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  1. Indirect discourse and quotation.Michel Seymour - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 74 (1):1 - 38.
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  • Anthropocentrism and truth.Timothy Williamson - 1987 - Philosophia 17 (1):33-53.
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  • Le rationalisme et l'analyse linguistique.Sylvain Auroux - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (2):203-.
    C'est avec la grammaire générative que la discussion sur les rapports entre l'analyse linguistique et le rationalisme est devenue particulièrement abondante, en même temps qu'elle devenait une affaire idéologique concernant un large public. En présentant sa Cartesian Linguistics comme un chapitre dans l'histoire du rationalisme, Chomsky a prétendu avec éclat que: il y aurait une tradition rationaliste ayant des idées précises sur le langage, liée aux thèses cartésiennes et à la grammaire générale de Port-Royal; la grammaire générative reprendrait cette tradition (...)
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  • Absolute Spirit and Universal Self-Consciousness: Bruno Bauer's Revolutionary Subjectivism.Douglas Moggach - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (2):235-.
    Recent literature on the Young Hegelians attests to a renewed appreciation of their philosophical and political significance. Important new studies have linked them to the literary and political currents of their time, traced the changing patterns of their relationships with early French socialism, and demonstrated the affinity of their thought with Hellenistic theories of self-consciousness. The conventional interpretative context, which focuses on the left-Hegelian critique of religion and the problem of the realisation of philosophy, has also been decisively challenged. Ingrid (...)
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  • The man becomes Adam‎.Mony Almalech - 2018 - In Audroné Daubariené, Simona Stano & Ulrika Varankaité (eds.), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS).
    The paper is focused on Genesis 1 – 3 where the primordial man [adàm] is created ‎and he was given the proper name Adam [adàm]. ‎ In Hebrew man and Adam are the same word, spelled the same way – [adàm]. ‎Different translations of Genesis 1-3 use for the first time the proper name Adam in ‎different places versions Gen 2:25; The German Luther ‎Bible Gen 3:8; Some English Protestant versions Gen 3:17; Bulgarian Protestant and many ‎English Protestant versions Gen (...)
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