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The Transparency Society

Stanford University Press (2015)

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  1. Adam Smith’s Virtue of Prudence in E-Commerce: A Conceptual Framework for Users in the E-Commercial Society.Martin Schlag, Marta Rocchi & Richard Turnbull - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (6):1462-1502.
    As founder of modern political economics and prominent theorist of the commercial society, Adam Smith’s importance is universally recognized. Little, however, has been done so far to develop Adam Smith’s virtue ethics in the context of modern business, characterized by digitalization. This article aims to rediscover Adam Smith’s virtue of prudence and its relevance for the “e-commercial society”: It presents a framework that considers the central place of prudence in the relationship between a prosperous e-commercial system and societal flourishing. In (...)
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  • Tackling Hermeneutical Injustices in Gender-Affirming Healthcare.Nick Clanchy - forthcoming - Hypatia.
    Previously proposed strategies for tackling hermeneutical injustices take for granted the interests people have in certain things about them being intelligible to them and/or to others, and seek to enable them to satisfy these interests. Strategies of this sort I call interests-as-given strategies. I propose that some hermeneutical injustices can instead be tackled by doing away with certain of these interests, and so with the possibility of their unfair non-satisfaction. Strategies of this sort I call interests-in-question strategies. As a case (...)
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  • Totalitarian Space and the Destruction of Aura.Saladdin Ahmed - 2019 - Albany, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    We live today within a system in which state and corporate power aim to render space flat, transparent, and uniform, for only then can it be truly controlled. The gaze of power and the commodity form are capable of infiltrating even the darkest of corners, and often, we invite them into our most private spaces. We do so as a matter of convenience, but also to placate ourselves and cope with the alienation inherent in our everyday lives. The resulting dominant (...)
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  • Killing time.Russell West-Pavlov - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (2):113-123.
    This essay is a fictocritical meditation upon the contemporary transformation of temporal experience as we find ourselves embarked upon an accelerating process of climate change and species extinction, including possibly that of the human species. The essay offers an extended reading of a recent villanelle published in John Kinsella’s Book of Villanelles that in turn responds to a controversial project by the Adani mining consortium to begin extracting coal over a large swathe of Wangan and Jagalingou country in the Central (...)
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  • The degree zero of digital interfaces: a semiotics of audiovisual archives online.Matteo Treleani - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):219-235.
    Interfaces have partially replaced editors. They now administer and have industrialized the processes of content circulation. Web platforms mediatize cultural memory and one example of this is that of online audiovisual archives which are a paradigmatic case involving interfaces mediating our image of the past. Therefore, their role as an enunciative framework is clearly worthy of thought and study. We will thus use a semiotic approach based on the starting hypothesis that digital interfaces shape our belief systems through a discursive (...)
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  • Pastorate Digitalized: Social Media and (De)Subjectification.Diana Stypinska - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    Taking its cue from Michel Foucault’s analyses of the pastoral ‘conduct of conduct’, this paper considers social media as a specific dispositif that derives its mode of operation from the religious techniques of individualization. It argues that today’s preoccupation with digital performances, far from exorcizing the pastoral logic, in fact manifests its secular intensification. By examining social media practices through the lens of the sacramental paradigm of confession, the article shows how the digitalization of the pastoral directive culminates in the (...)
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  • In the patient’s best interest: appraising social network site information for surrogate decision making.Shahla Siddiqui & Voo Teck Chuan - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):851-856.
    This paper will discuss why and how social network sites ought to be used in surrogate decision making (SDM), with focus on a context like Singapore in which substituted judgment is incorporated as part of best interest assessment for SDM, as guided by the Code of Practice for making decisions for those lacking mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act (2008). Specifically, the paper will argue that the Code of Practice already supports an ethical obligation, as part of a patient-centred (...)
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  • Розуміння Людської Дивідуальності В Політичному Метамодернізмі.Олександр Манюков - 2022 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 66:27-37.
    Представлено розуміння дивідуальної природи особистості з погляду політичного метамодернізму Ханзі Фрайнахта. Він послуговується трансперсональною перспективою, в центрі якої стоїть (трансін)дивід – член більш розвинених та ускладнених суспільств. Проаналізовано монографічні праці автора на предмет використання концепції дивід(уум), яка була сформована у постмодерні і запозичена теоретиками метамодерну. Тож в роботі представлена спроба осмислити багатогранність дивіду та дивідуальності поза постмодерним дискурсом. Дивідуальність концептуалізовано як суб’єктність, що синтезована на межі колективного та індивідуального з урахуванням впливу постмодерної цифровізації у поєднанні з трансперсональним поглядом на людську (...)
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  • Truth and its political forms: an explorative cartography.Gerald Posselt & Sergej Seitz - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (4):569-588.
    For some years now, the significance of truth for politics has been intensely debated under the buzzword “post-truth.” However, this cannot hide the fact that political theory and philosophy have systematically neglected the relationship between truth and politics throughout their history. This article intends to remedy this desideratum by differentiating the various modes in which truth is referred to and invoked in the political field. To this end, the main strands of the post-truth debate are reconstructed and their shortcomings are (...)
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  • “People aren’t numbers”: A critique of industrial rationality within neoliberal societies.Danelle Fourie - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):81-93.
    The main contribution of this article is to apply Herbert Marcuse’s work in contemporary neoliberal society. Specifically, this article will focus on Marcuse’s critique of advanced industrial society and the role that technology plays in the quantification of the self. In this article, I will argue that in recent years, the development of technology has created the possibility to measure, calculate and quantify even the most trivial aspects of our lives, reducing people to numbers. The quantification of people is done (...)
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  • Big Data: From modern fears to enlightened and vigilant embrace of new beginnings.Nicole Dewandre - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In The Black Box Society, Frank Pasquale develops a critique of asymmetrical power: corporations’ secrecy is highly valued by legal orders, but persons’ privacy is continually invaded by these corporations. This response proceeds in three stages. I first highlight important contributions of The Black Box Society to our understanding of political and legal relationships between persons and corporations. I then critique a key metaphor in the book, and the role of transparency and ‘watchdogging’ in its primary policy prescriptions. I then (...)
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  • Hyper(in)visibility and urban-mediatic populism in São Paulo: a sociosemiotic approach.Paolo Demuru - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):61-80.
    The aim of this article is to tackle the sociosemiotic strategies through which the relation between power and visibility is articulated in today’s metropolitan São Paulo. Drawing on the theoretical-methodological framework of Greimasian and post-Greimasian semiotics, the following hypotheses are put forth: (1) contemporary São Paulo is characterized by a true visual hypertrophy, which manifests itself, all at once, in both its architectural and mediatic landscapes; (2) in São Paulo, power is hypervisible and apparently transparent; (3) the excess of images, (...)
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  • Ethical Idealism, Technology and Practice: a Manifesto.Joan Casas-Roma - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-24.
    Technology has become one of the main channels through which people engage in most of their everyday activities. When working, learning, or socializing, the affordances created by technological tools determine the way in which users interact with one another and their environment, thus favoring certain actions and behaviors, while discouraging others. The ethical dimension behind the use of technology has been already studied in recent works, but the question is often formulated in a protective way that focuses on shielding the (...)
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