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  1. Foundational issues: how must global ethics be global?Jay Drydyk - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):16-25.
    Over the past 20 years, global ethics has come to be conceived in different ways. Two main tendencies can be distinguished. One asks from whence global ethics comes and defines ‘global ethics’ as arising from globalization. The other tendency is to ask whither global ethics must go and thus defines ‘global ethics’ as a destination, namely arriving at a comprehensive global ethic. I will note some types of discussion that may have been wrongly excluded from the scope of global ethics (...)
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  • Love, peace and hope-How are medical ethics practices impacted by terror attacks on the healthcare system in Turkey?Sukran Sevimli - 2019 - In Darry Macer (ed.), LEGACIES OF LOVE, PEACE AND HOPE: How Education can overcome Hatred & Divide. Eubios Ethics Instute. pp. 264-278.
    The objective of this article is to shed light on some challenging questions regarding public health and medical ethics that the Turkish healthcare system has recently been forced to confront. In recent years, terrorists in eastern Turkey have launched increasingly destructive attacks, including numerous attempts to undermine the social order by targeting not only government agencies but also the healthcare system. In this study, 54 terrorist incidents specifically targeting the Turkish healthcare system and healthcare professionals were analyzed and divided into (...)
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  • Global ethics: dimensions and prospects.Nigel Dower - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):8-15.
    Global ethics is an emerging discipline which has not yet reached maturity. The main tasks before it to gain maturity are: first, to achieve a greater integration of various domains of enquiry all of which are concerned with global normative issues. At a general level this includes integrating global ethics with cosmopolitanism, global justice and human right discourse. At the level of areas of concern, there needs to be greater integration of various areas such as development, trade, environment and climate (...)
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  • The Relationships of Empathy, Moral Identity and Cynicism with Consumers' Ethical Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement. [REVIEW]Rafi M. M. I. Chowdhury & Mario Fernando - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4):1-18.
    This study examines the relationships of empathy, moral identity and cynicism with the following dimensions of consumer ethics: the passive dimension (passively benefiting at the expense of the seller), the active/legal dimension (benefiting from questionable but legal actions), the ‘no harm, no foul’ dimension (actions that do not harm anyone directly but are considered unethical by some) and the ‘doing-good’/recycling dimension (pro-social actions). A survey of six hundred Australian consumers revealed that both empathy and moral identity were related to negative (...)
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  • Changing women’s lives? Empowerment and aspirations of fair trade workers in South India.Priya Ange, Jérôme Ballet, Aurélie Carimentrand & Kamala Marius - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (1):32-44.
    Fair trade is a new form of commercial partnership whereby actors in the North engage with actors in the South on a number of conditions, including setting a minimum price, a development bonus, and so on. But above all, fair trade organizations in the South are implementing mechanisms that more or less facilitate the empowerment of their members. This article analyzes the empowerment effects of two fair trade organizations in South India. It shows that while positive effects can be seen, (...)
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  • An Indian global ethics initiative.Shashi Motilal & Jay Drydyk - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (1):1-5.
    In what sense must global ethics be global? In one sense, it must deal with global issues. In another, it must not be parochial but inclusive of normative views from around the world. So far, global ethics has met the first standard much better than the second. Authors based in the global South contribute approximately 5% of the internationally published research on global ethics. With this in mind, the co-editors of this special issue sought to bring more perspectives, experiences, and (...)
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  • Thinking ethically about the global in 'Global Ethics'.Kimberly Hutchings - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):26-29.
    In what follows, I claim that the ‘global’ in ‘Global Ethics’ needs also to be thought about in a different way, not as the scope or object of ethical judgement but in relation to the worlds reproduced by the practice of ethical judgement itself. In summary, ethical reflection on the meaning of the ‘global’ in the practice of Global Ethics as a field of academic inquiry is what is required if the future of Global Ethics is to be something other (...)
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  • Å leve et menneskeverdig liv - Martha Nussbaums globale helseetikk.Odin Lysaker - 2015 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):53-70.
    Nylig igangsatte FN Post-2015, sin nye utviklingsagenda. Sentralt er en global kamp for bedret helse, hvor det å leve et menneskeverdig liv står i sentrum. Imidlertid er forståelsen av selve helsebegrepet omstridt. Noen mener at det bør knyttes an til jus og menneskerettigheter, mens andre foreslår etikk og menneskeverd. Dette hviler i sin tur på motstridende menneskesyn i den globale helseetiske diskursen, nemlig mennesket som enten autonomt eller avhengig. I artikkelen analyserer jeg denne debatten ut fra det jeg hevder er (...)
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  • Ethics: universal or global? The trends in studies of ethics in the context of globalization.Sirkku K. Hellsten - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (1):80-89.
    The article discusses how theory and practice in global ethics affect each other. First, the author explores how the study of ethics has changed in the era of globalization and ponders what the role of the field of study of global ethics is in this context. Second, she wants to show how the logical fallacies in widening study field of ethics produce false polarizations between facts and value judgements in social ethics made in various cultural contexts. She further elaborates how (...)
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  • Metaethics of Golden Rule | فرااخلاقِ قاعده زرین.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - 2017 - Tehran: Negah-e Moaser Publishing.
    It is worthy to mention that this book is entitled "Metaethics of Golden Rule" which is an academic Persian book of Philosophy and it stems from my M.A. dissertation: Lotfi Yazdi, Mohammad Reza (2015), Survey of Meta-ethical Foundation of Golden Rule, Tehran: Payame Noor University, M.A. in Ethics (Moral Philosophy). --- I have been working on Golden Rule since ten years ago, directly and indirectly. It has included an introduction to Metaphilosophy and generalities of Ethics. In addition, I have presented (...)
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