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  1. Computably enumerable sets below random sets.André Nies - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1596-1610.
    We use Demuth randomness to study strong lowness properties of computably enumerable sets, and sometimes of Δ20 sets. A set A⊆N is called a base for Demuth randomness if some set Y Turing above A is Demuth random relative to A. We show that there is an incomputable, computably enumerable base for Demuth randomness, and that each base for Demuth randomness is strongly jump-traceable. We obtain new proofs that each computably enumerable set below all superlow Martin-Löf random sets is strongly (...)
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  • Reductions between types of numberings.Ian Herbert, Sanjay Jain, Steffen Lempp, Manat Mustafa & Frank Stephan - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (12):102716.
    This paper considers reductions between types of numberings; these reductions preserve the Rogers Semilattice of the numberings reduced and also preserve the number of minimal and positive degrees in their semilattice. It is shown how to use these reductions to simplify some constructions of specific semilattices. Furthermore, it is shown that for the basic types of numberings, one can reduce the left-r.e. numberings to the r.e. numberings and the k-r.e. numberings to the k+1-r.e. numberings; all further reductions are obtained by (...)
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  • Denjoy, Demuth and density.Laurent Bienvenu, Rupert Hölzl, Joseph S. Miller & André Nies - 2014 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 14 (1):1450004.
    We consider effective versions of two classical theorems, the Lebesgue density theorem and the Denjoy–Young–Saks theorem. For the first, we show that a Martin-Löf random real z ∈ [0, 1] is Turing incomplete if and only if every effectively closed class.
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  • On the interplay between effective notions of randomness and genericity.Laurent Bienvenu & Christopher P. Porter - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):393-407.
    In this paper, we study the power and limitations of computing effectively generic sequences using effectively random oracles. Previously, it was known that every 2-random sequence computes a 1-generic sequence and every 2-random sequence forms a minimal pair in the Turing degrees with every 2-generic sequence. We strengthen these results by showing that every Demuth random sequence computes a 1-generic sequence and that every Demuth random sequence forms a minimal pair with every pb-generic sequence. Moreover, we prove that for every (...)
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  • Characterizing Lowness for Demuth Randomness.Laurent Bienvenu, Rod Downey, Noam Greenberg, André Nies & Dan Turetsky - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (2):526-560.
    We show the existence of noncomputable oracles which are low for Demuth randomness, answering a question in [15] (also Problem 5.5.19 in [34]). We fully characterize lowness for Demuth randomness using an appropriate notion of traceability. Central to this characterization is a partial relativization of Demuth randomness, which may be more natural than the fully relativized version. We also show that an oracle is low for weak Demuth randomness if and only if it is computable.
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  • Strong Jump-Traceability.Noam Greenberg & Dan Turetsky - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):147-164.
    We review the current knowledge concerning strong jump-traceability. We cover the known results relating strong jump-traceability to randomness, and those relating it to degree theory. We also discuss the techniques used in working with strongly jump-traceable sets. We end with a section of open questions.
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  • Randomness notions and reverse mathematics.André Nies & Paul Shafer - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):271-299.
    We investigate the strength of a randomness notion ${\cal R}$ as a set-existence principle in second-order arithmetic: for each Z there is an X that is ${\cal R}$-random relative to Z. We show that the equivalence between 2-randomness and being infinitely often C-incompressible is provable in $RC{A_0}$. We verify that $RC{A_0}$ proves the basic implications among randomness notions: 2-random $\Rightarrow$ weakly 2-random $\Rightarrow$ Martin-Löf random $\Rightarrow$ computably random $\Rightarrow$ Schnorr random. Also, over $RC{A_0}$ the existence of computable randoms is equivalent (...)
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  • Ω-change randomness and weak Demuth randomness.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Keng Meng Ng - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (3):776-791.
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  • Demuth’s path to randomness.Antonín Kučera, André Nies & Christopher P. Porter - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):270-305.
    Osvald Demuth studied constructive analysis from the viewpoint of the Russian school of constructive mathematics. In the course of his work he introduced various notions of effective null set which, when phrased in classical language, yield a number of major algorithmic randomness notions. In addition, he proved several results connecting constructive analysis and randomness that were rediscovered only much later.In this paper, we trace the path that took Demuth from his constructivist roots to his deep and innovative work on the (...)
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