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Cylindric algebras

Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. Edited by J. Donald Monk & Alfred Tarski (1971)

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  1. A logic road from special relativity to general relativity.Hajnal Andréka, Judit X. Madarász, István Németi & Gergely Székely - 2012 - Synthese 186 (3):633 - 649.
    We present a streamlined axiom system of special relativity in first-order logic. From this axiom system we "derive" an axiom system of general relativity in two natural steps. We will also see how the axioms of special relativity transform into those of general relativity. This way we hope to make general relativity more accessible for the non-specialist.
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  • Complexity of equations valid in algebras of relations part I: Strong non-finitizability.Hajnal Andréka - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (2):149-209.
    We study algebras whose elements are relations, and the operations are natural “manipulations” of relations. This area goes back to 140 years ago to works of De Morgan, Peirce, Schröder . Well known examples of algebras of relations are the varieties RCAn of cylindric algebras of n-ary relations, RPEAn of polyadic equality algebras of n-ary relations, and RRA of binary relations with composition. We prove that any axiomatization, say E, of RCAn has to be very complex in the following sense: (...)
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  • (1 other version)On universal algebraic constructions of logics.H. Andréka, T. Gergely & I. Németi - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (1-2):9 - 47.
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  • The Beth Property in Algebraic Logic.W. J. Blok & Eva Hoogland - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):49-90.
    The present paper is a study in abstract algebraic logic. We investigate the correspondence between the metalogical Beth property and the algebraic property of surjectivity of epimorphisms. It will be shown that this correspondence holds for the large class of equivalential logics. We apply our characterization theorem to relevance logics and many-valued logics.
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  • Dynamic squares.Patrick Blackburn & Yde Venema - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (5):469 - 523.
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  • The axiomatic system of the factorial implication.August Pieczkowski - 1966 - Studia Logica 18 (1):41 - 64.
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  • Notions of density that imply representability in algebraic logic.Hajnal Andréka, Steven Givant, Szabolcs Mikulás, István Németi & András Simon - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 91 (2-3):93-190.
    Henkin and Tarski proved that an atomic cylindric algebra in which every atom is a rectangle must be representable . This theorem and its analogues for quasi-polyadic algebras with and without equality are formulated in Henkin, Monk and Tarski [13]. We introduce a natural and more general notion of rectangular density that can be applied to arbitrary cylindric and quasi-polyadic algebras, not just atomic ones. We then show that every rectangularly dense cylindric algebra is representable, and we extend this result (...)
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  • Paraconsistent algebras.Walter Alexandre Carnielli & Luiz Paulo Alcantara - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):79 - 88.
    The prepositional calculiC n , 1 n introduced by N.C.A. da Costa constitute special kinds of paraconsistent logics. A question which remained open for some time concerned whether it was possible to obtain a Lindenbaum''s algebra forC n . C. Mortensen settled the problem, proving that no equivalence relation forC n . determines a non-trivial quotient algebra.The concept of da Costa algebra, which reflects most of the logical properties ofC n , as well as the concept of paraconsistent closure system, (...)
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  • Primitive iteration and unary functions.G. Germano & S. Mazzanti - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40 (3):217-256.
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  • Representable cylindric algebras.Leon Henkin, J. Donald Monk & Alfred Tarski - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 31:23-60.
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  • Neat embeddings as adjoint situations.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):1-37.
    Looking at the operation of forming neat $\alpha $ -reducts as a functor, with $\alpha $ an infinite ordinal, we investigate when such a functor obtained by truncating $\omega $ dimensions, has a right adjoint. We show that the neat reduct functor for representable cylindric algebras does not have a right adjoint, while that of polyadic algebras is an equivalence. We relate this categorial result to several amalgamation properties for classes of representable algebras. We show that the variety of cylindric (...)
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  • On tarski’s assumptions.Jaakko Hintikka - 2005 - Synthese 142 (3):353-369.
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  • On a theorem of Vaught for first order logic with finitely many variables.Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (1):97-112.
