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  1. Considering African philosophy as a way of life through the practice of philosophical counselling.Jaco Louw - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy.
    Contributions of Pierre Hadot pertaining to the notion of philosophy as a way of life have had a profound and enduring influence upon philosophical counselling. Philosophical counsellors, such as Robert Walsh and Arto Tukiainen, embrace this imperative by living their philosophical counselling practices. A prevailing trend among these practitioners lies in their almost exclusive reliance upon either ancient Greek philosophical traditions as expounded by Hadot and Martha Nussbaum, or in their adaptation of Western philosophy. Regrettably, a conspicuous omission prevails regarding (...)
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  • Considering African philosophy as a way of life through the practice of philosophical counselling.Jaco Louw - manuscript
    Contributions of Pierre Hadot pertaining to the notion of philosophy as a way of life have had a profound and enduring influence upon philosophical counselling theory and practice. Various philosophical counsellors, such as Robert Walsh and Arto Tukiainen, have embraced this imperative by living their philosophical counselling practice. Nonetheless, a prevailing trend among these practitioners lies in their exclusive reliance upon either the ancient Greek philosophical tradition as expounded by Hadot, or in their adaptation of contemporary Western philosophies. Regrettably, a (...)
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  • Establishing a foundation for African philosophy to contribute to the literature of philosophical counselling.Jaco Louw - manuscript
    Philosophical counselling, a relatively new field in practical philosophy, offers to potentially edify the layperson’s everyday life with the help of philosophy. This lofty ideal is upheld by philosophical practitioners introducing various contemporary philosophies to its growing literature. However, many philosophical traditions beyond contemporary philosophy still somewhat suffer from an unwarranted neglect. Presently, African philosophy faces an almost complete absence in the philosophical counselling literature. It is thus a given that a prevalent lack of inquiry exists regarding its use in (...)
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  • Muzikinio refreno konceptas Gilles’io Deleuze’o ir Félixo Guattari filosofijoje.Miglė Petronytė - 2015 - Žmogus ir Žodis 17 (4).
    Šiame straipsnyje pasitelkiant refreno konceptą siekiama struktūruoti pagrindinius Gilles’io Deleuze’o ir Félixo Guattari muzikos teorijos aspektus. Straipsnyje refrenas bus siejamas su teritorine aplinka, ir pagal skirtingus kosmoso įveikos būdus bus išskirtos trys refreno sudėtinės dalys. Keliami klausimai: Kodėl teritorijos negalima pavaizduoti žemėlapyje? Kas sieja ritmą ir teritoriją? Ritmą ir refreną? Kodėl refrenas yra savarankiškas teritorijos išraiškos judesys? Kaip atsiranda neretrogradinis ritmas? Kada ir kodėl metras tampa nereikalingas? Kokias metamorfozes pereina teritorinis refrenas? Kuo skiriasi intraasambliažo ir infraasambliažo judėjimai? Kaip siejasi refrenas (...)
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