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  1. Menschenrechte als ethischer Referenzpunkt Theologischer Ethik, Philosophischer Ethik und positiven Rechts.Kirchschläger Peter - 2022 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 30 (1):41-70.
    In liberal constitutional states and in increasingly secularized societies, the question arises as to the relationship of theological ethics to positive law and to philosophical ethics. In particular, the reference to transcendence in theological ethics triggers a reflection on the argumentative radiance and the plausible persuasive effect that theological ethics can develop, for example, on legal questions as well as on societal concerns of ethical relevance. Beyond that, is there also an area where secular ethics and positive law on the (...)
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  • Religion and the spontaneous order of the market: Law, freedom, and power over lives.Elettra Stimilli - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (3):399-415.
    This article focuses on a religious structure that is intrinsic to the contemporary mechanisms that have enabled the global domination of economic power: faith in the market. Following Foucault’s transition from biopolitics to governmentality, this article articulates the mechanism that generates the ability for human beings to give shape and value to their lives. Through a reading of Schmitt and Hayek, as well as an updated reading of Weber’s thesis on the origin of capitalism, this article argues that we must (...)
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  • Ist der Naturalismus eine Ideologie?Thomas Jussuf Spiegel - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (1):51-71.
    Naturalism is the current orthodoxy in analytic philosophy. Naturalism is the conjunction of the (ontological) claim that all that truly exists are the entities countenanced by the natural sciences and the (epistemological) claim that the only true knowledge is natural-scientific knowledge. Drawing on some recent work in Critical Theory, this article argues that naturalism qualifies as an ideology. This is the case because naturalism meets three key aspects shared by paradigmatic cases of ideology: (i) naturalism has practical consequences and implications (...)
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  • Vernünftige Existenz als Weltbewältigung. Eine Kritik der weltanschaulichen Neutralität säkularer Vernunft bei Jürgen Habermas.Maximilian Runge - 2015
    Since Jürgen Habermas' speech for the Peace Price of the German Book Trade in October 2001, secular reason – personified by one of its main protagonists – has been able to debate with religion anew. For the purpose of an unbiased encounter between philosophy and religion, Habermas introduced the term “postsecular” back then in order to emphasize that this dialogue was inevitably necessary, all the more in the face of religiously motivated terrorism. Nonetheless, this willingness to debate was accompanied by (...)
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  • Relektüre ohne Rückkehr.Benedikt Melters - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (5):646-671.
    In his last work, Relire le relié, Michel Serres develops a philosophy of religion that circumvents the conventional demarcations of reason and faith, knowledge of the world and knowledge of revelation, or agnosticism and apology. In a structuralistically-informed relecture, he exposes the basic traits of religion. With its narratives and theologoumena, it captures and describes being-in-the-world as an event of universal synthesis. It is – in Serres’ diction – about the basic relatio of energy and information, entropy and negentropy, chaos (...)
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  • Ethik als Gegenstand der Religionswissenschaft: Versuch einer Verhältnisbestimmung im Kontext der Lehrpersonenausbildung für den bekenntnisfreien Religions- bzw. Ethikunterricht.Philipp Hetmanczyk - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 31 (2):161-186.
    Zusammenfassung Im deutschsprachigen Raum haben sich unterschiedliche Fachformate als Alternativen zum konfessionellen Religionsunterricht etabliert. Innerhalb dieser Fachformate kommt der Religionskunde meist ein mehr oder weniger großer Anteil zu und oftmals beteiligt sich die Religionswissenschaft an der Lehrpersonenausbildung für diese religionskundlichen Fachanteile. Neben der Religionskunde bildet jedoch auch die Ethik entweder einen Teil dieser Fächer oder das Fach als solches ist als Ethik benannt. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, inwiefern die Religionswissenschaft auch einen Beitrag zur Lehrpersonenausbildung für das Fach (...)
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  • Die Stellung von Religion im politischen Denken des Aristoteles.Karen Piepenbrink - 2020 - Klio 102 (1):1-25.
    Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, aus welchen Gründen religiöse Aspekte im politischen Denken des Aristoteles – verglichen mit dem anderer zeitgenössischer Philosophen wie auch mit der politischen Praxis seiner Zeit – nicht prominent vertreten sind. Dabei beleuchtet er insbesondere den Umstand, dass Aristoteles der sozialintegrativen wie auch der identitätsstiftenden Funktion des Kultes im Hinblick auf die Polisgemeinschaft keine zentrale Bedeutung beimisst. Der Beitrag deutet dies auf dem Hintergrund der spezifischen Fragestellungen wie auch der politischen Prämissen des Philosophen, (...)
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  • Polis und Kosmos. Habermas, Ratzinger und Kant über Politik und Religion.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):43-58.
    Anknüpfend an einen Dialog zwischen Jürgen Habermas und Joseph Ratzinger von 2004 über vorpolitische Grundlagen des demokratischen Rechtsstaates werden Eckpunkte möglicher Rechtfertigungen und ein strukturelles Defizit des Staates erörtert: selbst der demokratischste gefährdet die Freiheit seiner Bürger. Ratzinger und Habermas weisen dem religiösen Glauben differente Funktionen zu, um diesem und verwandten Defiziten abzuhelfen: Ratzinger setzt auf tiefe religiöse Überzeugung, Habermas auf Kulturchristentum. Dagegen wird hier die These vertreten, dass die vorgeschlagenen Abhilfen nicht wirkungsvoll sind. Vielmehr bedarf es einer im kritischen (...)
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  • Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: German Protestantism, Conscience, and the Limits of Purely Ethical Reflection.Peter Bartmann - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (2-3):203-225.
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  • “…As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us…”: Theological Reflections on Sin and Guilt in the Hospital Environment.Kurt W. Schmidt - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (2):201-219.
    In general parlance the term sin has lost its existential meaning. Originally a Jewish-Christian term within a purely religious context, referring to a wrongdoing with regard to God, sin has slowly become reduced to guilt in the course of the secularization process. Guilt refers to a wrongdoing, especially with regard to fellow human beings. It also refers to errors of judgement with what can be tragic consequences. These errors can occur whenever human beings are called upon to act, including the (...)
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  • From Nature to Culture? Diogenes and Philosophical Anthropology.Christian Lotz - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (1):41-56.
    This essay is concerned with the central issue of philosophical anthropology: the relation between nature and culture. Although Rousseau was the first thinker to introduce this topic within the modern discourse of philosophy and the cultural sciences, it has its origin in Diogenes the Cynic, who was a disciple of Socrates. In my essay I (1) historically introduce a few aspects of philosophical anthropology, (2) deal with the nature–culture exchange, as introduced in Kant, then I (3) relate this topic to (...)
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  • Jürgen Habermas on public reason and religion: do religious citizens suffer an asymmetrical cognitive burden, and should they be compensated?Cathrine Holst & Anders Molander - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (5):547-563.
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  • Ponowoczesność jako nowa szansa dla Oświecenia, czyli o konieczności przezwyciężenia nowoczesności.Markus Lipowicz - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (1):97-114.
    Post-modernity as a New Chance for the Enlightenment: On Necessity of Overcoming Modernity. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the end of modernity does not necessary comprise a cultural regress but can also be seen as new stage of the process of Enlightenment in Western history. After the presentation of popular and commonly recognized definitions of modernity and postmodernity, the author will attempt to demonstrate the main limitations of modernity on the basis of philosophies of Max Stirner (...)
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  • Christian Bioethics in a Western Europe after Christendom.H. T. Engelhardt - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (1):86-100.
    Europe has taken on a new, post-Christian, if not a somewhat anti-Christian character. The tension between Western Europe's ever more secular present and its substantial Christian past lies at the heart of Western Europe's current struggle to articulate a coherent cultural and moral identity. The result is that Western European mainline churches are themselves in the midst of an identity crisis, thus compounding Western Europe's identity crisis. Christian bioethics in Europe exists against the backdrop of these profound cultural cross currents (...)
