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  1. Professional Paternalism.John Kultgen - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):399-412.
    This article points out how far-reaching the changes in our public life would actually have to be if we wanted to avoid paternalism altogether. For example, the widespread view that only a physician with training at a recognized institution should be allowed to perform surgery or that only an educated lawyer may provide legal council is clearly paternalistic. In fact, many professional regulations, not just in medicine and law, but also in engineering and many other areas of expertise, have a (...)
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  • Foundations for Value Education in Engineering: The Indian Experience.Amitabha Gupta - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):479-504.
    The objective of this paper is to discuss some of the foundational issues centering around the question of integrating education in human values with professional engineering education: its necessity and justification. The paper looks at the efforts in ‘tuning’ the technical education system in India to the national goals in the various phases of curriculum development. The contribution of the engineering profession in national development and India’s self-sufficiency is crucially linked with the institutionalization of expertise and the role of morality (...)
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  • An Exploratory Study of Ethics Codes of Professional Public Relations Associations: Proposing Modified Universal Codes of Ethics in Public Relations.Soo-Yeon Kim & Eyun-Jung Ki - 2014 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 29 (4):238-257.
    Public relations scholars have demonstrated contradictory views regarding the application of universal versus culture-specific approaches for understanding global public relations ethics. However, few comparative studies have empirically explored public relations ethics on a global scale. To that end, this study represents an exploratory attempt to provide a descriptive picture of public relations professional associations and their codes of ethics across 107 countries. In conclusion, we argue that honesty, safeguarding of confidences of clients, and prohibition of conflicts of interest of competing (...)
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  • Applied Ethics in Mental Health in Cuba: Part II-Power Differentials, Dilemmas, Resources, and Limitations.Richard Walsh-Bowers, Amy Rossiter, Laura Sánchez Valdés & Isaac Prilleltensky - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (3):243-260.
    This article is the second one in a series dealing with mental health ethics in Cuba. It reports on ethical dilemmas, resources and limitations to their resolution, and recommendations for action. The data, obtained through individual interviews and focus groups with 28 professionals, indicate that Cubans experience dilemmas related to the interests of clients, their personal interests, and the interest of the state. These conflicts are related to power differentials among clients and professionals, professionals from various disciplines, and professionals and (...)
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