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  1. Strong continuity implies uniform sequential continuity.Douglas Bridges, Hajime Ishihara, Peter Schuster & Luminiţa Vîţa - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):887-895.
    Uniform sequential continuity, a property classically equivalent to sequential continuity on compact sets, is shown, constructively, to be a consequence of strong continuity on a metric space. It is then shown that in the case of a separable metric space, uniform sequential continuity implies strong continuity if and only if one adopts a certain boundedness principle that, although valid in the classical, recursive and intuitionistic setting, is independent of Heyting arithmetic.
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  • Constructive notions of equicontinuity.Douglas S. Bridges - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (5):437-448.
    In the informal setting of Bishop-style constructive reverse mathematics we discuss the connection between the antithesis of Specker’s theorem, Ishihara’s principle BD-N, and various types of equicontinuity. In particular, we prove that the implication from pointwise equicontinuity to uniform sequential equicontinuity is equivalent to the antithesis of Specker’s theorem; and that, for a family of functions on a separable metric space, the implication from uniform sequential equicontinuity to uniform equicontinuity is equivalent to BD-N.
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  • Reflections on function spaces.Douglas S. Bridges - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (2):101-110.
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  • Intuitionistic notions of boundedness in ℕ.Fred Richman - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (1):31-36.
    We consider notions of boundedness of subsets of the natural numbers ℕ that occur when doing mathematics in the context of intuitionistic logic. We obtain a new characterization of the notion of a pseudobounded subset and we formulate the closely related notion of a detachably finite subset. We establish metric equivalents for a subset of ℕ to be detachably finite and to satisfy the ascending chain condition. Following Ishihara, we spell out the relationship between detachable finiteness and sequential continuity. Most (...)
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  • (1 other version)Continuity properties of preference relations.Marian A. Baroni & Douglas S. Bridges - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (5):454-459.
    Various types of continuity for preference relations on a metric space are examined constructively. In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for an order-dense, strongly extensional preference relation on a complete metric space to be continuous. It is also shown, in the spirit of constructive reverse mathematics, that the continuity of sequentially continuous, order-dense preference relations on complete, separable metric spaces is connected to Ishihara's principleBD-ℕ, and therefore is not provable within Bishop-style constructive mathematics alone.
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  • The uniform boundedness theorem and a boundedness principle.Hajime Ishihara - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (8):1057-1061.
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  • (1 other version)Uniform Continuity Properties of Preference Relations.Douglas S. Bridges - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (1):97-106.
    The anti-Specker property, a constructive version of sequential compactness, is used to prove constructively that a pointwise continuous, order-dense preference relation on a compact metric space is uniformly sequentially continuous. It is then shown that Ishihara's principle BD-ℕ implies that a uniformly sequentially continuous, order-dense preference relation on a separable metric space is uniformly continuous. Converses of these two theorems are also proved.
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