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Foucault under examination: the crypto-educationalist unmasked

In Stephen J. Ball (ed.), Foucault and education: disciplines and knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 29--53 (1990)

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  1. Foucault, education, the self and modernity.Kenneth Wain - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (3):345–360.
    Michel Foucault is often criticised in English-speaking circles for being interested only in power as domination, and of being uninterested in freedom and social reform. This paper shows, however, that Foucault's overarching concern was with the constitution of the self under conditions of modernity. It emphasises the significance of his interest in the Classical project of ‘Self-care’, and of his countermodernist educational programme in which the skills of self-governance and the ethical (non-dominating) governance of others, as well as the practice (...)
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  • Education and Ignorance: Between the Noun of Knowledge and the Verb of Thinking.Tomasz Szkudlarek & Piotr Zamojski - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):577-590.
    In this paper we look at the relations between knowledge and thinking through the lens of ignorance. In relation to knowledge, ignorance becomes its “constitutive outside,” and as such it may be politically organised in order to delimit the borders of the right to knowledge [the “ignorance economy,” see Roberts and Armitage : 335–354, 2008)]. In this light, the notion of a knowledge-based society should be understood as a society structured along the lines of knowledge distribution: the rights of possession (...)
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  • Lifelong Learning: A Pacification of ‘Know How’. [REVIEW]Katherine Nicoll & Andreas Fejes - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (4):403-417.
    A tendency of previous studies of lifelong learning to focus on learning and learning subjectivities may have led to an underestimation of potential effects in terms of a system of knowledge constitutive processes that operates powerfully to shape our societies. In this paper we explore lifelong learning and practices in the construction of knowledge at the point where a new relationship is being attempted between university courses and workplaces through programmes for learning. Drawing from Foucault and others we argue a (...)
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  • Schooling Bodies Through Physical Education: Insights from Social Epistemology and Curriculum History.David Kirk - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (6):475-487.
    Using mainly historical material fromAustralia, the paper seeks to understand earlyforms of school physical training, sport andmedical inspection as specialised means ofschooling bodies. The study adopts a socialepistemological perspective in seeking tounderstand the meaning-in-use of notions suchas physical training. It explores the socialconsequences of the practices carried out inthe name of physical training, particularly inrelation to shifts in the social regulation ofbodies over time from a mass, externalised, andcentralised form to a relatively moreindividualised, internalised and diffuse form.This focus on the (...)
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