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  1. Time-space-Technics: The evolution of societal systems and World-views.Alastair Taylor - 1999 - World Futures 54 (1):21-102.
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  • Creating a sustainable global society— the evolutionary path.Willis Harman - 1996 - World Futures 47 (4):277-310.
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  • The Challenge, Prospects, and Promise of Transpersonal Psychology.Paul F. Cunningham - 2007 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 26 (1):41-55.
    Several substantial critiques remain a source of fractionalizing debate within transpersonal psychology, including the weakness of its definition, whether it is redundant with Wilber’s integral psychology, whether it is a scientific field, whether it is too metaphysical, whether it neglects the problem of evil, and what contribution can it make to mainstream psychology. This article explicates these and related areas of critique and provides a response that identifies the essential challenges and future prospects of transpersonal psychology. The article also emphasizes (...)
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  • The Semiotics of Global Warming: Combating Semiotic Corrruption.Arran Gare - 2007 - Theory and Science 9 (2):1-36.
    The central focus of this paper is the disjunction between the findings of climate science in revealing the threat of global warming and the failure to act appropriately to these warnings. The development of climate science can be illuminated through the perspective provided by Peircian semiotics, but efforts to account for its success as a science and its failure to convince people to act accordingly indicate the need to supplement Peirce’s ideas. The more significant gaps, it is argued, call for (...)
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  • The metaphoric bridge : spanning educational philosophy and practice.David Joseph Hoida - unknown
    Incorporation of a learning philosophy into an existing learning environment can be challenging to the point of abandoning the process or failing to realize any improvements.
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  • Earthquake Triggering: Verification of Insights Obtained by Intuitive Consensus.William H. Kautz - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    Up until 1980 seismology was focused entirely upon data collection, the long-term study of tectonic processes, and limited surface-level measurements. Formal research on earthquakes was almost at a standstill despite the urgent need to discover reliable and measurable precursors in support of a system for short-term prediction. In the period 1975–1978 the author chose to interview eight intuitive experts who had proven their abilities in domains other than seismology. He asked them identical questions about the physical process involved in earthquake-triggering (...)
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