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  • Glaube und Vernunft.Birgit Sandkaulen - 2015 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 18 (1):52-65.
    The question of the relationship between faith and reason marks one of the fundamental issues for classical German philosophy. The paper is guided by a systematic interest in identifying some common features in the approaches taken by Kant and Hegel that are also of interest for the contemporary discussion: 1. The specific modernity of Kant’s and Hegel’s considerations, evident in their rejection of the resources traditionally appealed to by religion and rationalist metaphysics; 2. the anti-naturalist conviction that, in contrast to (...)
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  • Pastoral Care for the Sick in a Post-Secular Age: An Ignatian Perspective.Michael Sievernich - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (1):23-37.
    This pastoral-theology-based reflection on hospital chaplaincy, set within the horizon of the pastoral situation of Germany in the post-secular (!) age, introduces the perspective of a consolation-oriented ministry, as this was developed by Ignatius of Loyola. Such a pastoral care for the sick, as integrated into the basic offices of the church, presents a graded model for action: while human accompaniment is offered to all, spiritual ministry is restricted, but realized in an ecumenically encompassing sense. Spiritual and ritual care for (...)
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  • (1 other version)Business research, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the inherent responsibility of scholars.Gonin Michaël - unknown
    Business research and teaching institutions play an important role in shaping the way businesses perceive their relations to the broader society and its moral expectations. Hence, as ethical scandals recently arose in the business world, questions related to the civic responsibilities of business scholars and to the role business schools play in society have gained wider interest. In this article, I argue that these ethical shortcomings are at least partly resulting from the mainstream business model with its taken-for granted basic (...)
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  • Religie, maatschappelijke orde en geweld.Jan van der Stoep - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (1):85-99.
    Religie wordt vaak opgevat als een illusionaire macht waarmee onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen het seculiere en het sacrale en daarmee tussen mensen die wel en mensen die niet uitverkoren zijn. Macht en geweld vallen in een dergelijke opvatting vrijwel samen. Aan de hand van het werk van Pierre Bourdieu laat ik zien dat dit leidt, hetzij tot een positie waarin ieder onderscheidend vermogen tussen wat waar of niet waar is verdwijnt, hetzij tot een positie waarin de criteria zo hoog worden (...)
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  • Habermas and gauchet on religion in postsecular society. A critical assessment.Antoon Braeckman - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (3):279-296.
    This article seeks to demonstrate that in his recent reading of the role of religion in the postsecular public realm, Habermas overlooks a most fundamental dimension of religion: its power to symbolically institute communities. For his part, Gauchet starts from a vision of religion in which this fundamental dimension is central. In his evaluation of the role of religion in postsecular society, he therefore arrives at results which are very different from those of Habermas. However, I believe that Gauchet too (...)
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  • Habermas's theological turn?Austin Harrington - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (1):45–61.
    Since the turn of the millennium Jürgen Habermas's contributions to social and political theory have been increasingly turning toward matters of religious and theological relevance. This article weighs up the import and coherence of Habermas's recent reflections on religious belief and its relationship to reason and modernity in Western philosophical culture. At the forefront of the analysis stands Habermas's conception of appropriate “limits” and “boundaries” between the domains of knowledge and faith and the possibility and desirability of a process of (...)
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  • Ernst Troeltsch’s Concept of Europe.Austin Harrington - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (4):479-498.
    Recent writing in social theory has seen a renewed preoccupation with questions of religion, secularization and civilizational difference. This article reappraises the work of one early twentieth-century thinker in relation to these issues: the German historical theologian and close colleague of Max Weber, Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923). The article concentrates particularly on Troeltsch’s late writings on Europe and ‘Europeanism’. The thesis is defended that Troeltsch offers an important gloss on Weber’s famous assertion of the ‘universal significance and validity’ of occidental rationalism. (...)
