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  1. Demedicalizing the Ethics of PrEP as HIV Prevention: The Social Effects on MSM.Michael Montess - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (3):288-299.
    In order to demedicalize the ethics of pre-exposure prophylaxis as HIV prevention, I consider the social effects on men who have sex with men. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers MSM to be the highest risk group for contracting HIV in the USA. The ethics of using PrEP as HIV prevention among MSM, however, has both a medical dimension and a social dimension. While the medical dimension of the ethics of PrEP includes concerns about side effects, drug resistance (...)
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  • Introduction to Special Section on Health and Emotion.Christine R. Harris - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):3-5.
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  • Comment: Homing in on a Balanced Psychology.Jeff T. Larsen - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):61-63.
    Hernandez et al.’s review provides clear evidence that positive affect can contribute to well-being and fits nicely within the positive psychology framework. The emergence of positive psychology has been valuable for understanding well-being, but I suggest that a balanced psychology can prove even more valuable in the years to come. A balanced psychology requires giving as much attention to negative emotion as to positive emotion. It also requires considering whether there are circumstances in which positive emotions can be detrimental and (...)
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  • Toxic Affect: Are Anger, Anxiety, and Depression Independent Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease?Jerry Suls - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (1):6-17.
    Three negative affective dispositions—anger, anxiety, and depression—are hypothesized to increase physical disease risk and have been the subject of epidemiological studies. However, the overlap among the major negative affective dispositions, and the superordinate construct of trait negative affectivity are only beginning to be tested. Presented here is a narrative review of recent prospective studies that simultaneously tested anger, anxiety, depression, and trait NA as risk factors for cardiac outcomes. Anxiety and depression emerged as independent risk factors for premature heart disease (...)
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  • Comment: Well-Being Can Improve Health by Shaping Stress Appraisals.Elliott Kruse & Kate Sweeny - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):63-65.
    In this brief comment, we bring together two articles that appear in this special section. Jamieson et al. provide an overview of the biopsychosocial model of threat and challenge and suggest that stress-related arousal can be reappraised as a coping resource to facilitate challenge appraisals. Hernandez et al. review evidence for the link between well-being and health. We see a connection between these seemingly unrelated reviews: Well-being may improve health in part by shaping appraisals of stressors’ demands and appraisals of (...)
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  • Psychometric Properties of Flourishing Scales From a Comprehensive Well-Being Assessment.Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska, Piotr Bialowolski, Matthew T. Lee, Ying Chen, Tyler J. VanderWeele & Eileen McNeely - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this article, we develop a measure of complete well-being. The framework is derived from the theoretical model of human flourishing understood as a state in which all aspects of a human life are favorable. The approach extends beyond psychological well-being and reflects the World Health Organization definition of health that not only considers the health of body and mind but also embraces the wholeness of the person. The Well-Being Assessment is a comprehensive instrument designed to assess holistic well-being in (...)
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  • Measuring Positive Emotion Outcomes in Positive Psychology Interventions: A Literature Review.Judith T. Moskowitz, Elaine O. Cheung, Melanie Freedman, Christa Fernando, Madelynn W. Zhang, Jeff C. Huffman & Elizabeth L. Addington - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (1):60-73.
    Accumulating evidence for the unique social, behavioral, and physical health benefits of positive emotion and related well-being constructs has led to the development and testing of positive psychological interventions (PPIs) to increase emotional well-being and enhance health promotion and disease prevention. PPIs are specifically aimed at improving emotional well-being and consist of practices such as gratitude, savoring, and acts of kindness. The purpose of this narrative review was to examine the literature on PPIs with a particular focus on positive emotion (...)
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  • Comment: Comorbidity Between Mental and Somatic Pathologies: Deficits in Emotional Competence as Health Risk Factors.Klaus R. Scherer - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):55-57.
    I strongly endorse many of the suggestions made by the authors of the extremely useful reviews in this issue. In particular, the need to identify the complex causal mechanisms underlying the major health risk factors requires urgent attention of the research community. I suggest considering the important role of emotional disturbances as contributors to health risks given the empirically established comorbidity between mental and somatic illness. Better knowledge of these mechanisms is an essential prerequisite to develop tailored personalized prevention and (...)
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  • Human Flourishing in Cross Cultural Settings. Evidence From the United States, China, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Mexico.Dorota Wȩziak-Białowolska, Eileen McNeely & Tyler J. VanderWeele - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Relationships and Health: The Critical Role of Affective Science.David A. Sbarra & James A. Coan - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):40-54.
    High-quality social relationships predict a range of positive health outcomes, but no broadly accepted theory can explain the mechanisms of action in this area. The central argument of this article is that affective science can provide keys for integrating the diverse array of theoretical models concerning relationships and health. From nine prominent theories, we cull four components of relational affect that link social resources to health-related outcomes. This component model holds promise for integrating research from the different theoretical perspectives and (...)
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  • Mind-Body Dualism, Health, and Well-being in University Students.C. M. McGhee, Susan A. Gelman & Abigail J. Stewart - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (5):436-465.
    Mind-body dualism conceptualizes mind and body as distinct, but there are different ways that dualism may be instantiated. In this study, we examined how Hierarchical Dualism (the belief that mind and body are distinct, and the mind is superior) and Mutual-Influence Dualism (the belief that mind and body are separate but interrelate) related to health behaviors and mental health in three student samples: exclusively queer, exclusively straight, and a mixed university subject pool (N = 535). Participants in each sample endorsed (...)
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