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  1. Aristotle on Attention.Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (4):602-633.
    I argue that a study of the Nicomachean Ethics and of the Parva Naturalia shows that Aristotle had a notion of attention. This notion captures the common aspects of apparently different phenomena like perceiving something vividly, being distracted by a loud sound or by a musical piece, focusing on a geometrical problem. For Aristotle, these phenomena involve a specific selectivity that is the outcome of the competition between different cognitive stimuli. This selectivity is attention. I argue that Aristotle studied the (...)
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  • Common Sense and Metaperception: A Practical Model.Jérôme Dokic - 2014 - Res Philosophica 91 (2):241-259.
    Aristotle famously claimed that we perceive that we see or hear, and that this metaperception necessarily accompanies all conscious sensory experiences. In this essay I compare Aristotle’s account of metaperception with three main models of self-awareness to be found in the contemporary literature. The first model countenances introspection or inner sense as higher-order perception. The second model rejects introspection altogether, and maintains that judgments that we see or hear can be directly extracted from the first-order experience, using a procedure sometimes (...)
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  • Perception of Perception and the Common Sense - Aristotle De Anima 425b12-25 -. 전헌상 - 2015 - Sogang Journal of Philosophy 40 (null):9-32.
    이 글은 『영혼론』 3권 2장에서 제시되는 지각의 지각에 대한 아리스토텔레스의 논의를 다룬다. 이 내용은 아리스토텔레스의 의식 이론, 혹은 더 나아가 통각 이론을 재구성하는 데 가장 결정적인 텍스트로 간주되어 온 것이다. 이 글에서필자는 우선 아리스토텔레스의 논의의 구조를 분석한 다음, 지각의 지각이 어떤 능력에 의해 가능한가가 그의 관심사라는 전통적인 해석에 반대하는 캐스톤의 소위 '활동-해석'을 검토할 것이다. 그의 해석은 많은 후속 논의를 촉발한 흥미로운 제안을 담고 있기는 하지만, 궁극적으로는 텍스트의 기본 취지를 왜곡하고 있다는 것임이 드러날 것이다. 필자는 마지막 단락에서 지각의 지각을 공통감각의 작용으로 (...)
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  • Blind-Spots in Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Perceptual Mean.Roberto Grasso - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (3):257-284.
    This paper aims to identify several interpretive problems posed by the final part ofDAII.11 (423b27–424 a10), where Aristotle intertwines the thesis that a sense is like a ‘mean’ and an explanation for the existence of a ‘blind spot’ related to the sense of touch, adding the further contention that we are capable of discriminating because the mean ‘becomes the other opposite’ in relation to the perceptible property being perceived. To solve those problems, the paper explores a novel interpretation of Aristotle’s (...)
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  • Los libros I y III de «Meteorológicos». ¿Una anomalía para la teoría de la visión aristotélica?Desiderio Parrilla - 2022 - Anuario Filosófico 55 (2):233-263.
    La crítica contemporánea ha mostrado el contraste entre la teoría de la visión expuesta en los libros I y III de Meteorológicos y el resto de obras mayores del corpus aristotelicum. En este artículo presentamos una clasifi cación de las principales interpretaciones arrojadas sobre esta irregularidad. Finalmente, propondremos una exégesis de estos pasajes acorde con la teoría estándar establecida por Aristóteles en las obras psicológicas.
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  • La interpretación de Tomás de Aquino sobre la “visión escotópica” en Aristóteles.Desiderio Parrilla Martínez - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (1):119-138.
    Resumen: La “visión escotópica” desarrollada por Aristóteles en De Anima II 7 es la primera formulación sistemática de este fenómeno clave para las actuales neurociencias. En la teoría aristotélica surge una aparente contradicción entre el “compromiso ontológico” de la oscuridad como privación y el “realismo gnoseológico” que considera visible esa misma oscuridad. Tomás de Aquino en su Sententia libri De Anima propone una interpretación que establece la relación analógica entre luz y oscuridad a través del color. Esta estrategia permite disolver (...)
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