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  • Religion as a source and remedy for evil.Gerardo Cunico - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (4-5):407-418.
    The first part of the paper recalls the structural relationship between the religious attitudes and practices and the problem of evil, starting from an anthropological–sociological point of view and ending with more philosophical considerations. The second part deals with the forms of evil engendered or potentiated by religion itself mainly in the public-collective dimension, especially with constraint and violence connected with monotheistic traditions, and finally indicates the antidotes available in them.
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  • What is chaos and how is it relevant for philosophy of mind?John M. Ostrowick - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (3):323-335.
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  • Religious Approaches on Business Ethics: Current Situation and Future Perspectives.Domènec Melé - 2015 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 6 (6):137-160.
    The Business Ethics Movement began in the mid-1970s. For the first two decades philosophical theories were dominant, but in recent years an increasing presence of religious approaches, in both empirical and conceptual research, can be noted, in spite of some objections to the presence of religions in the business ethics field. Empirical research, generally based on psychological and sociological studies, shows the influence of religious faith on several business issues. Conceptual research includes a variety of business ethics issues studied from (...)
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  • Sobre los dos sentidos del concepto habermasiano de sociedad postsecular.Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá - 2017 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 70:23-39.
    Habermas se ha valido a menudo de la expresión "sociedad postsecular" para referirse al proceso de aprendizaje mutuo entre la razón ilustrada y la conciencia religiosa en el seno de las sociedades modernas. Esa expresión es utilizada por el pensador alemán en dos acepciones distintas. Unas veces la emplea como categoría sociológica descriptiva y otras como categoría filosófica de carácter normativo. En este trabajo rechazamos el uso descriptivo del concepto de sociedad postsecular, haciéndonos eco de las críticas que contra él (...)
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  • Remarks on the concept of critique in Habermasian thought.Simon Susen - 2010 - Journal of Global Ethics 6 (2):103-126.
    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of critique in Habermasian thought. Given that the concept of critique is a central theoretical category in the work of the Frankfurt School, it comes as a surprise that little in the way of a systematic account which sheds light on the multifaceted meanings of the concept of critique in Habermas's oeuvre can be found in the literature. This paper aims to fill this gap by exploring the various meanings (...)
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  • Here I Stand: Lutheran Stubbornness in the Danish Prime Minister's Office during the Cartoon Crisis.Camilla Sløk - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (2):231-248.
    The article provides a systems-theoretical analysis of the Cartoon Crisis and the way the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, responded to the expectations of Muslim groups in particular and the business community. The analysis shows that the Prime Minister followed a single strategy throughout the crisis, namely, insisting on a secular understanding of the separation of politics and religion. Religion, in this view, should not interfere in politics, and politics should not interfere in religion. The main outline of the (...)
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  • Entrepreneurship from an Islamic Perspective.Ali Aslan Gümüsay - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):199-208.
    Research about the role of religion in entrepreneurship and more broadly management is sparse. In this conceptual article, we complement existing entrepreneurship theory by examining entrepreneurship from an Islamic perspective. EIP is based on three interconnected pillars: the entrepreneurial, socio-economic/ethical, and religio-spiritual. We outline how Islam shapes entrepreneurship at the micro-, meso-, and macro-level, indicate how Islam may be considered an entrepreneurial religion in the sense that it enables and encourages entrepreneurial activity, review research streams interlinking Islam with entrepreneurship and (...)
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  • Religion: Respect for One An Other.Ina Praetorius - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (3):254-268.
    A middle-aged Swiss friend tells me that, for her, God is ‘a contaminated word, … loaded with the spirit of many hundreds of years and miles of library shelves, a word that has nothing to do with the holistic worldview she embraces today.’1 So, she says, she has simply ‘removed the word from her vocabulary’: It’s out, it’s past, it has become a word that is used by other people only. The mindset that is expressed in these words is typical (...)
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