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Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (4):822-825 (2006)

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  1. Stein and Honneth on Empathy and Emotional Recognition.James Jardine - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (4):567-589.
    My aim in this paper is to make use of Edith Stein’s phenomenological analyses of empathy, emotion, and personhood to clarify and critically assess the recent suggestion by Axel Honneth that a basic form of recognition is affective in nature. I will begin by considering Honneth’s own presentation of this claim in his discussion of the role of affect in recognitive gestures, as well as in his notion of ‘elementary recognition,’ arguing that while his account contains much of value it (...)
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  • Verdinglichung als Pathologie zweiter Ordnung.Titus Stahl - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (5):731-746.
    Although the critique of reification is a core commitment of critical theories, there is no widely accepted account of its normative foundation. In Lukács’s original analysis, this foundation is provided by a strong concept of practice which is, however, not acceptable from a contemporary point of view. I argue that the systematic character of reification theory can only be upheld if this concept is replaced by a more intersubjective notion of normative practices. Reification can then be analysed as a second-order (...)
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  • Heidegger and Dao: Things, Nothingness, Freedom.Eric S. Nelson - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury.
    What did Heidegger learn and fail to learn from Laozi and Zhuangzi? This book reconstructs Heidegger's philosophy through its engagement with Daoist and Asian philosophy and offers a Daoist transformation of Heidegger on things, nothingness, and freedom. PDF includes the introduction, bibliography, and index.
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  • My body as an object: self-distance and social experience.Line Ryberg Ingerslev - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):163-178.
    In phenomenology the body is often referred to as the lived body which makes the world familiar to me. In this paper, however, I discuss bodily self-consciousness in terms of self-distance. Self-distance is the suggestion that bodily self-consciousness consist in a reflective stance where you conceive of your body as a physical thing, an object in the world as well as the subject of bodily experiences. I argue that we are bodily self-conscious because we experience our own body in more (...)
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  • Daoism as critical theory.Mario Wenning - 2011 - Comparative Philosophy 2 (2):50.
    Classical philosophical Daoism as it is expressed in the Dao-De-Jing and the Zhuang-Zi is often interpreted as lacking a capacity for critique and resistance. Since these capacities are taken to be central components of Enlightenment reason and action, it would follow that Daoism is incompatible with Enlightenment. This interpretation is being refuted by way of developing a constructive dialogue between the enlightenment traditions of critical theory and recent philosophy of action from a Daoist perspective. Daoism's normative naturalism does neither rest (...)
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  • Sociology of the Heart.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (3):17-51.
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  • Die Melancholie, der Geist des Kapitalismus und die Depression, in Burkard Sievers (ed.), "Sozialanalyse und psychosoziale Dynamik von Organisationen".Marco Solinas - 2015 - In Burkard Sievers (Ed.), Andquot;Sozialanalyse Und Psychosoziale Dynamik von Organisationen", Ausgewählte Beitrage der Zeitschrift "Freie Assoziationen", Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2015, Pp. 77-104:77-104.
    "Der Aufsatz zielt darauf, der Prozess der historischen Überlagerung, Substitution und Verbreitung des theoretischen Paradigmas der Depression gegenüber jenem der Melancholie darzustellen. Im ersten Teil wird versucht, einige der einschneidenden Eigenschaften der Thematisierungen der Melancholie in der Frühen Neuzeit anzugeben, auch im Verhältnis zum Geist des Kapitalismus. Nachdem eine Skizze der Entstehung der moderne Kategorie der Depression, geht es darum, den Verlauf nachzuzeichnen, der im 20. Jahrhundert zu ihrer Transformation in ein weitläufiges theoretisches Paradigma geführt hat, das schließlich jenes der (...)
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  • The Institutional Turn in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: Towards a Conception of Freedom beyond Individualism and Collectivism.Benno Zabel - 2015 - Hegel Bulletin 36 (1):80-104.
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  • (1 other version)Comparative philosophy vol 2 no 2 whole set.Bo Mou - 2011 - Comparative Philosophy 2 (2).
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  • Decentred autonomy and authenticity in Honneth.Dagmar Wilhelm - 2014 - Hegel Bulletin 35 (2):292-312.
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  • Glanz und Elend des Sozialen: Axel Honneths philosophischer Weg.Barbara Carnevali - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (6):859-885.
    This article retraces and discusses the philosophical itinerary of Axel Honneth, from the groundbreaking book Struggle for Recognition up to the recent essays Freedom’s Right and The Idea of Socialism. In the first section, I examine Honneth’s programmatic concept of social pathology in relation to Ernst Cassirer’s idea of the secularisation of theodicy (i. e. the attribution of responsibility for human suffering to society) and to the enlightenment legacy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In the second section, after assessing Honneth’s position in (...)
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  • Technische Fiktionen: Zur Ontologie und Ethik der Gestaltung.Michael Kuhn - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Unentwegt werden neue technische Produkte gestaltet. Doch was macht die technische Gestaltung aus? Wie lässt sich ihr Gegenstand - (noch) nicht existierende Artefakte - adäquat auf den Begriff bringen? Michael Kuhn begreift technische Ideen vor ihrer Realisierung als Fiktionen. Er bietet eine fiktionstheoretische Rekonstruktion der Gestaltungstätigkeit und entwickelt hieraus eine Ethik der Gestaltung. Der stark interdisziplinäre Zugang zwischen Technikphilosophie und Ingenieurwissenschaften liefert neue Erkenntnisse für beide Fachrichtungen und stellt wertvolle Grundlagen bereit.
