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Derrida and the Economy of Differance

Indiana University Press (1986)

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  1. Derrida and connectionism: Differance in neural nets.Gordon G. Globus - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (2):183-97.
    A possible relation between Derrida's deconstruction of metaphysics and connectionism is explored by considering diffeacuterance in neural nets terms. First diffeacuterance, as the crossing of Saussurian difference and Freudian deferral, is modeled and then the fuller 'sheaf of diffeacuterance is taken up. The metaphysically conceived brain has two versions: in the traditional computational version the brain processes information like a computer and in the connectionist version the brain computes input vector to output vector transformations non-symbolically. The 'deconstructed brain' neither processes (...)
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  • Re-thinking What We Think About Derrida.Dino Galetti - 2010 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 10 (2):1-18.
    Although many still see Derrida as a thinker opposed to a unified systematic meaning, there has recently been growing recognition that Derrida, in his later years, suggested that his work is not averse to formalisation. In support of this view, this paper points out that, in 1990, Derrida himself told us that his first work of 1954 reveals a “law” which impels his career, and that some responses had arisen even there. Some benefits of adopting such a common pole are (...)
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  • Difference, boundaries and violence : a philosophical exploration informed by critical complexity theory and deconstruction.Lauren Hermanus - unknown
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a philosophical exposition of violence informed by two theoretical positions which confront complexity as a phenomenon. These positions are complexity theory and deconstruction. Both develop systemsbased understandings of complex phenomena in which relations of difference are constitutive of the meaning of those phenomena. There has been no focused investigation of the implications of complexity for the conceptualisation of violence thus far. In response to this theoretical gap, this thesis begins by distinguishing complexity theory as a (...)
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  • Operative différance in recent feminist, queer and post-colonial theory.Penelope Deutscher - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (4):359–376.
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  • Derrida's “Antigonanette”: On the Quasi‐Transcendental.Sina Kramer - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):521-551.
    In this article, I rely both on Derrida's 1974 work Glas, as well as Derrida's 1971–72 lecture course, “La famille de Hegel,” to argue that the concept of the quasi-transcendental is central to Derrida's reading of Hegel and to trace its implications beyond the Hegelian system. I follow Derrida's analysis of the role of Antigone—or, as the lecture course has it, “Antigonanette”—in Hegel's thought to argue that the quasi-transcendental indicates a restriction of empirical difference into the transcendental, which is thereby (...)
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  • Derridean Deconstruction and the Question of Nature.Makoto Katsumori - 2010 - Derrida Today 3 (1):56-74.
    This article inquires into a paradoxical position held by the concept of ‘nature’ in Derrida's thought. While a pivotal part of his project of deconstruction is devoted to a critique of the metaphysical privileging of nature over its others (technics, culture, and so on), the same project also aims at dismantling the hierarchical binary opposition of man/animal. Insofar as the term ‘animal’ or ‘animality’ to a large extent overlaps with nature, these two strands of his thought appear to stand in (...)
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  • Od metafizike k filozofiji razlike: Deleuze in Derrida.Diana Gasparyan - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (3).
    Slovita francoska filozofa Jacques Derrida in Gilles Deleuze pogosto imenujemo tudi filozofa Razlike, da bi poudarili pojmovni pomen razlike v njunih delih. Ta članek bom namenila opisu omenjenega pojma ter njegovi vlogi pri osnovanju tako imenovane Filozofije Razlike. Da bi lahko celostno razumeli logiko omenjenih dveh filozofov, bomo morali zaobiti enega najmočnejših očitkov številnim post­modernističnim filozofom. Otresti se bomo namreč morali ideje, da so nasprotniki vsakršne metafizike. Poskusila bom dokazati, da sta Derrida in Deleuze na začetku dediča metafizike, šele kasneje (...)
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  • Husserl vs. Derrida.James M. Edie - 1990 - Human Studies 13 (2):103 - 118.
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  • Ethics of ambiguity and irony: Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty.Honglim Ryu - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (1-2):5-28.
    This paper examines the relation or, more precisely, tension between postmodern deconstruction and ethics by elaborating upon the ethico-political dimensions of deconstructionism. It embarks on a critical assessment of postmodern discourse on ethics in view of its political implications by analyzing Jacques Derrida''s and Richard Rorty''s arguments with an assumption that their positions represent a certain logic in the postmodern discourse on ethics. Postmodern ethics is based on incredulity with regard to traditional metanarratives, and it defines ethics in terms of (...)
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  • The purloined Hegel: semiology in the thought of Saussure and Derrida.Tony Burns - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (4):1-24.
    This paper explores the thought of Hegel, Saussure and Derrida regarding the nature of the linguistic sign. It argues that Derrida is right to maintain that Hegel is an influence on Saussure. However, Derrida misrepresents both Hegel and Saussure by interpreting them as falling within the Platonic rather than the Aristotelian philosophical tradition.
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  • Acontecimiento y fuerza diferencial. Benjamin-Hamacher-Derrida.Valeria Campos Salvaterra - 2020 - Isegoría 62:125-150.
    The link between force, violence and events in the philosophy of Jacques Derrida is explored, arguing that this relationship is at the very heart of the problem of meaning and its performativity. This thesis is based on the analysis of Derrida’s reading of both Benjamin’s Critique of Violence, as well as Austin’s linguistic performative theory, which allows, at first, to link the question of signification with that of force or violence. Subsequently, we use the analysis of W. Hamacher about Benjamin (...)
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  • Is love a gift? A philosophical inquiry about givenness.Wellington José Santana - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (134):441-454.
    ABSTRACT The contemporary philosophical debate about "gift" brought into light above all by French philosophers Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion, brought about new and live discussions regarding what gift is and what is its nature. The present article analyses whether or not love can be regarded as a gift or, rather, follow the same problem showed by Derrida. According to him, every gift carries an internal contradiction and can never be and, therefore, will never be gift. A gift is impossible. (...)
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  • Playing in the Non-representational Mode of Thinking: A Comparison of Derrida, Dōgen, and Zhuangzi.Carl Olson - 2020 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 12 (1):30-43.
    The representational mode of thinking assumes a correspondence between appearance and reality that is supported by a metaphysical edifice. This way of thinking uses the metaphor of the mirror, which suggests a reflected image of consciousness and confusion between the representation and original consciousness. Jacque Derrida, a leading postmodern philosopher, wants to overcome the mode of representational thinking and extricate himself from it by attempting to think and emphasize differences. Like Derrida, the Daoist sage Zhuangzi and the Japanese Zen master (...)
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