    We prove that the existence of atomic models for countable atomic theories does not hold for Ln the first order logic restricted to n variables for finite n > 2. Our proof is algebraic, via polyadic algebras. We note that Lnhas been studied in recent times as a multi-modal logic with applications in computer science. 2000 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. 03C07, 03G15.
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  • A Remark on Ascending Chain Conditions, the Countable Axiom of Choice and the Principle of Dependent Choices.Karl-Heinz Diener - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (3):415-421.
    It is easy to prove in ZF− that a relation R satisfies the maximal condition if and only if its transitive hull R* does; equivalently: R is well-founded if and only if R* is. We will show in the following that, if the maximal condition is replaced by the chain condition, as is often the case in Algebra, the resulting statement is not provable in ZF− anymore . More precisely, we will prove that this statement is equivalent in ZF− to (...)
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  • Quine's Philosophy of Language and Polish Logic.Eli Dresner - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 20 (2):79-96.
    The Polish logicians' propositional calculi, which consist in a distinct synthesis of the Fregean and Boolean approaches to logic, influenced W. V. Quine's early work in formal logic. This early formal work of Quine's, in turn, can be shown to serve as one of the sources of his holistic conception of natural language.
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  • (1 other version)Universal classes of Monadic Algebras.Th Lucas - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):35-44.
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  • (1 other version)Universal classes of Monadic Algebras.Th Lucas - 1976 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 22 (1):35-44.
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  • Visions of Henkin.María Manzano & Enrique Alonso - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):2123-2138.
    Leon Henkin (1921–2006) was not only an extraordinary logician, but also an excellent teacher, a dedicated professor and an exceptional person. The first two sections of this paper are biographical, discussing both his personal and academic life. In the last section we present three aspects of Henkin’s work. First we comment part of his work fruit of his emphasis on teaching. In a personal communication he affirms that On mathematical induction, published in 1969, was the favourite among his articles with (...)
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  • (1 other version)Zusammenhang zwischen der Theorie F der Faktorenimplikation und der Theorie der Zylinderalgebren, Reduktion der Vollständigkeit der Axiome von F.August Plattner - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (6):561-572.
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  • (1 other version)Zusammenhang zwischen der TheorieF der Faktorenimplikation und der Theorie der Zylinderalgebren, Reduktion der Vollständigkeit der Axiome vonF.August Plattner - 1990 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 36 (6):561-572.
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  • (1 other version)Kanonische Abbildungen und Eilenberg‐Maschinen.Dietrich Schwartz - 1978 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 24 (12):177-186.
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  • (1 other version)Kanonische Abbildungen und Eilenberg-Maschinen.Dietrich Schwartz - 1978 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 24 (12):177-186.
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  • La conscience de l'observateur: de la physique théorique à la logique mathématique.Yvon Provençal - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (2):228-244.
    Cet article a pour but de faire connaître au lecture une approche théorique de la réalité physique différente de celle communément admise depuis les débuts de la science physique. On y montre d'abord comment l'approche traditionnelle traite avec une notion de l'événement physique et des étres physiques en ǵenéral qui laisse systématiquement de côté ces éléments de complexité considérés trop facilement comme superflus, mais qui appartiennent à la réalité physique et en constituent la trame. On proposera alors une nouvelle approche (...)
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  • Paraconsistent Algebras.Walter Alexandre Carnielli & Luiz Paulo de Alcantara - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1):79-88.
    The propositional calculi $C_{n}$ , $1\leq n\leq \omega $ introduced by N.C.A. da Costa consitute special kinds of paraconsistent logics. A question which remained open for some time concerned whether it was possible to obtain a Lindenbaum's algebra for $C_{n}$ . C. Mortensen settled the problem, proving that no equivalence relation for $C_{n}$ determines a non-trivial quotient algebra. The concept of da Costa algebra, which reflects most of the logical properties of $C_{n}$ , as well as the concept of paraconsistent (...)
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