologiese studente beïnvloed tydens sy amptelike dienstydperk aan die universiteit, vanaf 1938 tot 1971. Meer as 300 (...)
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  • SHE (Sustainability, Health, Ethics)—A Grid for an Embodied Ethic.Brian Macallan - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):23.
    Our current planetary emergency is one in which we are facing significant global warming as a result of human-driven climate change. This is having and will continue to have catastrophic results for the earth’s ecosystems and for life as we know it. The Christian tradition often works actively against the seriousness of these challenges due to its eschatological outlook. Process theology, as one stream within the Christian tradition, embraces a different vision of the future that fosters engagement in current concerns (...)
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  • Joshua’s Jihad? A Reexamination of Religious Violence in the Christian and Islamic Traditions.Matthew J. Kuiper - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (2):149-169.
    Examples of scriptural and historic militancy in Christianity and Islam are frequently compared today without sufficient attention to the complexity of the subject within each tradition. Through an examination of relevant biblical and Qur’anic materials, and of episodes in later history, this article attempts a fresh examination of violence in the two traditions. It argues that the tensions in each tradition related to violence, while similar in some ways, are quite distinct in others. In light of this, thoughts are suggested (...)
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  • Die barmhartige God, regverdiging en goeie werke deur Luther.Ignatius W. C. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):3-21.
    Martin Luther het as monnik getwyfel of hy ooit genoeg goeie werke sou kon doen en daarom nie genade by God sou kon vind nie. Danksy sy noukeurige bestudering van Paulus se briewe het hy ontdek dat God, die Vader van Jesus Christus, nie die toornige God is wat net wil straf nie, maar die barmhartige Vader is wat genade wil betoon. Die boodskap oor God se barmhartigheid sien Luther saamgevat in die begrip 'geregtigheid van God'. God se geregtigheid bestaan (...)
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  • Voorwoord.Ignatius W. C. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5).
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  • Openheid, geslotenheid en moontlikheid: Die reformatore en ander godsdienste.Jaco Beyers - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):173-192.
    Inter-godsdienstige verhoudinge was nog altyd problematies. Teologie van godsdiens en teologie van godsdienste is die wyse waarop die Christendom oor die teenwoordigheid en aard van ander godsdienste besin. Die kerkhervormers het ook 'n bepaalde verstaan van die bestaan van en verhouding tussen die Christendom en nie-Christelike godsdienste gehad. Hierdie bydrae probeer aantoon hoe die kerkhervormers verskil het in hulle benadering tot ander godsdienste. Martin Luther en Philipp Melanchthon het die moontlikheid van verhoudinge met ander godsdienste, in besonder Jode en Moslems (...)
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  • Die ontstaan en belang van Calvyn se eerste drie publikasies.Wim A. Dreyer - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):40-52.
    Gedurende 2017 herdenk Lutherse en Calvinistiese kerke die Kerkhervorming wat 500 jaar gelede plaasgevind het. Hierdie hoofstuk fokus op Johannes Calvyn se eerste publikasies, dit wil sê publikasies wat verskyn het voordat hy met sy bediening in Genève begin het. Die fokus val op die drie belangrikste publikasies in hierdie periode, te wete sy 'Kommentaar op Seneca se De Clementia', die 'De Psychopannychia' en die eerste uitgawe van sy 'Christianae Religionis Institutio'. In hierdie eerste drie publikasies is 'n jeugdige Calvyn (...)
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  • Verskuiwing van teologiese denke oor die huwelik vanaf Luther tot vandag.Annelie Botha - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):113-130.
    In hierdie hoofstuk word Luther se teologiese denke oor die huwelik en seksualiteit bespreek. Luther se invloed op teologiese denke oor die huwelik word aangetoon. Die hoofstuk wys daarop dat sedert Luther tot vandag, seksuele verskille 'n belangrike kwessie is wanneer daar vanuit 'n teologiese perspektief oor die huwelk nagedink word. 'n Hermeneutiek van suspisie word gebruik om die skeppingsorde teologie sowel as die begrip 'mens as geskape na die beeld van God', wat tradisioneel gebruik word in die nadenke oor (...)
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  • Martin Luther en Johannes Calvyn oor die Christelike vryheid.Ignatius W. C. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):22-39.
    Vryheid is naas regverdiging een van die belangrikste temas van die Reformatoriese teologie. Luther se geskrif 'Oor die vryheid van 'n Christenmens' is een van sy hoofgeskrifte. In hierdie geskrif beskryf hy die vryheid van die innerlike en die uiterlike mens. Die innerlike mens is vry en niemand se onderdaan nie. Die uiterlike mens is weer elke ander mens se onderdaan en dienskneg. Die Christen dien sy medemens deur die liefde. Luther se verstaan van naasteliefde word vanuit ander geskrifte toegelig. (...)
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  • Usus politicus evangelii.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):131-152.
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  • Mistifikasie en geloof: Dekonstruksie van geloofsverstaan in kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):153-172.
    Die voortgesette proses van implementering van nuwe materiaal wat gebruik word vir katkisasie in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika vertoon 'n besondere trajek. Die proses het, in terme van geloof, begin met die formalisering van sowel die geloofsbegrip as die beskrywing van die inhoud van geloof. Dit is voortgesit deur 'n proses van die objektivering van die inhoud van geloof tot feite wat geleer kan word en is uiteindelik voltrek deur die implementering van 'n pragmatiese opvoedkundige doelwit waarin geloof (...)
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  • Rediscovering ‘disciplemaking’ and the role of faith-sharing.Malan Nel & W. J. Schoeman - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-8.
    According to the Gospel of Matthew, disciplemaking seems to be the signature mark of faithful disciples of Jesus the Christ. Van Aarde refers to this, with reference to Von Harnack and Lohmeyer as the manifesto of the church, being on the same level of meaning as Deuteronomy 6 in the Old Testament. It may be fair to say that this 'natural' way of being and doing was in more than one way exchanged for evangelism practices that did nothing to show (...)
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  • Calvin, Van Lodenstein and Barth: Three perspectives on the necessity of church reformation.Wim A. Dreyer - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):53-65.
    During 2017, churches with their roots in the 16th-century Reformation, will be celebrating the legacy of the Reformation. It affords theologians and churches the opportunity to reflect on the principles of the Reformation and its relevance at the start of the 21st century. This contribution reflects on the question of the necessity of church reformation, based on three texts from different periods in the history of the church. Firstly and primarily, Calvin's 'De necessitate reformandae ecclesiae' of 1543 sheds light on (...)
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  • A Commission ‘Great’ for Whom? Postcolonial Contrapuntal Readings of Matthew 28:18–20 and the Irony of William Carey.Darren Cronshaw - 2016 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33 (2):110-123.
    Arguably, the modern missionary movement’s foundational text, the ‘Great Commission’ of Matthew 28:18–20 has been criticized for its use in legitimizing colonial oppression. Focusing on reception history in South Asian polycolonial contexts, this article uses ‘Saidian’ contrapuntal reading to explore whether and for whom the commission is ‘great’? William Carey used it as a proof-text in his ‘Enquiry’ for Christians to engage in foreign mission. RS Sugirtharajah brings a postcolonial critique to Carey, but Saugata Bhaduri appreciates the unintended de-colonizing consequences (...)
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