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  1. Inclusive Business at the Base of the Pyramid: The Role of Embeddedness for Enabling Social Innovations.Addisu A. Lashitew, Lydia Bals & Rob van Tulder - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):421-448.
    Inclusive businesses that combine profit making with social impact are claimed to hold the potential for poverty alleviation while also creating new entrepreneurial and innovation opportunities. Current research, however, offers little insight on the processes through which for-profit business organizations introduce social innovations that can profitably create social impact. To understand how social innovations emerge and become sustained in business organizations, we studied a telecom firm in Kenya that successfully extended financial services across the country through a number of mobile (...)
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  • Vicious and Virtuous Circles of Aspirational Talk: From Self-Persuasive to Agonistic CSR Rhetoric.Itziar Castelló, Michael Etter & Peter Winkler - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):98-128.
    Scholars are divided over the question of whether managerial aspirational talk that contradicts current business practices can contribute to corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this conceptual article, we explore the rhetorical dynamics of aspirational talk that either impede or foster CSR. We argue that self-persuasive CSR rhetoric, as one enactment of aspirational talk, can attract attention and scrutiny from organizational members. Continued adherence to this rhetoric, however, creates and perpetuates tensions that lead to a vicious circle of disengagement. A virtuous (...)
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  • Strategic Leadership of Corporate Sustainability.Robert Strand - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):687-706.
    Strategic leadership and corporate sustainability have recently come together in conspicuously explicit fashion through the emergence of top management team positions with dedicated corporate sustainability responsibilities. These TMT positions, commonly referred to as “Chief Sustainability Officers,” have found their way into the upper echelons of many of the world’s largest corporations alongside more traditional TMT positions including the CEO and CFO. We explore this phenomenon and consider the following two questions: Why are corporate sustainability positions being installed to the TMT?What (...)
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  • A Communicative Constitutive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Ventriloquism, Undecidability, and Surprisability.François Cooren - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):175-197.
    Adopting a communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) perspective on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) invites us to create the conditions of a dialogue, discussion, or debate between various stakeholders, who can then try to confront their respective positions on a given issue, and possibly come to a decision regarding how a situation should be evaluated and/or responded to. As shown in this article, getting human stakeholders to voice their concerns about a specific situation is a way not only (...)
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  • Business News Framing of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States and the United Kingdom: Insights From the Implicit and Explicit CSR Framework.Daniel Riffe & Tae Ho Lee - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (4):683-711.
    This study aims to contribute to the understanding of business news coverage of corporate social responsibility within a comparative international context by investigating two business newspapers, The Wall Street Journal from the United States and The Financial Times from the United Kingdom. Drawing on the news framing research and the implicit and explicit CSR framework of Matten and Moon, this content analysis shows that business news coverage of CSR in the United States and in the United Kingdom differs in terms (...)
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  • Business Infomediary Representations of Corporate Responsibility.Meri Frig, Martin Fougère, Veronica Liljander & Pia Polsa - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):337-351.
    Drawing on the recent discussion about the role information intermediaries play in affecting corporate responsibility adoption, we analyze the representation of CR issues in a business infomediary distributed by a leading business organization. The explicit task of the business infomediary is to promote a competitive national business environment. This paper contributes to research on CR, by providing new knowledge on the current CR discourse within the business community, and research on infomediaries, by introducing a distinction between watchdog-oriented and business-oriented infomediaries. (...)
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  • CSR as Corporate Political Activity: Observations on IKEA’s CSR Identity–Image Dynamics.Mette Morsing & Anne Roepstorff - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):395-409.
    In this article, we develop a conceptual framework to understand how a company’s CSR identity becomes defined as a political activity destabilizing the strong identity–image relations. We draw on theories of political CSR and organizational identity–image relations to study how CSR emerges as a corporate political activity in a context where the corporate CSR work is first appreciated and later critiqued by the public in the wake of socio-political events. We analyse the micro-organizational processes in the context of macro-political level (...)
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  • Employee Anonymous Online Dissent: Dynamics and Ethical Challenges for Employees, Targeted Organisations, Online Outlets, and Audiences.Silvia Ravazzani & Alessandra Mazzei - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (2):175-201.
    ABSTRACT:This article aims to enhance understanding of employee anonymous online dissent (EAOD), a controversial phenomenon in contemporary digital environments. We conceptualise and scrutinise EAOD as a communicative and interactional process among four key actors: dissenting employees, online outlet administrators, audiences, and targeted organisations. This multi-actor, dialectical process encompasses actor-related tensions that may generate unethical consequences if single voices are not brought out and confronted. Appropriating a Habermasian ethical and discursive lens, we examine and disentangle three particular challenges emerging from the (...)
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  • License to Critique: A Communication Perspective on Sustainability Standards.Lars Thøger Christensen, Mette Morsing & Ole Thyssen - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (2):239-262.
    ABSTRACT:Sustainability standards are important governance tools for addressing social and environmental challenges. Yet, such tools are often criticized for being either too open-ended or too restrictive, thereby failing to contribute significantly to the development of sustainable practices. Both dimensions of the critique, however, miss the point. While all standards in principle combine elements of openness and closure, both of which are necessary to keep the sustainability agenda relevant and adaptive, sustainability standards often operate in contexts that favor closure. In this (...)
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  • The Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in Network Societies: A Communication View. [REVIEW]Friederike Schultz, Itziar Castelló & Mette Morsing - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (4):681-692.
    The paper introduces the communication view on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which regards CSR as communicatively constructed in dynamic interaction processes in today’s networked societies. Building on the idea that communication constitutes organizations we discuss the potentially indeterminate, disintegrative, and conflictual character of CSR. We hereby challenge established mainstream views on CSR such as the instrumental view, which regards CSR as an organizational instrument to reach organizational aims such as improved reputation and financial performance, and the political-normative view on CSR, (...)
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  • Erratum to: Scandinavian Cooperative Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Stakeholder Engagement in Scandinavia.Kai Hockerts, R. Edward Freeman & Robert Strand - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):87-87.
    In this article, we first provide evidence that Scandinavian contributions to stakeholder theory over the past 50 years play a much larger role in its development than is presently acknowledged. These contributions include the first publication and description of the term “stakeholder”, the first stakeholder map, and the development of three fundamental tenets of stakeholder theory: jointness of interests, cooperative strategic posture, and rejection of a narrowly economic view of the firm. We then explore the current practices of Scandinavian companies (...)
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  • Corporate Tax Responsibility: Expectations of Implicit and Explicit CSR in the U.K. Media.Francesco Scarpa, Silvana Signori & Andrew Crane - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (2):299-338.
    Corporations have increasingly been called on to assume responsibilities for paying fairer shares of tax, while, at the same time, governments have been repeatedly urged to develop more effective corporate tax systems to tackle tax avoidance. Therefore, institutional attributions of tax responsibility for companies seem to have features of both explicit and implicit corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, given that we lack a clear understanding of which form or forms of CSR in relation to tax are expected of companies and (...)
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  • Scandinavian Stakeholder Thinking: Seminal Offerings from the Late Juha Näsi. [REVIEW]Robert Strand - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):1-17.
    In this article, we first provide evidence that Scandinavian contributions to stakeholder theory over the past 50 years play a much larger role in its development than is presently acknowledged. These contributions include the first publication and description of the term “stakeholder”, the first stakeholder map, and the development of three fundamental tenets of stakeholder theory: jointness of interests, cooperative strategic posture, and rejection of a narrowly economic view of the firm. We then explore the current practices of Scandinavian companies (...)
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