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  1. Sensory versus Core Affect.Murat Aydede - manuscript
    This is the text of an invited talk exploring the connections between two apparently distinct notions of affect, sensory versus core affect. It is basically a progress report. It is exploratory and tentative. It starts from a mild puzzle about the apparent mismatch between the notion of affect that affective neuroscientists generally deploy and the notion of affect that emotion psychologists deploy. The notion favored by psychologists is the notion of core affect. The phenomenon studied by affective neuroscientists is usually (...)
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  • Pain and Pleasure.Murat Aydede - 2024 - In Andrea Scarantino (ed.), : The Routledge Comprehensive Guide Volume II: Theories of Specific Emotions and Major Theoretical Challenges. Routledge.
    This is a piece written for interdisciplinary audiences and contains very little philosophy. It looks into whether, or in what sense, pains and pleasures are emotions.
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  • Introduction to Special Section on Health and Emotion.Christine R. Harris - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):3-5.
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  • Effect of Explicit Evaluation on Neural Connectivity Related to Listening to Unfamiliar Music.Chao Liu, Elvira Brattico, Basel Abu-Jamous, Carlos S. Pereira, Thomas Jacobsen & Asoke K. Nandi - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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  • Creativity: Avalanche in the Sand-pile.Avijit Lahiri - 2024 - Bengaluru, India: Self-published.
    [A revised and updated version of an earlier article 'Understanding Creativity: Affect Decision and Inference' (unpublished), posted at PhilArchive in 2021.] -/- This book looks at the creative process in the human mind. -/- Creativity involves a major restructuring of the conceptual space where a sustained inferential process eventually links remote conceptual domains, thereby opening up the possibility of a large number of new correlations between remote concepts by a cascading process. Since the process of inductive inference depends crucially on (...)
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  • The Self The Soul and The World: Affect Reason and Complexity.Avijit Lahiri - manuscript
    This book looks at the affective-cognitive roots of how the human mind inquires into the workings of nature and, more generally, how the mind confronts reality. Reality is an infinitely complex system, in virtue of which the mind can comprehend it only in bits and pieces, by making up interpretations of the myriads of signals received from the world by way of integrating those with information stored from the past. This constitutes a piecemeal interpretation by which we assemble our phenomenal (...)
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  • Understanding Creativity: Affect Decision and Inference.Avijit Lahiri - manuscript
    In this essay we collect and put together a number of ideas relevant to the under- standing of the phenomenon of creativity, confining our considerations mostly to the domain of cognitive psychology while we will, on a few occasions, hint at neuropsy- chological underpinnings as well. In this, we will mostly focus on creativity in science, since creativity in other domains of human endeavor have common links with scientific creativity while differing in numerous other specific respects. We begin by briefly (...)
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  • The Problem of Induction and the Problem of Free Will.Avijit Lahiri - manuscript
    This essay presents a point of view for looking at `free will', with the purpose of interpreting where exactly the freedom lies. For, freedom is what we mean by it. It compares the exercise of free will with the making of inferences, which usually is predominantly inductive in nature. The making of inference and the exercise of free will, both draw upon psychological resources that define our ‘selves’. I examine the constitution of the self of an individual, especially the involvement (...)
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  • Understudied Negative Emotions: What They Can Tell Us About the Nature of Emotions.Christine R. Harris - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (4):269-271.
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  • The Future of Technology in Positive Psychology: Methodological Advances in the Science of Well-Being.David B. Yaden, Johannes C. Eichstaedt & John D. Medaglia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Self-Transcendent Emotions and Their Social Functions: Compassion, Gratitude, and Awe Bind Us to Others Through Prosociality.Jennifer E. Stellar, Amie M. Gordon, Paul K. Piff, Daniel Cordaro, Craig L. Anderson, Yang Bai, Laura A. Maruskin & Dacher Keltner - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):200-207.
    In this article we review the emerging literature on the self-transcendent emotions. We discuss how the self-transcendent emotions differ from other positive emotions and outline the defining features of this category. We then provide an analysis of three specific self-transcendent emotions—compassion, gratitude, and awe—detailing what has been learned about their expressive behavior, physiology, and likely evolutionary origins. We propose that these emotions emerged to help humans solve unique problems related to caretaking, cooperation, and group coordination in social interactions. In our (...)
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  • The Positive Brain – Resting State Functional Connectivity in Highly Vital and Flourishing Individuals.Florens Goldbeck, Alina Haipt, David Rosenbaum, Tim Rohe, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Martin Hautzinger & Ann-Christine Ehlis - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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  • (1 other version)The Predictive Dynamics of Happiness and Well-Being.Mark Miller, Julian Kiverstein & Erik Rietveld - 2021 - Emotion Review 14 (1):15-30.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 15-30, January 2022. We offer an account of mental health and well-being using the predictive processing framework. According to this framework, the difference between mental health and psychopathology can be located in the goodness of the predictive model as a regulator of action. What is crucial for avoiding the rigid patterns of thinking, feeling and acting associated with psychopathology is the regulation of action based on the valence of affective states. In PPF, valence (...)
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  • Concluding Commentary: Schadenfreude, Gluckschmerz, Jealousy, and Hate—What (and When, and Why) Are the Emotions?Ira J. Roseman & Amanda K. Steele - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (4):327-340.
    Schadenfreude, gluckschmerz, jealousy, and hate are distinctive emotional phenomena, understudied and deserving of increased attention. The authors of this special section have admirably synthesized large literatures, describing major characteristics, eliciting conditions, and functions. We discuss the contributions of each article as well as the issues they raise for theories of emotions and some remaining questions, and suggest ways in which these might be profitably addressed.
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  • Comment: The Science of Positive Emotion: You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby/There’s Still a Long Way to Go.Michelle N. Shiota - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):235-237.
    After decades of neglect, positive emotion is now the focus of a rich, diverse, and rapidly growing field. Basic research has advanced understanding of positive emotions’ neural mechanisms, nonverbal expression, and implications for cognition and motivation, with increasing appreciation of positive emotion differentiation, as well as cultural and contextual moderators of positive emotions’ effects. Much research has also addressed ways positive emotions can be leveraged to improve the human condition, and the mechanisms by which interventions have beneficial effects. As always, (...)
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  • Comment: Frameworks for Theory and Research on Positive Emotions.Ira J. Roseman - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):238-244.
    Contributions to this special section on positive emotions are summarized and integrated within a framework for organizing theory and research on particular emotions. Emotions are conceptualized as evolved strategies for coping with crises and opportunities, elicited by situational and appraisal antecedents–with phenomenological, physiological, expressive, behavioral, and emotivational goal components. Within this framework, theories are compared, inconsistencies and gaps in knowledge are identified, and issues in emotion theory are discussed.
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