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  • Ética: Indagações e Horizontes / Ethics: Inquires and Horizons.Paulo Jesus, Maria Formosinho & Carlos Reis (eds.) - 2018 - Coimbra: Coimbra University Press.
    A presente obra assume-se como um projeto genuinamente interdisciplinar de reflexão ética, interrogando os seus fundamentos e explorando as suas interseções com diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Reunindo especialistas de distintas áreas, oriundos de países diferentes, o livro tem como fio condutor um diálogo polifónico com o pensamento ético contemporâneo, enraizando-se na tradição crítica que procura refundar a racionalidade prática na construção humana de sentido e, por conseguinte, refutar o niilismo e o relativismo axiológico absoluto.
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  • Die Sorge um sich und die anderen: Selbstsorge und Wahrsprechen als ethisch-politische Praxis.Gerald Posselt - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (1):116-138.
    Against the backdrop of contemporary debates about care ethics and care, this article undertakes a re-reading of Foucault’s analyses of the ancient care of the self. While the care of the self has so far been interpreted primarily in terms of an ethics and aesthetics of the self, it argues that the care of the self is constituted by the presence of the Other. This becomes clear as soon as one links the care of the self to parrhesia, which signifies (...)
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  • The Revolutionary Ecological Legacy of Herbert Marcuse.Charles Reitz - 2022 - Cantley, Quebec, Canada: Daraja Press.
    Marcuse argued that U.S.-led globalized capitalism represented the irrational perfection of waste and the degradation of the earth, resurgent sexism, racism, bigoted nationalism, and warlike patriotism. Inspired by the revolutionary legacy of Herbert Marcuse’s social and political philosophy, this volume appeals to the energies of those engaged in a wide range of contemporary social justice struggles: ecosocialism, antiracism, the women’s movement, LGBTQ rights, and antiwar forces. The intensification of these regressive political tendencies today must be countered, and this can be (...)
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  • Reflexionen zu einer Ethik des vulnerablen Leibes.Martin Huth - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 3 (1):273-304.
    Traditionelle Personenbegriffe der abendländischen Philosophie rekurrieren oft auf rationale Fähigkeiten wie Vernunft- bzw. Moralfähigkeit oder reflexives Selbstbewusstsein als Grundlage von individuellem moralischem Status bzw. der korrelierenden moralischen Verpflichtung. Dem steht die Erfahrung besonderer moralischer Verpflichtungen etwa gegenüber Kindern, Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen oder Tieren entgegen, die durch ratiozentristische Engführungen aus dem Blick zu geraten drohen. Die gegenwärtigen Diskurse um die Begriffe der Vulnerabilität und Anerkennung sind deshalb eine wichtige Ergänzung, um einerseits die Selektivität klassischer moralphilosophischer Konzeptionen zu mindern, indem sie (...)
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  • Discourses on information ethics: The claim to universality. [REVIEW]Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):97-108.
    An important question one can ask of ethical theories is whether and how they aim to raise claims to universality. This refers to the subject area that they intend to describe or govern and also to the question whether they claim to be binding for all (moral) agents. This paper discusses the question of universality of Luciano Floridi’s information ethics (IE). This is done by introducing the theory and discussing its conceptual foundations and applications. The emphasis will be placed on (...)
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  • Aesthetic opacity.Emanuele Arielli - 2017 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics.
    Are we really sure to correctly know what do we feel in front ofan artwork and to correctly verbalize it? How do we know what weappreciate and why we appreciate it? This paper deals with the problem ofintrospective opacity in aesthetics (that is, the unreliability of self-knowledge) in the light of traditional philosophical issues, but also of recentpsychological insights, according to which there are many instances ofmisleading intuition about one’s own mental processes, affective states orpreferences. Usually, it is assumed that (...)
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  • Kritik der Ethischen Institution: Kant, Hegel Und der Tod Gottes.Thies Münchow - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Die Idee des modernen Verfassungsstaats beruht auf dem Akt der freiheitlichen Selbstbestimmung aller Bürger*innen. Insofern bildet er die ethische Institution schlechthin. Denn wo das Volk die Parameter der Freiheit bestimmt, da gilt es, das Wesen der Freiheit selbst zu begreifen. Bleibt dieses Begreifen aus, wird der Gründungsakt zur gewesenen Freiheit und die Verwaltung des Staats zur Expert*innensache. Doch wo bleibt da die kreative Freiheit? Diese Frage macht eine Kritik der ethischen Institution notwendig. Dabei zeigt Thies Münchow in Anschluss an Kant (...)
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  • Criminal Justice in a Democracy: Towards a Relational Conception of Criminal Law and Punishment. [REVIEW]René Foqué - 2008 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 2 (3):207-227.
    This article starts from the observation that in classical Athens the discovery of democracy as a normative model of politics has been from the beginning not only a political and a legal but at the same time a philosophical enterprise. Reflections on the concept of criminal law and on the meaning of punishment can greatly benefit from reflections on Athenian democracy as a germ for our contemporary debate on criminal justice in a democracy. Three main characteristics of the Athenian model (...)
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