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  1. Ethics, Markets, and MacIntyre.Russell Keat - 2008 - Analyse & Kritik 30 (1):243-257.
    MacIntyre’s theory of practices, institutions, and their respective kinds of goods, has revived and enriched the ethical critique of market economies, and his view of politics as centrally concerned with common goods and human flourishing presents a major challenge to neutralist liberal theorists’ attempts to exclude distinctively ethical considerations from political deliberation. However, the rejection of neutrality does not entail the rejection of liberalism tout court: questions of human flourishing may be accorded a legitimate role in political decisions-including those about (...)
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  • Work as a Realm of Social Freedom.Nicholas H. Smith - 2022 - In K. Breen and J.-P. Deranty (ed.), The Politics and Ethics of Contemporary Work. pp. 16-31.
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  • Everyday morality in families and a critique of social capital: an investigation into moral judgements, responsibilities, and sentiments in Kyrgyzstani households. [REVIEW]Balihar Sanghera, Mehrigiul Ablezova & Aisalkyn Botoeva - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (2):167-190.
    This article examines individuals’ lay understandings of moral responsibilities between adult kin members. Moral sentiments and practical judgments are important in shaping kinship responsibilities. The article discusses how judgments on requests of support can be reflexive and critical, taking into account many factors, including merit, social proximity, a history of personal encounters, overlapping commitments, and moral identity in the family. In so doing, we argue that moral responsibilities are contextual and relational. We also analyze how class, gender, and capabilities affect (...)
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  • MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics in Business: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Mario Fernando & Geoff Moore - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):185-202.
    This paper seeks to establish whether the categories of MacIntyrean virtue ethics as applied to business organizations are meaningful in a non-western business context. It does so by building on research reported in Moore : 363–387, 2012) in which the application of virtue ethics to business organizations was investigated empirically in the UK, based on a conceptual framework drawn from MacIntyre’s work. Comparing these results with an equivalent study in Sri Lanka, the paper finds that the categories are meaningful but (...)
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  • Political Philosophy and Public Service Broadcasting.Russell Keat - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (2).
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  • La participación del público en el coste de la oferta cultural: argumentos éticos para el debate.Rafael Cejudo Córdoba - 2017 - Arbor 193 (784):387.
    El artículo revisa los argumentos a favor y en contra de que el público financie directa y voluntariamente la actividad cultural. Se parte de que los mecanismos de financiación elegidos por las políticas culturales tienen una dimensión ética y no solo una finalidad instrumental. Utilizando el enfoque comparativo propuesto por A. Sen, se investiga si el micro-mecenazgo y otras formas de inversión por parte de los consumidores culturales constituyen formas de mecenazgo ciudadano valiosas desde un punto de vista ético. A (...)
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  • A Defense of Kidney Sales.Luke Bascome Semrau - unknown
    Drawing on empirical evidence in medicine, economics, law, and anthropology, I argue that a market is uniquely capable of meeting the demand for transplantable kidneys, and that it may be arranged so as to operate safely. The welfare gains, expected to accrue to both vendors and recipients, are sufficient to justify sales. Having spelled out the considerations recommending a kidney market, I address the most forceful objections facing the proposal. Despite its currency, the claim that incentives will crowd out altruistic (...)
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