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  1. Particularised Attributes.Benjamin Schnieder - 2006 - In Markus Textor (ed.), The Austrian contribution to analytic philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--130.
    For philosophers interested in ontological issues, the writings of the important figures of Austrian philosophy in the nineteenth and early twentieth century contain many buried treasures to rediscover. Bernard Bolzano, Franz Brentano, Alexius Meinong, and Edmund Husserl, to name just four grand names of that period, were highly aware of the importance of a feasible ontology for many of the philosophical questions they addressed throughout their works.
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  • A Note on the Quantum Mechanical Measurement Process.Michael Drieschner - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):201-213.
    Traditionally one main emphasis of the quantum mechanical measurement theory is on the question how the pure state of the compound system 'measured system + measuring apparatus' is transformed into the 'mixture' of all possible results of that measurement, weighted with their probability: the so-called “disappearance of the interference terms”. It is argued in this note that in reality there is no such transformation, so that there is no need to account for such a transformation theoretically. _German_ Gewöhnlich liegt ein (...)
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  • EPR and the 'Passage' of Time.Friedel Weinert - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):173-199.
    The essay revisits the puzzle of the ‘passage’ of time in relation to EPR-type measurements and asks what philosophical consequences can be drawn from them. Some argue that the lack of invariance of temporal order in the measurement of a space-like related EPR pair, under relativistic motion, casts serious doubts on the ‘reality’ of the lapse of time. Others argue thatcertain features of quantum mechanics establisha tensed theory of time – understood here as Possibilism or the growing block universe. The (...)
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  • Bolzano sur la structure des propositions et le rôle sémantique des propriétés.Benjamin Schnieder - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (1):83-103.
    Bernard Bolzano développe une théorie exhaustive et très élaborée des propositions comme entités structurées et composées de concepts. L’une de ses thèses principales consiste à dire que toutes les propositions ont en commun la même structure : « A – a – b ». Cet article examine le rôle que jouent les propriétés eu égard à cette thèse. Lorsque les propriétés figurent dans les théories sémantiques standards, elles sont généralement conçues comme des entités partageables, en d’autres mots, comme des universaux. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Bolzanos zwei substanzbegriffe.Benjamin Schnieder - manuscript
    Im folgenden Diskussionsbeitrag werden zunächst starke Spannungen innerhalb von Bolzanos Ausführungen zum Substanzbegriff aufgezeigt. Sodann wird eine kürzlich vorgeschlagene Bolzano-Interpretation besprochen, die geeignet sein soll, besagte Spannungen auszuräumen. Doch der Vorschlag bleibt unbefriedigend; daher wird im Anschluss eine alternative Interpretation ausgeführt und verteidigt.
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  • A note on bearer-uniqueness and particularised qualities.Benjamin Schnieder - manuscript
    Many friends of the category of particularised qualities subscribe to the view that particularised qualities have a unique bearer in which they inhere; no such quality then can inhere in two different entities. But it seems that this idea is flawed, for there are apparent counterexamples. An apple’s redness is identical with the redness of its skin, though the apple is distinct from its skin. So it seems that a principle of beareruniqueness has to be modified, maybe by excluding certain (...)
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