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  1. Lights and Shadows of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Its Mediating Role in the Relationship Between Negative Affect and State Anxiety in University Students.Rocio Guil, Rocio Gómez-Molinero, Ana Merchán-Clavellino & Paloma Gil-Olarte - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Nowadays, students are experiencing difficult and stressful situations due to the Global Pandemic Alert. This changing world can evoke negative emotions that have been traditionally linked to higher anxiety. Researches have been focused on the positive outcomes of trait emotional intelligence preventing psychological disorders. However, the possibility that TEI might have a dark side has been neglected. Hence, this study aimed to explore the mediating effect of the three dimensions of TEI in the relationship between negative affect and anxiety symptoms (...)
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  • Learning in Adverse Circumstances: Impaired by Learning With Anxiety, Maladaptive Cognitions, and Emotions, but Supported by Self-Concept and Motivation.Manuela Paechter, Hellen Phan-Lesti, Bernhard Ertl, Daniel Macher, Smirna Malkoc & Ilona Papousek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 summer semester 2020 posed many challenges and uncertainties, quite unexpectedly and suddenly. In a sample of 314 psychology students, it was investigated how they experienced learning and preparing for an end-of-semester exam, which emotions and strain they experienced, how academic performance was affected, and how personal antecedents of learning as important facets of a learner’s identity could support or prevent overcoming adverse circumstances of learning. The participants of the study filled in a questionnaire about their achievement emotions and (...)
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  • Breast Cancer and Resilience: The Controversial Role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence.Rocio Guil, Paula Ruiz-González, Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Lucía Morales-Sánchez, Antonio Zayas & Rocio Gómez-Molinero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cancer is a chronic disease that causes the most deaths in the world, being a public health problem nowadays. Even though breast cancer affects the daily lives of patients, many women become resilient after the disease, decreasing the impact of the diagnosis. Based on a positive psychology approach, the concept of co-vitality arises understood as a set of socio-emotional competencies that enhance psychological adaptation. In this sense, emotional intelligence is one of the main protective factors associated with resilience. However, it (...)
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  • (1 other version)Meta-Analysis of the Associations Among Constructs of Intrapersonal Emotion Knowledge.Juhyun Park, Xinyi Zhan & Kristin Naragon- Gainey - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (1):66-83.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 66-83, January 2022. To better define the boundaries of conceptually overlapping constructs of intrapersonal emotion knowledge, we examined meta-analytic correlations among five intrapersonal EK-related constructs and attention to emotion. Affect labelling, alexithymia, and emotional clarity were strongly associated, and they were moderately associated with attention to emotion. Alexithymia and emotional awareness were weakly associated, and emotion differentiation was unrelated with emotional clarity. Sample characteristics and measures moderated some of the associations. Publication bias was (...)
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  • (1 other version)Meta-Analysis of the Associations Among Constructs of Intrapersonal Emotion Knowledge.Juhyun Park, Xinyi Zhan & Kristin Naragon- Gainey - 2022 - Sage Publications: Emotion Review 14 (1):66-83.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 66-83, January 2022. To better define the boundaries of conceptually overlapping constructs of intrapersonal emotion knowledge, we examined meta-analytic correlations among five intrapersonal EK-related constructs and attention to emotion. Affect labelling, alexithymia, and emotional clarity were strongly associated, and they were moderately associated with attention to emotion. Alexithymia and emotional awareness were weakly associated, and emotion differentiation was unrelated with emotional clarity. Sample characteristics and measures moderated some of the associations. Publication bias was (...)
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