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  1. New Materialism: Interviews and Cartographies.Rick Dolphijn & Iris van der Tuin - 2012 - Open Humanities Press.
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  • Phantasms of Fixity and a Gesture Toward Survival.Diane Davis - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (1):121-130.
    ABSTRACT This article addresses the ethico-political implications of “living together” as the performative articulations of a generative movement (a running morphogenesis) that rests on nothing and to which there is no outside. It argues that any social, political, or intellectual movement that does not avow this différantial movement that comprehends it—and so that does not contest phantasms of purity and presence enough to guard, in Édouard Glissant’s terms, the singularity of “the Diverse”—forecloses, in advance, any future to come and therefore (...)
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  • Presencing the Past: Materiality and the Experience of Time in Derrida and Bergson.Austin Lillywhite - 2022 - Derrida Today 15 (2):167-188.
    Deconstruction and duration are arguably the two most important theories of time to emerge from French philosophy in the twentieth century. Yet, despite the resurgence of interest in Bergson, scholars have ignored Derrida’s own discussions of Bergson, both positive and negative, throughout his career. This lack of attention obscures an important influence on Derrida’s early thought, and hampers our ability to understand the nature of Derrida’s relationship to fields such as new materialism, posthumanism, and affect studies, that frequently turn to (...)
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  • The Impossible Diagram of History.Andrew Dunstall - 2015 - Derrida Today 8 (2):193-214.
    This article presents Derrida as a philosopher of history by reinterpreting his De la Grammatologie. In particular, it provides a schematic reconstruction of Part II of that book from the perspective of the problem of history. My account extends work on historicity in Derrida by privileging the themes of ‘history’ and ‘diagram’ in the Rousseau part. I thereby establish a Derridean concept of history which aims at accounting for the continuities and discontinuities of the past. This is in contrast to (...)
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  • O conceito de escritura em Derrida e a gramatologia da sua época.Moysés Pinto Neto - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):308-329.
    O texto busca explorar a relação entre Da Gramatologia, de Jacques Derrida, e a ciência da sua época. Ele parte de três importantes obras lidas e citadas por Derrida como fontes da sua pesquisa em torno à escritura, Madeleine V-David, André Leroi-Gourhan e a compilação de um Colloque, para explicar o papel da escritura em si mesma no pensamento de Derrida enquanto um sinal do seu materialismo. Paratanto, em contraste com o uso ordinário do termo “escritura”, busca compreendê-la metonimicamente como (...)
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  • O cérebro imanente.Moysés Pinto Neto - 2022 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 67 (1):e40662.
    O artigo pretende apresentar a neurofilosofia de Catherine Malabou em alguns dos seus principais eixos. Para tanto, após dividir a obra da filósofa em quatro segmentos, dirige-se aos estudos sobre o cérebro que investigam as questões epistemológicas e políticas que as neurociências colocam para as humanidades. A investigação se dá em três momentos: a) Que fazer do nosso cérebro?, que propõe superar o dualismo como modelo da resistência às neurociências e incorporar a biologia no altermundismo; b) os textos que criticam (...)
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  • Unhoming Pigeons: The Postal Principle in Lynn Hershman Leeson and Hussein Chalayan.Lynn Turner - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (1):92-110.
    In this article I bring together Jacques Derrida and Luce Irigaray's engagements with Sigmund Freud's vexed attempt to step beyond the pleasure principle. Derrida's speculations on the name, the house and the practice of Freud find him inadvertently rewriting the conditions of the autobiographical as that which erases as much as inscribes, while Irigaray requires a sexually different modelling of what we call language if the experience of the girl is to be addressed. Yet Irigaray uncannily repeats the teleological gesture (...)
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