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Vergangene Zukunft: zur Semantik geschichtl. Zeiten

Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (1965)

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  1. Encuentros con la alteridad e identidades múltiples.Josetxo Beriain - 2013 - Arbor 189 (761):a038.
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  • (1 other version)When `the Light of the Great Cultural Problems Moves on': On the Possibility of a Cultural Theory of Modernity.Friese Heidrun & Wagner Peter - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61 (1):25-40.
    Comparative analysis of civilizations has recently revived and has led into a debate about varieties of modernity. This connection between an empirically defined area of study, `civilizations', and a theme that is predominantly seen as conceptual, `modernity', is a peculiar one and raises crucial questions for any social theory. Can `modernity' be located spatio-temporally among the civilizations? Is it itself a civilization (or the successor to all civilizations), or does it not rather refer to a human condition? This article takes (...)
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  • Sztuka i mit a „tożsamość kryzysowa” w hermeneutyce Hansa-Georga Gadamera.Malina Barcikowska - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 75 (3):73.
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  • Objectivity and the First Law of History Writing.Arthur Alfaix Assis - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 13 (1):107-128.
    Cicero once stressed as the first law of history that “the historian must not dare to tell any falsehood.” This precept entails a minimal ethical requirement that remains unscathed by the whirlpools of epistemic relativism that have called many other aspects of professional historians’ practice into question in the last century or so. No commendable scholar seems willing to invalidate Cicero’s first law, and dependable scholarship—whether relying on objectivity-friendly or objectivity-hostile theoretical assumptions—follows shared standards of integrity and accuracy with which (...)
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  • (1 other version)When `the Light of the Great Cultural Problems Moves on': On the Possibility of a Cultural Theory of Modernity.Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61 (1):25-40.
    Comparative analysis of civilizations has recently revived and has led into a debate about varieties of modernity. This connection between an empirically defined area of study, `civilizations', and a theme that is predominantly seen as conceptual, `modernity', is a peculiar one and raises crucial questions for any social theory. Can `modernity' be located spatio-temporally among the civilizations? Is it itself a civilization (or the successor to all civilizations), or does it not rather refer to a human condition? This article takes (...)
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  • Vermächtnis und Geschichte: Überlegungen zu Figuren responsiver Geschichtlichkeit im Anschluss an Waldenfels.Thomas Schwarz Wentzer - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (1):121-138.
    This article applies Waldenfels’ responsive phenomenology to the field of history. It suggests interpreting historical experience along the lines of the logic of pathos and response. Using Husserl’s introductory chapter of The Crisis of the European Sciences and his autobiographical remarks as a case study, the article outlines a concept of diachronic responsiveness, which provides a phenomenological understanding of historical phenomena such as legacy, inheritance or witnessing. In particular, it analyses the temporal deferment lying at the heart of our notion (...)
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  • Para una nueva filosofía de la historia.Johannes Rohbeck - 2015 - Endoxa 35:159.
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  • Globalización e historia.Johannes Rohbeck - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):119-147.
    Resumen La historia ocupa un papel marginal en las teorías actuales de la globalización. Esto no deja de sorprender, pues “globalización” es, en esencia, un concepto que describe un proceso de la historia. Menos aún se habla de la filosofía de la historia, sobre todo porque ha caído en descrédito. Sin embargo, casi todas las argumentaciones emplean modelos de interpretación propios de la filosofía de la historia. Se conjetura qué tendencias generales le son inherentes a la globalización y si apuntan (...)
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  • Construction, reconstruction, deconstruction: The fall of the Soviet Union from the point of view of conceptual history.Kristian Petrov - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (3):179-205.
    The fall of the Soviet Union is analysed in conceptual terms, drawing on Reinhart Koselleck’s Begriffsgeschichte. The author seeks to interpret the instrumental role of the concepts perestrojka, glasnost´, reform, revolution, socialist pluralism, and acceleration in the Soviet collapse. The semantics and pragmatics are related to a wider intellectual and political context, and the conceptual perspective is used to help explain the progress of events. The author argues that the common notion of the reform policy concepts as clichés is not (...)
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  • Quentin Skinner's rhetoric of conceptual change.Kari Palonen - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (2):61-80.
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  • The Birth of an Action Repertoire: On the Origins of the Concept of Whistleblowing.Thomas Olesen - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):13-24.
    The standard account in whistleblowing research fixes the birth of the whistleblowing concept in the early 1970s. Surprisingly, there are no efforts to discuss why whistleblowing emerged as a distinct new action repertoire at this particular moment in time. Whistleblowing is a historical latecomer to an ethos of field transgression, which includes well-established forms of intervention such as watchdog journalism and political activism. Whistleblowing has strong affinities with these practices, but also holds its own unique place in ethics and democracy. (...)
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  • Philosophie und struktur.Ulrich Müller - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (2):261 - 277.
    Philosophy and Structure. On why it is necessary for hermeneutic philosophy to make use of structural theory. In this essay I give reasons for the thesis that hermeneutic philosophy has to adopt considerations on structural theory in order to avoid the paradox of historism. Concepts of structure like 'criticism', 'centralism', 'creativity' etc. possess both a metaphilosophical and an empirical status which enables us to compare and to combine differend and opposed philosophies by means of common structures. Such an hermeneutic reflection (...)
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  • The genealogy of dwarfs: reproduction and romantic mythology in Goethe’s New Melusine.Christine Lehleiter - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-28.
