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  1. Ambient intelligence and persuasive technology: The blurring boundaries between human and technology. [REVIEW]Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):231-242.
    The currently developing fields of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technology bring about a convergence of information technology and cognitive science. Smart environments that are able to respond intelligently to what we do and that even aim to influence our behaviour challenge the basic frameworks we commonly use for understanding the relations and role divisions between human beings and technological artifacts. After discussing the promises and threats of these technologies, this article develops alternative conceptions of agency, freedom, and responsibility that make (...)
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  • Tools, Agents or Something Different? – The Importance of Techno-Philosophical Premises in Analyzing Health Technology.Joschka Haltaufderheide & Robert Ranisch - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):19-22.
    In their careful analysis of conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) in psychotherapy, Sedlakova and Trachsel (2023) propose a framework for the ethical evaluation of such technologies that lo...
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  • The use of software tools and autonomous bots against vandalism: eroding Wikipedia’s moral order?Paul B. de Laat - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (3):175-188.
    English - language Wikipedia is constantly being plagued by vandalistic contributions on a massive scale. In order to fight them its volunteer contributors deploy an array of software tools and autonomous bots. After an analysis of their functioning and the ‘ coactivity ’ in use between humans and bots, this research ‘ discloses ’ the moral issues that emerge from the combined patrolling by humans and bots. Administrators provide the stronger tools only to trusted users, thereby creating a new hierarchical (...)
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  • Why privacy is not enough privacy in the context of “ubiquitous computing” and “big data”.Tobias Matzner - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (2):93-106.
    Purpose – Ubiquitous computing and “big data” have been widely recognized as requiring new concepts of privacy and new mechanisms to protect it. While improved concepts of privacy have been suggested, the paper aims to argue that people acting in full conformity to those privacy norms still can infringe the privacy of others in the context of ubiquitous computing and “big data”. Design/methodology/approach – New threats to privacy are described. Helen Nissenbaum's concept of “privacy as contextual integrity” is reviewed concerning (...)
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  • Building theory from consumer reactions to RFID: discovering Connective Proximity.Anna Margulis, Harold Boeck, Ygal Bendavid & Fabien Durif - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (2):81-101.
    Academic research into RFID technology has largely neglected ethics. What scarce research was being performed has now dwindled despite having some consumers continue to express their ethical concerns. This article aims at reducing this apparent void by exploring the antecedents that cause the public to react when consumers are targeted by RFID technology. Through the analysis of 11 real RFID implementations used to target consumers, our research indicates that several factors can influence consumer response through the distinct nature of the (...)
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  • Technology, capabilities and critical perspectives: what can critical theory contribute to Sen’s capability approach? [REVIEW]Yingqin Zheng & Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (2):69-80.
    This paper explores what insights can be drawn from critical theory to enrich and strengthen Sen’s capability approach in relation to technology and human development. The two theories share some important commonalities: both are concerned with the pursuit of “a good life”; both are normative theories rooted in ethics and meant to make a difference, and both are interested in democracy. The paper provides a brief overview of both schools of thought and their applications to technology and human development. Three (...)
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  • App-centric Students and Academic Integrity: A Proposal for Assembling Socio-technical Responsibility.Theresa Ashford - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (1):35-48.
    Academic integrity is a complex problem that challenges how we view action, intentions, research, and knowledge production as human agents working with computers. This paper proposes that a productive approach to support AI is found at the nexus of behavioural ethics and a view of hybrid app-human agency. The proposal brings together AI research in behavioural ethics and Rest’s four stages of ethical decision-making which tracks the development of moral sensitivity, moral judgement, moral motivation and finally moral action combined with (...)
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  • Machine hermeneutics, postphenomenology, and facial recognition technology.Soraj Hongladarom - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2151-2158.
    I would like to introduce the notion of machine hermeneutics in this paper. The notion refers to hermeneutical activity performed by machines. Machines are now capable of making the very interpretive tasks, using artificial intelligence algorithms based on the technology of machine learning that used to be the exclusive domain of human beings. In making this claim, I am not talking about possible conscious machines of the future, but those existing here and now. With facial recognition algorithms, for example, machines (...)
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  • Professional and Organizational Leadership Role in Ethics Management: Avoiding Reliance on Ethical Codification and Nurturing Ethical Culture.Marianne Jennings & Islam H. El-Adaway - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-30.
    The engineering profession has experienced some ethical cases that were rarely reported, scrutinized, or discussed because: they did not necessarily represent violations of existing codes even if they breached ethical principles; those within the organization were not prepared to take steps to address the issues or impose sanction; an/or some of the personnel associated with these cases resorted to silence to avoid being labeled as trouble-makers in their organizations and, perhaps, more broadly, in society. The goal of this paper is (...)
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  • The model gap: cognitive systems in security applications and their ethical implications. [REVIEW]Tobias Matzner - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (1):95-102.
    The use of cognitive systems like pattern recognition or video tracking technology in security applications is becoming ever more common. The paper considers cases in which the cognitive systems are meant to assist human tasks by providing information, but the final decision is left to the human. All these systems and their various applications have a common feature: an intrinsic difference in how a situation or an event is assessed by a human being and a cognitive system. This difference, which (...)
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  • Always Be Converting: Moralizing a Postpurchase Funnel Media Environment.Jeremy Langett - 2018 - Journal of Media Ethics 33 (4):156-169.
    ABSTRACTThe ubiquity of digital communication channels such as social media platforms, video sites, and mobile apps has transformed the relational experience between audiences and brand entities. Whether engaging within a consumer goods market, a professional services industry, or a news and infotainment source, audiences and brand entities have inhabited a new ecosystem that has challenged the acceptance of the classic purchase funnel model pioneered by Elias St. Elmo Lewis. This article reviews the conception of a postpurchase funnel media environment and (...)
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