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Hobbes and the method of natural science

In Tom Sorell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 86--107 (1996)

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  1. Oakeshott's Hobbes and the Fear of Political Rationalism.Ted H. Miller - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (6):806-832.
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  • Hobbes on Natural Philosophy as "True Physics" and Mixed Mathematics.Marcus P. Adams - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56 (C):43-51.
    I offer an alternative account of the relationship of Hobbesian geometry to natural philosophy by arguing that mixed mathematics provided Hobbes with a model for thinking about it. In mixed mathematics, one may borrow causal principles from one science and use them in another science without there being a deductive relationship between those two sciences. Natural philosophy for Hobbes is mixed because an explanation may combine observations from experience (the ‘that’) with causal principles from geometry (the ‘why’). My argument shows (...)
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  • O papel da imaginação na filosofia política de Hobbes.Clóvis Brondani - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 42:193-213.
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo tratar do papel da imaginação na filosofia política de Hobbes. Argumentamos que a reflexão de Hobbes sobre a imaginação conduz à distinção fundamental para sua filosofia política entre prudência e razão. A instituição da soberania consiste justamente na superação da dimensão da prudência através da razão. Assim, a filosofia política de Hobbes envolve a substituição de uma esfera de relações de poder, o plano da imaginação, por uma esfera de relações de direito no estado civil, (...)
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  • Deafness, ideas and the language of thought in the late 1600s.Noga Arikha - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):233 – 262.
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  • Hobbes’s agnostic theology before Leviathan.Arash Abizadeh - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (5):714-737.
    Prior to 1651, Hobbes was agnostic about the existence of God. Hobbes argued that God’s existence could neither be demonstrated nor proved, so that those who reason about God’s existence will systematically vacillate, sometimes thinking God exists, sometimes not, which for Hobbes is to say they will doubt God’s existence. Because this vacillation or doubt is inherent to the subject, reasoners like himself will judge that settling on one belief rather than another is epistemically unjustified. Hobbes’s agnosticism becomes apparent once (...)
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  • Hobbes and the Phantasm of Space.Edward Slowik - 2014 - Hobbes Studies 27 (1):61-79.
    This essay examines Hobbes’ philosophy of space, with emphasis placed on the variety of interpretations that his concept of imaginary space has elicited from commentators. The process by which the idea of space is acquired from experience, as well as the role of nominalism, will be offered as important factors in tracking down the elusive content of Hobbes’ conception of imaginary space.
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  • (1 other version)Thomas Hobbes y la geometría del estado: anotacines sobre el "estado de naturaleza" desde la historia de la ciencia.Sergio Hernán Orozco Echeverri - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 39:153-175.
    This article sheds light on Hobbes’s concept of the state of nature through a reading of his conception of knowledge, which makes it possible to relate him with the ‘New Science’ or the Scientific Revolution. In consequence, this article describes Hobbes with some problems and traditions of the Scientific Revolution through a fresh reading of his theory of knowledge, whence the concept of the state of nature is redefined in terms of integral cause; this makes it possible to argue the (...)
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  • La epistemología hobbesiana.Carolina Rodríguez Rodríguez - 2007 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 34:67-112.
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  • Hobbes and optics.Rodrigues Neto Guilherme - 2016 - Scientiae Studia 14 (2):435.
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  • O Conatus em Descartes, Hobbes e Espinosa.Luís César Oliva - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
    Conceito oriundo do debate a respeito do movimento, o conatus, entendido como inclinação ou esforço, será um dos temas centrais da física seiscentista. Este artigo pretende explicitar o contexto de elaboração do conceito de conatus no século XVII, ou pelo menos na obra de três de seus principais filósofos: Descartes, Hobbes e Espinosa. Em Descartes, o conceito de conatus ainda se separa do conceito de movimento propriamente dito. Tal separação desaparece em Hobbes, para quem o conatus será apresentado como um (...)
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  • La verdadera ciencia: método geométrico y filosofía en la Ética de Spinoza.Mario Andrés Narváez - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):55-72.
    In the present paper we propose to approach the Spinoza`s methodological project from a philosophical and historical perspective broad enough to adequately understand the reasons that led him to adopt geometric method to expose his philosophy. Even if the topic has been widely discussed by Spinoza´s commentators in the four centuries since the Ethics was published, we believe that the approaches are either inadequate or suffer from some fragmentation, in the sense that they address this or that aspect, but don`t (...)
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  • Matter and spirit: the battle of metaphysics in modern Western philosophy before Kant.James M. Lawler - 2006 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    Hobbes on morality and the modern science of motion -- Freedom as the realization of desire -- Leviathan : the making of a mortal God -- John Locke : underlaborer of the new sciences -- Locke on the freedom of the human spirit -- From Berkeley to Hume : the radicalization of empiricism -- Hume's science of the dynamics of the passions -- Adam Smith deciphers the invisible hand of the market -- Contradictions of economic life -- I think : (...)
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  • A causalidade em Hobbes: necessidade e inteligibilidade.Celi Hirata - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 23:33.
    O escopo do artigo é examinar a tese hobbesiana de que todo efeito possui uma causa necessária, indicando como o filósofo a demonstra de modos diferentes, mas complementares: em primeiro lugar, tanto por meio da identificação entre causa integral, causa suficiente e causa necessária, como pela redefinição dos conceitos de potência e ato; em segundo, através da subordinação do princípio de bivalência à determinação necessária dos eventos; e, por fim, pela defesa de que só por meio de uma causa necessária, (...)
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  • Thomas Hobbes on Civility, Magnanimity, and Scientific Discourse.Andrew J. Corsa - 2021 - Hobbes Studies 34 (2):201-226.
    Thomas Hobbes contends that a wise sovereign would censor books and limit verbal discourse for the majority of citizens. But this article contends that it is consistent with Hobbes’s philosophy to claim that a wise sovereign would allow a small number of citizens – those individuals who engage in scientific discourse and who are magnanimous and just – to disagree freely amongst themselves, engaging in discourse on controversial topics. This article reflects on Hobbes’s contention that these individuals can tolerate one (...)
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  • Philosophy of Language.Walter Ott - 2014 - In Daniel Kaufman (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Seventeenth Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 354-382.
    How language works — its functions, mechanisms, and limitations — matters to the early moderns as much as it does to contemporary philosophers. Many of the moderns make reflection on language central to their philosophical projects, both as a tool for explaining human cognition and as a weapon to be used against competing views. Even in philosophers for whom language is less central, we can find important connections between their views on language and their other philosophical commitments.
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  • Hobbes's Laws of Nature in Leviathan as a Synthetic Demonstration: Thought Experiments and Knowing the Causes.Marcus P. Adams - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    The status of the laws of nature in Hobbes’s Leviathan has been a continual point of disagreement among scholars. Many agree that since Hobbes claims that civil philosophy is a science, the answer lies in an understanding of the nature of Hobbesian science more generally. In this paper, I argue that Hobbes’s view of the construction of geometrical figures sheds light upon the status of the laws of nature. In short, I claim that the laws play the same role as (...)
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  • A razão e sua influência na construção política para Hobbes.Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias - 2014 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 7 (16).
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo definir o significado de razão para Hobbes, com a finalidade de entender quais as consequências que a definição deste termo ocasiona para a teoria política do autor. Compreender a noção de razão e sua influência para a política significa depreender a noção de natureza humana posta pelo autor e sua necessária ligação com a construção de sua teoria política.
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