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  1. El concepto de progreso: De San Agustín a Herder.Francisco J. Contreras Peláez - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:239-269.
    The eme r gence of the concept of pr o g ress is cu r rent l y associated with th e Enlightenment o r , going som e w hat further back, with the que r elle des anciens et des modernes in the 1 7 t h centu r y . Y et the notion of pr o g ress can be traced back to a signi f icant l y earlier period: the foundations of a possi b (...)
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  • Neo-Kantianism as hermeneutics? Heinrich Rickert on psychology, historical method, and understanding.Katherina Kinzel - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (4):614-632.
    This paper explores the Baden Neo-Kantian attempt to integrate hermeneutic ‘understanding’ into the formal philosophy of the historical sciences. It focuses primarily on Heinrich Ricker...
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  • Stil und Abgeschiedenheit.Mari Hvattum - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (6):831-844.
    In his famous essay “Der moderne Denkmalkultus. Sein Wesen und seine Entstehung” from 1903, the Austrian historian and art theorist Alois Riegl pondered why it is that the modern observer is able to appreciate the monuments of the past. It seems an odd question. The nineteenth century was obsessed with history; its artists and architects were often accused of appreciating nothing but the past. Yet, Riegl’s question is prescient. If, as the historicists had long professed, there are no absolute or (...)
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  • Bildung – A construction of a historyof philosophy of education.Rebekka Horlacher - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 23 (5):409-426.
    The paper examines the “prehistory” in the 18th century of the theory of Bildung. Pedagogical historiography commonly traces the theory back to the influence of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury, who is held to be the founder of the concept of “innere Bildung; on the grounds that Shaftesbury’s concept of “inward form” was translated into German as Bildung. The study focuses on the reception of Shaftesbury’s writings in the German-speaking realm in the 17th century in order to discover (...)
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  • Christ and caesar: Spengler and the ethical dilemma of statecraft.John Farrenkopf - 1992 - Ethics and International Affairs 6:119–140.
    Farrenkopf argues that Western triumphalism, precipitated by the crisis of Communism, is symptomatic of the failure in the U.S. to reflect upon the prospects for ameliorating the tragic nature of international political developments in the twentieth century.
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  • Einfühlung and Abstraction in the Moving Image: Historical and Contemporary Reflections.Robin Curtis - 2012 - Science in Context 25 (3):425-446.
    ArgumentDespite the fact that “empathy” is often simply used as a translation ofEinfühlung, the two terms have distinct meanings and distinct disciplinary affiliations. This text considers the manner in which the moving image invites spatial forms of engagement akin to those described both by historical accounts ofEinfühlung, a form of engagement that pertains not only to the activities of humans represented within images, but also to the aesthetic qualities of images in a more abstract sense and to the forms to (...)
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  • Habermas’ neue Phänomenologie des Geistes: Zwei Jahrhunderte nach Hegel.Seyla Benhabib - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (4):507-528.
    Jürgen Habermas’s opus magnum, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, synthesises his impressive work of the last half century. His thesis is that the modern project of the normativity of “rational freedom” can be reconstructed as a learning process of the conflictual dialogue between reason and faith, philosophy and religion in the West. Furthermore, under conditions of a world society, cross-cultural communication across lifeworlds, based on such normative principles, is possible. I argue that Habermas’s argument recapitulates a claim first made in (...)
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  • Hinter–Asien. L'interpretazione hegeliana delle dimensioni spirituali del lontano Oriente.Davide De Pretto - unknown
    Hinter–Asien. Hegel’s Interpretation of the spiritual dimensions of the Far East. The topic of this dissertation is Hegel’s interpretation of the Chinese, the Indian and the Buddhist civilizations. The first part handles the origin of some images of these civilizations in the Augustan and Romantic Age, and the interests and approaches of many European philosophers in order to understand them. Then we deal with Hegel’s philosophical attitude towards the “Other”: special attention is given to the speculative reasons of his position (...)
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