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  1. Ricoeur and the ethics of care.Inge van Nistelrooij, Petruschka Schaafsma & Joan C. Tronto - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):485-491.
    This introduction to the special issue on ‘Ricoeur and the ethics of care’ is not a standard editorial. It provides not only an explanation of the central questions and a first impression of the articles, but also a critical discussion of them by an expert in the field of care ethics, Joan Tronto. After explaining the reasons to bring Ricoeur into dialogue with the ethics of care, and analyzing how the four articles of this special issue shape this dialogue, the (...)
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  • Care ethics, needs-recognition, and teaching encounters.Pip Seton Bennett - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (3):626-642.
    Care ethics takes as central the discerning of needs in those being cared for and attempts to meet those needs. Perceptive caring agents are more likely to be able to identify needs in those for whom they are caring. The identification of needs is no small matter, not least in teaching encounters. This paper modestly proposes that at least some of the needs a caring agent should attempt to meet are a function of the identity of the patient of caring (...)
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  • The value of metaphorical reasoning in bioethics: An empirical-ethical study.Erik Olsman, Bert Veneberg, Claudia van Alfen & Dorothea Touwen - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):50-60.
    Background: Metaphors are often used within the context of ethics and healthcare but have hardly been explored in relation to moral reasoning. Objective: To describe a central set of metaphors in one case and to explore their contribution to moral reasoning. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 parents of a child suffering from the neurodegenerative disease CLN3. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and metaphors were analyzed. The researchers wrote memos and discussed about their analyses until they reached consensus. Ethical (...)
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  • Ricoeur’s hermeneutic arc and the “narrative turn” in the ethics of care.Maria Teresa Russo - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):443-452.
    Abstract“Patient-centred care” is the recent response to the malaise produced in the field of health care from the point of view both of a technical mentality and the paternalistic model. The interest in the story-telling approach shown by both the humanities and the social sciences has favoured a “narrative turn” in medicine too, where the new ethics of therapeutic relationship consider the hermeneutic method a means by which to integrate evidence and subjectivity, scientific data and patient experience. The aim of (...)
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  • Care and the Self: A Philosophical Perspective on Constructing Active Masculinities.Iva Apostolova & Elaina Gauthier-Mamaril - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (1):1-15.
    Our paper focuses on the philosophical perspective of constructing active caring masculinities agencies in the contemporary feminist discourse. Since contemporary feminisms are not simply anti-essentialist, but more importantly, polyphonic, we believe that it is far more appropriate to talk about ‘masculinities’ as opposed to ‘masculinity’. We are proposing a revised understanding of the self in which the self is not defined primarily in the dichotomous, categorical one-other relationship. We use Paul Ricoeur’s anthropology to describe the self as relational, as well (...)
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  • Speaking Out and Being Heard Residents’ Committees in Quebec’s Residential Long-Term Care Centre.Éric Gagnon, Michèle Clément & Lilianne Bordeleau - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (4):308-322.
    Residents’ councils in Quebec’s residential and long-term care centres have the mandate to promote the improvement of living conditions for residents, to assess their level of satisfaction, and to defend their rights. Based on two studies on the autonomy of councils, we examined how committees can express themselves on topics other than those the management is already aware of, to reveal various previously unknown aspects of the services, and to voice unexpressed concerns. We are especially interested in what makes management (...)
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  • Ethics of Caring Conversation and Dialectic of Love and Justice.Pagorn Singsuriya - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (4):436-443.
    Through the framework of Ricoeur’s philosophy, Fredriksson and Eriksson develop an influential ethics of the caring conversation, which instructs nurses to have caritas, self-esteem, and autonomy on one hand and to engage respectfully and responsibly in caring conversations on the other. This article brings the ethics of the caring conversation into dialogue with Ricoeur’s philosophy again. While Fredriksson and Eriksson draw upon Ricoeur’s little ethics, this article relies on Ricoeur’s dialectic of love and justice. The dialogue throws light on other (...)
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