- Attainable and Relevant Moral Exemplars Are More Effective than Extraordinary Exemplars in Promoting Voluntary Service Engagement.Hyemin Han, Jeongmin Kim, Changwoo Jeong & Geoffrey L. Cohen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:283.details
Exploring the relationship between purpose and moral psychological indicators.Hyemin Han - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (1):28-39.details
Meta-learning Contributes to Cultivation of Wisdom in Moral Domains: Implications of Recent Artificial Intelligence Research and Educational Considerations.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - International Journal of Ethics Education:1-23.details
Democratising Measurement: or Why Thick Concepts Call for Coproduction.Anna Alexandrova & Mark Fabian - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-23.details
Virtue Ethics, Positive Psychology, and a New Model of Science and Engineering Ethics Education.Hyemin Han - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):441-460.details
Exploring the association between character strengths and moral functioning.Hyemin Han, Kelsie J. Dawson, David I. Walker, Nghi Nguyen & Youn-Jeng Choi - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (4):286-303.details
Phronesis as an ideal in professional medical ethics: some preliminary positionings and problematics.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (5):299-320.details
Why do we need to employ Bayesian statistics and how can we employ it in studies of moral education?: With practical guidelines to use JASP for educators and researchers.Hyemin Han - 2018 - Journal of Moral Education 47 (4):519-537.details
How can neuroscience contribute to moral philosophy, psychology and education based on Aristotelian virtue ethics?Hyemin Han - 2016 - International Journal of Ethics Education 1 (2):201-217.details
Moral Identity Predicts the Development of Presence of Meaning during Emerging Adulthood.Hyemin Han, Indrawati Liauw & Ashley Floyd Kuntz - forthcoming - Emerging Adulthood.details
The VIA Inventory of Strengths, Positive Youth Development, and Moral Education.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - Journal of Positive Psychology.details
Using Exemplars for Holistic Character Education: With Evidence about Embodiment and Learning from Neuroscience and Computer Science.Hyemin Han - manuscriptdetails
An Aristotelian Virtue of Gratitude.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):499-511.details
Is Shame an Ugly Emotion? Four Discourses—Two Contrasting Interpretations for Moral Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (5):495-511.details
(1 other version)New Issues for New Methods: Ethical and Editorial Challenges for an Experimental Philosophy.Andrea Polonioli - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1009-1034.details
Embodied Situationism.Somogy Varga - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):271-286.details
Formal criteria for the concept of human flourishing: the first step in defending flourishing as an ideal aim of education.Lynne S. Wolbert, Doret J. de Ruyter & Anders Schinkel - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):118-129.details
Virtues, ecological momentary assessment/intervention and smartphone technology.Jason D. Runyan & Ellen G. Steinke - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology:1-24.details
On the Platonic pedagogical methodology: an alternative to the Aristotelian theory of education.Alkis Kotsonis - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (4):464-477.details
The Unity of the Virtues Reconsidered. Competing Accounts in Philosophy and Positive Psychology.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3):637-651.details
Pity: a mitigated defence.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (3-4):343-364.details
Positive Psychology and Virtue: Values in Action.Matt Stichter & Leland Saunders - 2019 - Journal of Positive Psychology 14 (1):1-5.details
Jüngste Arbeiten zum Begriff der Dankbarkeit in Philosophie und Psychologie.Kristján Kristjánsson, Blaire Morgan & Liz Gulliford - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 4 (1):169-199.details
A philosophical critique of psychological studies of emotion: the example of jealousy.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (3):238-251.details
Searching for character and the role of schools.Joan F. Goodman - 2018 - Ethics and Education 14 (1):15-35.details
Psychological Examination of Political Philosophies: Interrelationship Among Citizenship, Justice, and Well-Being in Japan.Masaya Kobayashi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.details
Character Strengths as “Values in Action”: Linking Character Strengths With Values Theory – An Exploratory Study of the Case of Gratitude and Self-Transcendence.Shiri Lavy & Maya Benish-Weisman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.details