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  1. Descriptor Revision: Belief Change Through Direct Choice.Sven Ove Hansson - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a critical examination of how the choice of what to believe is represented in the standard model of belief change. In particular the use of possible worlds and infinite remainders as objects of choice is critically examined. Descriptors are introduced as a versatile tool for expressing the success conditions of belief change, addressing both local and global descriptor revision. The book presents dynamic descriptors such as Ramsey descriptors that convey how an agent’s beliefs tend to be changed (...)
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  • Providing foundations for coherentism.Sven Ove Hansson & Erik J. Olsson - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (2-3):243-265.
    We prove that four theses commonly associated with coherentism are incompatible with the representation of a belief state as a logically closed set of sentences. The result is applied to the conventional coherence interpretation of the AGM theory of belief revision, which appears not to be tenable. Our argument also counts against the coherentistic acceptability of a certain form of propositional holism. We argue that the problems arise as an effect of ignoring the distinction between derived and non-derived beliefs, and (...)
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  • Belief revision, minimal change and relaxation: A general framework based on satisfaction systems, and applications to description logics.Marc Aiguier, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch & Céline Hudelot - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 256 (C):160-180.
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  • Making beliefs coherentl. The subtraction and addition strategies.Erick J. Olsson - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (2):143-163.
    The notion of epistemic coherence is interpreted as involving not only consistency but also stability. The problem how to consolidate a belief system, i.e., revise it so that it becomes coherent, is studied axiomatically as well as in terms of set-theoretical constructions. Representation theorems are given for subtractive consolidation (where coherence is obtained by deleting beliefs) and additive consolidation (where coherence is obtained by adding beliefs).
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  • Systematic withdrawal.Thomas Meyer, Johannes Heidema, Willem Labuschagne & Louise Leenen - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (5):415-443.
    Although AGM theory contraction (Alchourrón et al., 1985; Alchourrón and Makinson, 1985) occupies a central position in the literature on belief change, there is one aspect about it that has created a fair amount of controversy. It involves the inclusion of the postulate known as Recovery. As a result, a number of alternatives to AGM theory contraction have been proposed that do not always satisfy the Recovery postulate (Levi, 1991, 1998; Hansson and Olsson, 1995; Fermé, 1998; Fermé and Rodriguez, 1998; (...)
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  • A test battery for rational database updating.Sven O. Hansson - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 82 (1-2):341-352.
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  • Non monotonic reasoning and belief revision: syntactic, semantic, foundational and coherence approaches.Alvaro del Val - 1997 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (1-2):213-240.
    ABSTRACT The major approaches to belief revision and non monotonic reasoning proposed in the literature differ along a number of dimensions, including whether they are ?syntax- based? or ?semantic-based?, ?foundational? or ?coherentist?, ?consistence-restoring? or ?inconsistency-tolerant?. Our contribution towards clarifying the connections between these various approaches is threefold: ?We show that the two main approaches to belief revision, the foundations and coherence theories, are mathematically equivalent, thus answering a question left open in [Gar90, Doy92], The distinction between syntax-based approaches to revision (...)
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  • Updating action domain descriptions.Thomas Eiter, Esra Erdem, Michael Fink & Ján Senko - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (15):1172-1221.
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  • An AGM-style belief revision mechanism for probabilistic spatio-temporal logics.John Grant, Francesco Parisi, Austin Parker & V. S. Subrahmanian - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (1):72-104.
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  • Full Meet Revision on Stratified Bases.Michael Freund - 2001 - Theoria 67 (3):189-213.
    We show how to construct partial nontrivial base revision operators that satisfy the analogues of the AGM postulates and depends on no extra‐logical consideration. These operators, closely related to the full meet revision process, are defined on stratified bases, in which the information can be ranked in logical sequences. Stratified bases, which can be viewed as sets of graded sheaves, are exactly the knowledge bases for which the full meet revision operator satisfies the rationality postulate K*8. As the revision of (...)
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  • Infobase change: A first approximation. [REVIEW]Thomas Andreas Meyer, Willem Adrian Labuschagne & Johannes Heidema - 2000 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9 (3):353-377.
    Generalisations of theory change involving operations on arbitrary sets ofwffs instead of on belief sets (i.e., sets closed under a consequencerelation), have become known as base change. In one view, a base should bethought of as providing more structure to its generated belief set, whichmeans that it can be employed to determine the theory contraction operationassociated with a base contraction operation. In this paper we follow suchan approach as the first step in defining infobase change. We think of an infobase (...)
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