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  1. Thought Experiments Rethought--and Reperceived - Philosopher's Index - ProQuest.Jon McGinnis - 2016 - .
    The study begins with the language employed in and the psychological basis of thought experiments as understood by certain medieval Arabic philosophers. It then provides a taxonomy of different kinds of thoughts experiments used in the medieval Islamic world. These include purely fictional thought experiments, idealizations and finally thought experiments using ingenious machines. The study concludes by suggesting that thought experiments provided a halfway house during this period between a staunch rationalism and an emerging empiricism.
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  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī et le signe: Fragment retrouvé d'un traité logique perdu.Pauline Koetschet - 2017 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 27 (1):75-114.
    This article argues that a fragment from a lost treatise by Abū Bakr al-Rāzī (d. 925) is preserved in the Book on Morphology Kitāb al-Taṣrīf) by Ps-Ǧābir ibn Ḥayyān. Paul Kraus reached the conclusion that the collection to which this book belongs was written between the end of the ninth and the beginning of the tenth century AD. This fragment represents the first attempt – to our knowledge – to analyze the logical structure of sign-based inference in Arabic, which is (...)
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  • Ibn Bājja on Taṣawwur and Taṣdīq: Science and Psychology.Miquel Forcada - 2014 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 24 (1):103-126.
    RésuméIl est bien connu que les notions detaṣawwur(conceptualisation) et detaṣdīq(assentiment) sont tout à fait centrales dans l’épistémologie de la philosophie arabo-islamique. La “conceptualisation” désigne la définition d'un objet de connaissance, et l’“assentiment” la reconnaissance de la véracité de la définition, par un raisonnement d'un certain type. Parmi les auteurs ayant traité ces deux thèmes le plus en profondeur figure al-Fārābī, qui a exercé sur Ibn Bājja une influence décisive. Cet article analyse les passages relatifs àtaṣawwurettaṣdīqdans les notes d'Ibn Bājja aux (...)
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  • Ibn Bājja on Medicine and Medical Experience.Miquel Forcada - 2011 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 21 (1):111-148.
    RésuméLe présent article propose la liste des œuvres médicales composées par Ibn Bājja, donne une présentation synthétique de celles qui nous ont été transmises et étudie le métacommentaire au commentaire de Galien sur lesAphorismesd'Hippocrate (Sharḥ fī al-Fuṣūl). Ce texte montre une influence profonde d'al- Fārābī, en particulier dans sa conception de l'expérience médicale, qui remonte à la façon dont ce dernier construit l'expérience (tajriba) comme le procédé inductif, décrit par Aristote dans lesSeconds Analytiques, produisant les prémisses de la démonstration. Sur (...)
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  • Intellect, substance, and motion in al-Farabi's cosmology.Damien Triffon Janos - unknown
    This dissertation offers a new and comprehensive analysis of Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī's cosmology by focusing on various important issues that have been largely neglected by the modern scholarship. It provides an examination of the physical, metaphysical, and astronomical aspects of al-Fārābī's cosmology by adopting a multidisciplinary approach that takes into account the history of philosophy and the history of astronomy. Accordingly, my dissertation explores how al-Fārābī attempted to reconcile features of Ptolemaic astronomy with Aristotelian and Neoplatonic theories, an endeavor which (...)
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  • Os Processos de Aquisição Dos Termos Do Silogismo Segundo a Investigação Noética de Avicena.Meline Costa Sousa - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):25-44.
    There is a disagreement among contemporary commentators about Avicena's view of the theoretical intellect in "Kitāb alnafs". Is its activity performed by an internal sense helped by the intellect, or is it a activity proper of the intellect independently of material forms? Some passages of V.5 and V.6 suggest that both elements are necessary to the knowledge: unifying the multiplicity and multiplying the unity; in others words, it is not enough that the intellect conceptualizes the minor and major terms of (...)
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  • El origen de los primeros principios según Tomás de Aquino. Una dificultad interpretativa.José Antonio Valdivia Fuenzalida - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (2):341-361.
    En el libro I de su Comentario a los Analíticos Posteriores, Tomás de Aquino explica que toda demostración supone la existencia de principios evidentes e indemostrables que aseguren la certeza de las conclusiones. Para garantizar la existencia de verdades ciertas e indemostrables, introduce la idea de las proposiciones per se notae. Estas proposiciones son típicamente caracterizadas por tener un predicado que forma parte del contenido inteligible del sujeto, es decir, por ser proposiciones analíticas. Ahora bien, al final del libro II, (...)
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