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  1. Play as Inter-play: A Dialogue between Gadamer and Schiller.Qifan Zhang - 2022 - Beijing International Review of Education 4 (2022):443–459.
    This paper addresses the concept of play concerning human formation, especially as manifested in the philosophies of Gadamer and Schiller. Gadamer depicted understanding as an organic motion that unfolds through seeing differences and characterized play as a flexible back-and-forth movement or interplay between possibilities and transformations. Schiller structured play as the playful impulse similarly as an interactive moving force that connects the two seemingly oppositional impulses of reason and sensation and lets the two affect the other dialogically. Both Gadamer and (...)
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  • Openness, newness and radical possibility in Deweyan work: a response to Jasinski.Vasco D’Agnese - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (2):234-250.
    In his article Potentialism and the experience of the new, Jasinski argues for the use of a potentialist approach in education by relating it to a line of thought that starts with Dewey and is fulfilled by Agamben and Lewis. Although the reading that Jasinski offers on potentialism is interesting, his understanding of Dewey is problematic. In this paper, I argue that much of what Jasinski claims as worthy of pursuit in education is already contained in the Deweyan questions of (...)
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  • Undergoing, Mystery, and Half-Knowledge: John Dewey’s Disquieting Side.Vasco D’Agnese - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (2):195-214.
    In this article I argue that Dewey, throughout his work, conducted a systematic dismantling of the concept of rationality as mastery and control. Such a dismantling entails, at the same time, the dismantling of the auto-grounded subject, namely, the subject that grounds itself in the power to master experience. The Deweyan challenge to Western ontology goes straight to the core of the subject’s question. Dewey not only systematically challenged the understanding of thinking as a process consciously managed by the subject (...)
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  • Om og for praksis.Jan Jaap Rothuizen - 2019 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 8 (2):20-43.
    I bestræbelsen på at placere et gennemført forskningsprojekt undersøges om det kan knyttes an til den åndsvidenskabelige pædagogik, der i Tyskland og Nederlandene dominerede den akademiske pædagogik i den første to tredjedel af det 20. århundrede. Der var gode grunde til at denne akademiske disciplin blev udkonkurreret at hhv. en empirisk-analytisk og en kritisk-emancipatorisk tilgang, men udfordringen af at etablere en pædagogisk videnskab der hverken er teknisk eller normativ er fortsat aktuel. Den åndsvidenskabelige pædagogik fik sin egenart af, at den (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Essential Uncertainty of Thinking: Education and Subject in John Dewey.Vasco D'agnese - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (1):73-88.
    In this paper, I analyse the Deweyan account of thinking and subject and discuss the educational consequences that follow from such an account. I argue that despite the grouping of thinking and reflective thought that has largely appeared in the interpretation of Deweyan work, Dewey discloses an inescapable uncertainty at the core of human thinking. This move is even more challenging given Dewey's firm faith in the power of intelligent action, and in education as the means by which human beings (...)
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