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A new history of educational philosophy

Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press (1993)

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  1. Philosophy of education.D. C. Phillips - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Wittgenstein and post‐analytic philosophy of education: Rorty or Lyotard?Michael Peters - 1997 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 29 (2):1–32.
    (1997). Wittgenstein and post‐analytic philosophy of education: Rorty or Lyotard? Educational Philosophy and Theory: Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 1-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-5812.1997.tb00018.x.
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  • Philosophy of Education in Today’s World and Tomorrow’s: A View from ‘Down Under’.John Clark - 2006 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 15 (1):21-30.
    In considering philosophy of education now and in the future, this paper explores the issue from an Australasian perspective. While philosophy of education in this part of the world has strong international links there is an absence of indigenous influences. A number of philosophical strands have developed including naturalism and postmodernism which have informed thinking about education policy and practice. The institutional side of philosophy of education has witnessed both the promotion of philosophers to professorial positions and the slow decline (...)
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  • Virtue, reason, and the false public voice: Catharine macaulay's philosophy of moral education.Connie Titone - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):91-108.
    Catharine Macaulay, an 18th century English historian, published her educational philosophy in Letters on Education with Observations on Religious and Metaphysical Subjects in 1790. The ultimate goal of her educational process, to ‘bring the human mind to such a height of perfection as shall induce the practice of the best morals’, is examined in this paper. Her ideas about the interactions among benevolence, sympathy, reason and the public voice with regard to the education of the moral, virtuous person are considered. (...)
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  • New and improved educationalising: faster, more powerful and longer lasting.Lynn Fendler - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (1):15-26.
    This paper is a historical and critical analysis of changes in features of educationalisation focusing on how educationalisation has been characterised over time by a peculiar interweaving of knowledge and social reform. The history of the American Social Science Association provides a backdrop; drawing on the theories of Deleuze, this paper highlights historical differences between previous and current educationalisation features in research and schooling. Building on the Deleuzian analysis, the paper then examines characteristics of Problem-based Learning, as an example of (...)
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  • John Dewey, Gothic and Modern.James S. Kaminsky - 2010 - British Journal of Educational Studies 58 (3):249-266.
    It is argued here that understanding John Dewey's thought as that of a prodigal liberal or a fellow traveller does not capture the complexity of his work. It is also important to recognise the portion of his work that is historie morale. In the very best sense it is epic, encapsulating the hopes and dreams of a history of the American people in the early 1900s. It is a work that simultaneously pursues modernity and the past — for the sake (...)
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  • Respectability and Relevance: Reflections on Richard Peters and analytic philosophy of education.Ivan Snook - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (2):191-201.
    I argue that, after Dewey, Peters was the first modern philosopher of education to write material (in English) that was both philosophically respectable and relevant to the day-to-day concerns of teachers. Since then, some philosophers of education have remained (more or less) relevant but not really respectable while others have ?taken off into the skies? learning acclaim from the philosophical community but ceasing to produce anything which would be of any relevance to teachers in their work. I suggest that Peters (...)
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  • Philosophy of Education as an Academic Discipline in Turkey: The Past and the Present. [REVIEW]Hasan Ünder - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):405-431.
    This article aims to present the past and present state and future possibilities of philosophy of education as an academic discipline in Turkey as related to teacher training programs and academic studies in higher education institutions. It takes philosophy of education as consisting of the approaches that have emerged in its history. It has come to Turkey as a part of the modernization of education. It seems that during the Republican era in Turkey before World War II, mainly due to (...)
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