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  1. Materialistic Ontology: A Comparative Study of the philosophy of Charvaka and Epicures.Sajjad Dehghanzadeh & Fatemeh Ahmadian - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 13 (26):169-193.
    In the history of religious and philosophical thought of India, Charvaka philosophy is a unique school of thought that by having theoretical tenets of materialism, provides a purely materialistic interpretation of existence. This school, through the negation of realm beyond sensory perception, asserts to the pure originality of the material and supposes that the only the material reality has validity and the sole authentic perception is the sensory perception. Expressing of atomistic cosmology, apparently, Epicurean philosophy in Greece is the most (...)
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  • Buddhism and no-Self Theory: Examining the Relation between Human Actions and Moral Responsibility.Nishant Kumar & Satya Sundar Sethy - 2021 - Philosophia 10 (1).
    Buddhists endorse the concept of human actions and their consequences as they uphold the doctrine of karma. However, they deny the existence of a ‘permanent self’. Few questions arise in this regard. If a permanent self does not exist then who guides a person to decide the course of an action? How does a person choose to perform an action of the many alternatives in a situation? Who takes responsibility for the consequences of an action? This paper attempts to answer (...)
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