    Goethe’s studies of natural form have occupied generations of scholars and the discussion on the relationship between Goethe’s thought and evolutionary theory has never ceased since Haeckel’s claims in the late nineteenth century. In scholarship which has aimed to address the question of change in Goethe’s concept of nature, the focus has been primarily on his scientific writings. Aiming for a comprehensive understanding of Goethe’s thought on reproduction, this article sets out to contribute to the ongoing debate by focusing on (...)
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  • Koks yra Viduržemio jūros regiono agro-miestas? Apie antropologijos dichotomijų prasmę ir absurdiškumą.Christian Giordano - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:68-83.
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  • The enlightenment promise and its remains: Derrida and Benjamin on the classless society.Matthias Fritsch - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (3):289-296.
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  • The Hypertrophy of Simultaneity in Telematic Communication.Elena Esposito - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 51 (1):17-36.
    The paper deals with the changes in the sense of synchronicity and simultaneity connected with the transformations in the structure of society. It examines and criticizes the modern concept of absolute chronology, understood as an objective temporal reference common to all observers. This notion is compared with the relative and flexible (but neither objective nor generalizable) forms of synchronization of different societies. The paper discusses finally the hypothesis that contemporary society is realizing a more complex and recursive form of temporality, (...)
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  • Fear and deference in Holocaust education. The pitfalls of “engagement teaching” according to a report by the British Historical Association.Peter Carrier - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (1):43-55.
    This article questions the effectiveness of “engagement teaching” when dealing with controversial subjects by exploring the role of fear in contemporary education about the Holocaust in the United Kingdom. It begins by assessing a governmental report about education and a series of related press reports and chain emails, whose assumption that secondary school teachers are afraid of teaching controversial subjects (in particular the Holocaust) triggered an international scandal about Holocaust education in the UK in April 2007. The author argues that (...)
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  • A teoria da história como hermenêutica da historiografia: uma interpretação de 'Do Império à República', de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda.Arthur Alfaix Assis - 2010 - Revista Brasileira de História 30:91-120.
    O presente texto oferece uma interpretação de Do Império à República, o livro de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda que reconta a história política brasileira da segunda metade do século XIX. Baseando-se em conceitos desenvolvidos pelo teórico da história Jörn Rüsen, o artigo detém-se particularmente em três aspectos do referido livro: os artefatos teóricos que presidem a interpretação da crise da Monarquia brasileira, os padrões narrativos que dão suporte à constituição de sentido sobre essa experiência do passado, bem como o contexto (...)
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  • Plural Pasts: Historiography between Events and Structures.Arthur Alfaix Assis - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    What is history about? This Element shows that answers centred on the keyword 'past events' are incomplete, even if they are not simply wrong. Interweaving theoretical and historical perspectives, it provides an abstract overview of the thematic plurality that characterizes contemporary academic historiography. The reflection on different sorts of pasts that can be at focus in historical research and writing encompasses events as well as non-events, especially recursive social structures and cultural webs. Some consequences of such plurality for discussions concerning (...)
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  • Ökonomie und Zukunft.Ivo De Gennaro, Sergiusz Kazmierski & Ralf Lüfter (eds.) - 2015 - Bozen: bu,press.
    Was meint die moderne Wirtschaftswissenschaft, wenn sie von Zukunft redet und Künftiges vorhersagt? Wohin greift sie aus, wenn sie die Zukunft für den Menschen sichern oder offen halten will? Wie ist so etwas wie Zukunft in jener Epoche – dem Griechentum – erfahren und gedacht, in der zuerst die Möglichkeit einer Theoriebildung aufkam und also der Grund für ein Wissen von der Zukunft gelegt wurde? Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Beiträge zu zwei in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 an der (...)
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  • Abstracts.[author unknown] - 2014 - Russian Sociological Review 13 (1):178-180.
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  • (1 other version)A portrait of the political agent in Jean-Paul Sartre : views on playing, acting, temporality and subjectivity.Leena Subra - 1997 - Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research 1997.
    The study discusses the political in Jean-Paul Sartre's work, focusing principally on the conceptual constructions through which the agent acting in a political action situation can be interpreted from the texts. Sartre's conception of the political agent is discussed against the background of the operational concepts and the limit-situation as an ideal type action situation construed as conceptual devices in the work for showing both Sartre's fashion of using and of construing concepts. In addition certain metaphors such as theater, play (...)
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  • Insegnare concetti. Ricerca di didattica della filosofia.Alberto Gaiani - unknown
    In Italian schools Philosophy is taught as History of Philosophy in the last three years of some courses of secondary schools. The aim of my research is to show that teaching Philosophy through some basic words can be a good approach to teach this subject at school. The words that are interesting for this approach are those that we use on a daily basis and do not consider problematic. Philosophy gives useful contents and methods in order to call into question (...)
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  • Territoriality, State, and Nationality in the Making of Borders of Finland: The Evolving Concept of Border in the Peace Treaties between Russia and Sweden, 1323–1809.Ilkka Liikanen - 2014 - Russian Sociological Review 13 (4):105-115.
    This paper examines conceptual change in negotiating borders in the European North. By analyzing the definitions of the status given to Finland in peace treaties between Russia and Sweden, the paper strives to enlighten how through the centuries Russia was involved in negotiating key concepts of European political language, state, territoriality and nationality. With the theoretical discussions in conceptual history as starting point, the paper illustrates how a concept of state, separated from the person of the ruler, emerges in mediaeval (...)
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  • Ästhetische Grundbegriffe: Studien zu einem historischen Wörterbuch.Karlheinz Barck, Martin Fontius & Wolfgang Thierse (eds.) - 1990 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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