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  1. Theological History and the Legitimacy of the Modern Social Sciences: Considerations on the Work of Hans Blumenberg.Austin Harrington - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 94 (1):6-28.
    This article explores the much neglected work of the German philosopher and cultural theorist Hans Blumenberg, a figure still relatively little known in the Anglophone world. The thesis is defended that Blumenberg's conception of The Legitimacy of the Modern Age (1966) offers valuable resources for addressing some important questions about the philosophical self-understanding of the modern social sciences in relation to theological and religious sources of thought and language. The article begins with an assessment of the contemporary relevance of Blumenberg's (...)
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  • (1 other version)No proviso: Habermas on Rawls, religion and public reason.James Gordon Finlayson - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (3):443-464.
    In this article, I argue that a common view of Habermas’s theory of public reason, which takes it to be similar to Rawls’s ‘proviso’, is mistaken. I explain why that mistake arises, and show that those who have made it have thus overlooked the distinctiveness of Habermas’s theory and approach. Consequently, I argue, they tend to wrongly infer that objections directed at Rawls’s ‘proviso’ apply also to Habermas’s ‘institutional translation proviso’. Ironically, Habermas’s attempt to rebut those objections leads him to (...)
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  • (1 other version)No proviso: Habermas on Rawls, religion and public reason.James Gordon Finlayson - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (3):443-464.
    In this article, I argue that a common view of Habermas’s theory of public reason, which takes it to be similar to Rawls’s ‘proviso’, is mistaken. I explain why that mistake arises, and show that t...
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  • Critical remarks on Religion in the public sphere' – Habermas between Kant and Kierkegaard.Roe Fremstedal - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):27-47.
    This article provides a critical assessment of Habermas’s recent work on religion and its role in the public sphere by comparing it to Kant’s phi-losophy of religion on the one hand and that of Kierkegaard on the other. It is argued that although Habermas is in many ways a Kantian, he diverges from Kant when it comes to religion, by taking a position which comes closer to the Kierkegaardian view that religiousness belongs to private faith rather than philosophy. This has (...)
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  • Sociology as a Quest for a Good Society.Ananta Kumar Giri - 2011 - Journal of Human Values 17 (1):1-22.
    Quest for a good society has a long pedigree in sociological thought and critical reflections. It vibrates with many themes of liberation, morality and justice in classical sociology as pioneered by thinkers such as Marx and Durkheim and themes of decent society and creative society in recent theoretical discourses. The present essay discusses this quest for a good society in contemporary social sciences with a detailed discussion of the work of Robert N. Bellah, the pre-eminent sociologist of our times. It (...)
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  • Localising and acculturating the global: the Healing Rooms prayer service network in Finland.Tuija Hovi - 2015 - Approaching Religion 5 (1):79-91.
    The article addresses the theme of accommodating an imported model of international religious practice into a national context. The case in question involves an intentional ’translation’ of an American Pentecostal concept of a lay-based prayer service into a Nordic, rather secularised Lutheran context. This recent newcomer into the Finnish religious field is the Healing Rooms network which is a predominantly charismatic Christian, globally expanded, interdenominational intercessory prayer service. This study of Healing Rooms is based on material compiled by means of (...)
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  • O Supremo Tribunal Federal E A Anencefalia: Uma Reflexão Sobre A Legitimidade Democrática Do Judiciário À Luz De Rawls, Habermas E Nino.Maria Eugenia Bunchaft - 2011 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 10 (3):55-82.
    O debate entre Habermas e Rawls representa uma contribuição fundamental para a compreensão das questões sobre reconhecimento, multiculturalismo e pós-secularismo, introduzindo diferentes concepções filosóficas que podem contribuir sobre a temática acerca do uso público da razão, a fim de elucidar as diferentes percepções teóricas capazes de atender aos desafios propostos pelas sociedades pluralistas. Carlos Santiago Nino, por sua vez, estabeleceu uma estratégia teórica denominada “construtivismo epistemológico”, delineada a partir do debate Habermas-Rawls. Por conseguinte, pretendemos articular os fundamentos filosóficos atinentes à (...)
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